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prison havoc is now online we are aiming to reach 100 payers our top 3 goals are:

1.reach 200 players

2.make enougth money to upgrade

3.not get any bans

we will be hosting new challenges from now on for example

: get 5 referals to gain a custom DP ect....

thanks and hope you join

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Signed up -> new event (You gained a level) Start with 90% energy, 80% nerve and no xp. Weird? Register page is just GRPG, In game layout is pretty grey. Overall pretty meh game, won't ever be playing again.

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I'm never keen on any application that sends your username and password in plain text as a confirmation after registering; here far more so. The game, whether it be the original code or the OP's alterations I cannot tell, has sent me my password hashed with md5 and no salt. Does this mean the passwords are actually stored like this in the database? I'd certainly assume so. Given I was able to find multiple online services that were able to resolve my original password (which I admit was not strong, but still, contained mixed case and numerics) I'm afraid I won't give my interest, time or indeed money to this project.

Outside of this woeful lack of thinking, the game itself is simply not pleasant to look at, there is no touch of class or elegance that draws my attention, the color scheme is very garish with primaries along with pure black & whites used with nothing to soften the blow and seems to be lacking almost totally in any form of graphic. Storyline looks to be non-existent, though that appears to be the norm these days; however it will no doubt suit a few who discover the obvious "holes" in the system and drag everybody down to their level. Is it me or is a daily task of getting a massage in a Brothel, just not suitable material for a game?

While I can't see me playing for longer than it took to write this missive, I've no doubt some will enjoy. Best of luck to the OP.

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who the **** are you to tell someone to GO AWAY?

Wow their cowboy no need to get rowdy on miss angel, I don't think she met any harm all she stated was "Advertise the game when it's fully done" but I could be wrong. Darn it this would be a good time to wear my glasses.

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Maybe the harsh treatment is from the ravan script... lol... People will not help with the ravan script it's useless to ask on this forum.

If you do a advance forum search you will see the harshness about that script.

I would suggest though to take up some php tuts online, and learn a little instead of asking for help, because once you learn what you need to, than you won't need anyone to help you. There are tons of websites that has tut after tut on PHP and mysql.

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