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Car Racing Mod Needed [Paying]

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I'd also make it so they'd have to buy it, but the client gets what the client wants ;)

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Magictallguy again"

I like seeing posts like this. Not sure what else to say so... thanks for helping out a member. :)

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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Magictallguy again"

I like seeing posts like this. Not sure what else to say so... thanks for helping out a member. :)

I second this ( also must spread rep around ).

It's good to see this kind of thing again, it's been a while.

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include(__DIR__ . '/globals.php');
echo "<!-- Created by Magictallguy -->";
$_GET['action'] = isset($_GET['action']) && ctype_alpha($_GET['action']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['action'])) : null;
$_GET['ID'] = isset($_GET['ID']) && ctype_digit($_GET['ID']) ? abs(@intval($_GET['ID'])) : null;
switch($_GET['action']) {
case 'buy': buyCar(); break;

default: carIndex(); break;

function error($msg) {
global $h;
echo "<div style='color: #D8000C;background-color: #FFBABA;border: 1px solid;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 10px center;width: 40%;border-radius: 15px;margin: 10px 0;padding: 15px 10px 15px 50px;'><strong>ERROR!</strong><br />",$msg,"<br /><a onclick='window.history.go(-1);' style='cursor:pointer;'>Back</a> · <a href='index' style='color:black;'>Home</a></div>";

function success($msg) {
echo "<div style='color: #4F8A10;background-color: #DFF2BF;border: 1px solid;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 10px center;width: 40%;border-radius: 15px;margin: 10px 0;padding: 15px 10px 15px 50px;'><strong>Success!</strong><br />",$msg,"<br /><a onclick='window.history.go(-1);' style='cursor:pointer;'>Back</a> · <a href='index' style='color:black;'>Home</a></div>";

function format($str, $dec = 0) {
return ctype_digit($str) ? number_format($str, $dec) : stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($str));

function carIndex() {
global $db, $ir;
echo "<h3>Cars: Car Dealership</h3>";
$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pgID` FROM `playerGarages` WHERE (`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	echo "<a href='garage.php'>Buy your own driveway</a>";
?><table class='table' width='100%' cellspacing='1'>
		<th width='25%'>Car/Description</th>
		<th width='20%'>Cost</th>
		<th width='50%'>Stats</th>
		<th width='5%'>Links</th>
$select = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `cars` ORDER BY `cCost` ASC, `cName` ASC");
if(!$db->num_rows($select)) {
	echo "<tr><td colspan='3' class='center'>There are no available cars</td></tr>";
} else {
	while($row = $db->fetch_row($select)) {
			<td><strong><? echo format($row['cName']); ?></strong><? echo nl2br(format($row['cDesc'])); ?></td>
			<td>$<? echo format($row['cCost']); ?></td>
			<td><table class='table' width='100%' cellspacing='1'>
					<th width='10%'>Speed</th>
					<td width='40%'><? echo format($row['cSpeed']); ?></td>
					<th width='10%'>Handling</th>
					<td width='40%'><? echo format($row['cHandling']); ?></td>
					<th width='10%'>Acceleration</th>
					<td width='40%'><? echo format($row['cAccel']); ?></td>
					<th width='10%'>Braking</th>
					<td width='40%'><? echo format($row['cBrake']); ?></td>
			<td><? echo ($ir['money'] >= $row['cCost']) ? "<a href='cardealer.php?action=buy&ID=".$row['cID']."'>Buy</a>" : "<span style='color:#444;'><em>Buy</em></span>"; ?></td>
echo "</table>";

function buyCar() {
global $db, $ir;
echo "<h3>Cars: Car Dealership: Buying a car</h3>";
if(empty($_GET['ID'])) {
	error("You didn't select a valid car");
$selectCar = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE (`cID` = %u)", $_GET['ID']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectCar)) {
	error("That car doesn't exist");
$row = $db->fetch_row($selectCar);

$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pgCapacity`, `pgType` FROM `playerGarages` WHERE (`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	error("You don't have anywhere to park your car. You must buy a driveway before you can buy a car");
$garage = $db->fetch_row($selectGarage);
$selectPlayerCars = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(`pcID`) FROM `playerCars` WHERE (`pcUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
$getGarageName = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `gTypeName` FROM `garageTypes` WHERE (`gTypeID` = %u)", $garage['pgType']));
$garageName = $db->fetch_single($getGarageName);
if($db->fetch_single($selectPlayerCars) >= $garage['pgCapacity']) {
	error("Your ".format($garageName)." is full. You must upgrade it before you can fit any more cars");

if($ir['money'] < $row['cCost']) {
	error("You don't have enough money to buy the ".format($row['cName']));
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO `playerCars` VALUES ('', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)", $ir['userid'], $_GET['ID'], $row['cSpeed'], $row['cHandling'], $row['cAccel'], $row['cBrake']));
success("You've bought the ".format($row['cName']));



Bloody hell your quick - I've always said it but this is ridiculous! xD

I'm slowing down due to family getting in the way lol

Edited by Magictallguy
Added quote, bug fixes
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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Magictallguy again"

I like seeing posts like this. Not sure what else to say so... thanks for helping out a member. :)


I second this ( also must spread rep around ).

It's good to see this kind of thing again, it's been a while.

Rep given with comment On Behalf of DJK and Dom

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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Magictallguy again"

I like seeing posts like this. Not sure what else to say so... thanks for helping out a member. :)


I second this ( also must spread rep around ).

It's good to see this kind of thing again, it's been a while.

Anybody know the way that works? How many before you can hit someone else with one again?


Bollocks. -2short-
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include(__DIR__ . '/globals.php');
echo "<!-- Created by Magictallguy -->";
$_GET['action'] = isset($_GET['action']) && ctype_alpha($_GET['action']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['action'])) : null;
switch($_GET['action']) {
case 'buy': buyGarage(); break;
case 'upgradegarage': upgradeGarage(); break;
case 'upgrade': upgradeCar(); break;
case 'sell': sellCar(); break;

default: carIndex(); break;

function error($msg) {
global $h;
echo "<div style='color: #D8000C;background-color: #FFBABA;border: 1px solid;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 10px center;width: 40%;border-radius: 15px;margin: 10px 0;padding: 15px 10px 15px 50px;'><strong>ERROR!</strong><br />",$msg,"<br /><a onclick='window.history.go(-1);' style='cursor:pointer;'>Back</a> · <a href='index' style='color:black;'>Home</a></div>";

function success($msg) {
   echo "<div style='color: #4F8A10;background-color: #DFF2BF;border: 1px solid;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 10px center;width: 40%;border-radius: 15px;margin: 10px 0;padding: 15px 10px 15px 50px;'><strong>Success!</strong><br />",$msg,"<br /><a onclick='window.history.go(-1);' style='cursor:pointer;'>Back</a> · <a href='index' style='color:black;'>Home</a></div>";

function format($str, $dec = 0) {
   return ctype_digit($str) ? number_format($str, $dec) : stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($str));

function carIndex() {
global $db, $ir;
$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pg`.`pgCapacity`, `g`.* " .
									"FROM `playerGarages` AS `pg` " .
									"LEFT JOIN `garages` AS `g` ON (`pg`.`pgType` = `g`.`gTypeID`) " .
									"WHERE (`pg`.`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	header("Location: garage.php?action=buy");
$garage = $db->fetch_row($selectGarage);
$selectCars = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pc`.*, `c`.`cName`, `c`.`cDesc` " .
									"FROM `playerCars` AS `pc` " .
									"LEFT JOIN `cars` AS `c` ON (`c`.`cID` = `pc`.`pcCarID`) " .
									"WHERE (`pc`.`pcUser` = %u) " .
									"ORDER BY `c`.`cName` ASC", $ir['userid']));
?><h3>Cars: Your <? echo format($garage['gTypeName']); ?></h3>
<a href='garage.php?action=upgradegarage'>Upgrade your <? echo format($garage['gTypeName']); ?></a><br />
You have <? echo format($db->num_rows($selectCars)),'/',format($garage['pgCapacity']); ?> cars<br />
<table class='table' width='100%' cellspacing='1'>
		<th width='45%'>Car/Description</th>
		<th width='45%'>Stats</th>
		<th width='10%'>Links</th>
if(!$db->num_rows($selectCars)) {
	echo "<tr><td colspan='3' class='center'>You don't have any cars<br /><a href='cardealer.php'>Go buy one</a></td></tr>";
} else {
	while($car = $db->fetch_row($selectCars)) {
			<td><? echo format($car['cName']); ?><br /><br /><? echo nl2br(format($car['cDesc'])); ?></td>
			<td><table class='table' width='100%' cellspacing='1'>
					<th width='20%'>Speed</th>
					<td width='30%'><? echo format($car['pcSpeed']); ?></td>
					<th width='20%'>Handling</th>
					<td width='30%'><? echo format($car['pcHandling']); ?></td>
					<th width='20%'>Acceleration</th>
					<td width='30%'><? echo format($car['pcAccel']); ?></td>
					<th width='20%'>Braking</th>
					<td width='30%'><? echo format($car['pcBrake']); ?></td>
			<td><a href='garage.php?action=upgrade&ID=<? echo $car['pcID']; ?>'>Upgrade</a> · <a href='garage.php?action=sell&ID=<? echo $car['pcID']; ?>'>Sell</a><br /><a href='carrace.php?ID=<? echo $car['pcID']; ?>'>Race</a></td>
echo "</table>";

function upgradeCar() {
global $db, $ir;
$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pg`.`pgCapacity`, `g`.* " .
									"FROM `playerGarages` AS `pg` " .
									"LEFT JOIN `garages` AS `g` ON (`pg`.`pgType` = `g`.`gTypeID`) " .
									"WHERE (`pg`.`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	header("Location: garage.php?action=buy");
$garage = $db->fetch_row($selectGarage);
if(empty($_GET['ID'])) {
	error("You didn't select a valid car");
$selectMyCar = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `playerCars` WHERE ((`pcID` = %u) AND (`pcUser` = %u))", $_GET['ID'], $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectMyCar)) {
	error("You don't own that car");
$myCar = $db->fetch_row($selectMyCar);

$selectStandardCar = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE (`cID` = %u)", $myCar['pcCarID']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectStandardCar)) {
	error("That car doesn't exist - message a staff member to inform them about this");
$car = $db->fetch_row($selectStandardCar);
?><h3>Cars: Upgrading your <? echo format($car['cName']); ?></h3><?
$tuneArray = array('speed', 'handling', 'accel', 'brake');
$_GET['tune'] = isset($_GET['tune']) && ctype_alpha($_GET['tune']) && in_array($_GET['tune'], $tuneArray) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['tune'])) : null;
if(empty($_GET['tune'])) {
	?><table class='table' width='75%' cellspacing='1'>
			<th width='20%'>Stat</th>
			<th width='60%'>Amount</th>
			<th width='20%'>Tune</th>
			<td><? echo format($myCar['pcSpeed']); ?></td>
			<td>Cost: <? echo format($myCar['pcSpeed'] * 2); ?><br /><a href='garage.php?action=upgrade&ID=<? echo $_GET['ID']; ?>&tune=speed'>Tune</a></td>
			<td><? echo format($myCar['pcHandling']); ?></td>
			<td>Cost: <? echo format($myCar['pcHandling'] * 2); ?><br /><a href='garage.php?action=upgrade&ID=<? echo $_GET['ID']; ?>&tune=handling'>Tune</a></td>
			<td><? echo format($myCar['pcAccel']); ?></td>
			<td>Cost: <? echo format($myCar['pcAccel'] * 2); ?><br /><a href='garage.php?action=upgrade&ID=<? echo $_GET['ID']; ?>&tune=accel'>Tune</a></td>
			<td><? echo format($myCar['pcBrake']); ?></td>
			<td>Cost: <? echo format($myCar['pcBrake'] * 2); ?><br /><a href='garage.php?action=upgrade&ID=<? echo $_GET['ID']; ?>&tune=brake'>Tune</a></td>
} else {
	$rand = mt_rand(1, 5);
	$uhOh = '';
	switch($_GET['tune']) {
		case 'speed':
			if(($myCar['pcSpeed'] * 2) > $ir['money']) {
				error("You don't have enough to pay for that upgrade");
			if($rand >= 3) {
				$tuneThis = array('handling', 'accel', 'brake');
				$randReturn = $tuneThis[0];
				$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pc%s` = GREATEST(`pc%s` - %u, 0) WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", ucfirst($randReturn), ucfirst($randReturn), mt_rand(10, 50), $_GET['ID']));
				if($randReturn == 'accel') {
					$randString = 'acceleration';
				} else if($randReturn == 'brake') {
					$randString = 'braking';
				} else {
					$randString = $randReturn;
				$uhOh .= ' at the cost of your '.$randString;
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pcSpeed` = `pcSpeed` + %u WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", (mt_rand(25, 100) * $ir['level']), $_GET['ID']));
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - %u WHERE (`userid` = %u)", ($myCar['pcSpeed'] * 2), $ir['userid']));
			success("You've upgraded your speed".$uhOh);
		case 'handling':
			if(($myCar['pcHandling'] * 2) > $ir['money']) {
				error("You don't have enough to pay for that upgrade");
			if($rand >= 3) {
				$tuneThis = array('speed', 'accel', 'brake');
				$randReturn = $tuneThis[0];
				$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pc%s` = GREATEST(`pc%s` - %u, 0) WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", ucfirst($randReturn), ucfirst($randReturn), mt_rand(10, 50), $_GET['ID']));
				if($randReturn == 'accel') {
					$randString = 'acceleration';
				} else if($randReturn == 'brake') {
					$randString = 'braking';
				} else {
					$randString = $randReturn;
				$uhOh .= ' at the cost of your '.$randString;
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pcHandling` = `pcHandling` + %u WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", (mt_rand(25, 100) * $ir['level']), $_GET['ID']));
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - %u WHERE (`userid` = %u)", ($myCar['pcHandling'] * 2), $ir['userid']));
			success("You've upgraded your handling".$uhOh);
		case 'accel':
			if(($myCar['pcAccel'] * 2) > $ir['money']) {
				error("You don't have enough to pay for that upgrade");
			if($rand >= 3) {
				$tuneThis = array('speed', 'handling', 'brake');
				$randReturn = $tuneThis[0];
				$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pc%s` = GREATEST(`pc%s` - %u, 0) WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", ucfirst($randReturn), ucfirst($randReturn), mt_rand(10, 50), $_GET['ID']));
				if($randReturn == 'accel') {
					$randString = 'acceleration';
				} else if($randReturn == 'brake') {
					$randString = 'braking';
				} else {
					$randString = $randReturn;
				$uhOh .= ' at the cost of your '.$randString;
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pcAccel` = `pcAccel` + %u WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", (mt_rand(25, 100) * $ir['level']), $_GET['ID']));
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - %u WHERE (`userid` = %u)", ($myCar['pcAccel'] * 2), $ir['userid']));
			success("You've upgraded your acceleration".$uhOh);
		case 'brake':
			if(($myCar['pcBrake'] * 2) > $ir['money']) {
				error("You don't have enough to pay for that upgrade");
			if($rand >= 3) {
				$tuneThis = array('speed', 'handling', 'accel');
				$randReturn = $tuneThis[0];
				$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pc%s` = GREATEST(`pc%s` - %u, 0) WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", ucfirst($randReturn), ucfirst($randReturn), mt_rand(10, 50), $_GET['ID']));
				if($randReturn == 'accel') {
					$randString = 'acceleration';
				} else if($randReturn == 'brake') {
					$randString = 'braking';
				} else {
					$randString = $randReturn;
				$uhOh .= ' at the cost of your '.$randString;
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerCars` SET `pcBrake` = `pcBrake` + %u WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", (mt_rand(25, 100) * $ir['level']), $_GET['ID']));
			$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - %u WHERE (`userid` = %u)", ($myCar['pcBrake'] * 2), $ir['userid']));
			success("You've upgraded your braking".$uhOh);

function upgradeGarage() {
global $db, $ir;
$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pg`.`pgCapacity`, `g`.* " .
									"FROM `playerGarages` AS `pg` " .
									"LEFT JOIN `garages` AS `g` ON (`pg`.`pgType` = `g`.`gTypeID`) " .
									"WHERE (`pg`.`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	header("Location: garage.php?action=buy");
$garage = $db->fetch_row($selectGarage);
if(!empty($_GET['ID'])) {
	$select = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `gTypeName`, `gTypeCost` FROM `garages` WHERE (`gTypeID` = %u)", $_GET['ID']));
	if(!$db->num_rows($select)) {
		error("That upgrade doesn't exist");
	$gar = $db->fetch_row($select);
	if($gar['gTypeCost'] > $ir['money']) {
		error("You don't have enough money for that");
	$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `playerGarages` SET `pgType` = %u WHERE (`pgUser` = %u)", $_GET['ID'], $ir['userid']));
	success("You've bought the ".format($gar['gTypeName']));
$getGarageUpgrades = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `garages` WHERE (`gTypeID` > %u)", $garage['gTypeID']));
?><h3>Cars: Upgrading your <? echo format($garage['gTypeName']); ?></h3>
<table class='table' width='75%' cellspacing='1'>
		<th width='40%'>Upgrade</th>
		<th width='40%'>Cost</th>
		<th width='20%'>Links</th>
if(!$db->num_rows($getGarageUpgrades)) {
	echo "<tr><td colspan='3' class='center'>There are no upgrades available</td></tr>";
} else {
	while($upg = $db->fetch_row($getGarageUpgrades)) {
			<td><? echo format($upg['gTypeName']); ?></td>
			<td>$<? echo format($upg['gTypeCost']); ?></td>
			<td><? echo ($ir['money'] >= $upg['gTypeCost']) ? "<a href='garage.php?action=upgradegarage&ID=".$upg['gTypeID']."'>Buy</a>" : "<span style='color:#444;'>Buy</span>"; ?></td>
echo "</table>";

function sellCar() {
global $db, $ir;
$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pg`.`pgCapacity`, `g`.* " .
									"FROM `playerGarages` AS `pg` " .
									"LEFT JOIN `garages` AS `g` ON (`pg`.`pgType` = `g`.`gTypeID`) " .
									"WHERE (`pg`.`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	header("Location: garage.php?action=buy");
if(empty($_GET['ID'])) {
	error("You didn't select a valid car");
$selectMyCar = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `playerCars` WHERE ((`pcID = %u) AND (`pcUser` = %u))", $_GET['ID'], $ir['userid']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectMyCar)) {
	error("You don't own that car");
$myCar = $db->fetch_row($selectMyCar);

$selectStandardCar = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE (`cID` = %u)", $myCar['pcCarID']));
if(!$db->num_rows($selectStandardCar)) {
	error("That car doesn't exist - message a staff member to inform them about this");
$stdCar = $db->fetch_row($selectStandardCar);
$myTotalStats = $myCar['pcSpeed'] + $myCar['pcHandling'] + $myCar['pcAccel'] + $myCar['pcBrake'];
$stdTotalStats = $stdCar['cSpeed'] + $stdCar['cHandling'] + $stdCar['cAccel'] + $stdCar['cBrake'];
if(($myTotalStats >= $stdTotalStats) && ($myTotalStats <= ($stdTotalStats + 500))) {
	$cost = $stdCar['cCost'] / 2;
} else if(($myTotalStats >= ($stdTotalStats + 501)) && $myTotalStats <= ($stdTotalStats + 1500)) {
	$cost = $stdCar['cCost'];
} else if(($myTotalStats >= ($stdTotalStats + 1501)) && $myTotalStats <= ($stdTotalStats * 2)) {
	$cost = ($stdCar['cCost'] * 2) - (($stdCar['cCost'] / 100) * 33);
} else if(($myTotalStats >= ($stdTotalStats * 2) + 1) && $myTotalStats <= ($stdTotalStats * 5)) {
	$cost = $stdCar['cCost'] * 3;
} else if(($myTotalStats >= ($stdTotalStats * 5) + 1) && $myTotalStats <= ($stdTotalStats * 10)) {
	$cost = $stdCar['cCost'] * 3;
} else if($myTotalStats >= ($stdTotalStats * 10) + 1) {
	$cost = $stdCar['cCost'] * 5;
?><h3>Cars: Selling your <? echo format($stdCar['cName']); ?></h3><?
if(!isset($_GET['ans'])) {
	?>If you sell your car, you will receive $<? echo format($cost); ?><br />
	Are you sure you want to do this?<br />
	<a href='garage.php?action=sell&ID=<? echo $_GET['ID']; ?>&ans=yes'>Yes</a> · <a href='garage.php'>No</a><?
} else {
	$db->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM `playerCars` WHERE (`pcID` = %u)", $_GET['ID']));
	$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + %u WHERE (`userid` = %u)", $cost, $ir['userid']));
	success("You've sold your ".format($stdCar['cName'])." for \$".format($cost));

function buyGarage() {
global $db, $ir;
$selectGarage = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT `pg`.`pgCapacity`, `g`.* " .
									"FROM `playerGarages` AS `pg` " .
									"LEFT JOIN `garages` AS `g` ON (`pg`.`pgType` = `g`.`gTypeID`) " .
									"WHERE (`pg`.`pgUser` = %u)", $ir['userid']));
if($db->num_rows($selectGarage)) {
	header("Location: garage.php");
$select = $db->query("SELECT `gTypeName`, `gTypeCost` FROM `garages` WHERE (`gTypeID` = 1)");
$gar = $db->fetch_row($select);
?><h3>Cars: Buying your first <? echo format($gar['gTypeName']); ?></h3><?
if($gar['gTypeCost'] > $ir['money']) {
	error("You don't have enough money to do that. It costs ".format($gar['gTypeCost']));
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO `playerGarages` VALUES ('', %u, 1, 1)", $ir['userid']));
success("You've bought your ".format($gar['gTypeName']));

Edited by Magictallguy
Added in "Race" link
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