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Magictallguy last won the day on December 6

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About Magictallguy

  • Birthday 08/07/1991

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    Bolton, UK
  • Occupation
    Freelance Website Developer
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  1. A little MCC history - dabomstew was a Torn City player and wanted his own version, so he and ColdBlooded wrote MCC. Torn City came first and inspired MCC
  2. I said PowerShell, not CMD 😉
  3. Answering the question Assuming you're on Windows here. XAMPP uses local files on your PC, so you'd be changing permissions of files and folders on your local system - which gives you 2 options. Personally, I prefer the shell method. Run PowerShell, change directory to the one above the one you're attempting to alter (example; if you were trying to change the permissions of C:\xampp\htdocs\some-folder, you'd cd to C:\xampp\htdocs) Then run the chmod command chmod 0777 some-folder replacing "some-folder" with, in your case, "public_html" - The other method is to use Windows file/folder properties, altering the permissions in [directory] -> Properties -> Security -> Permissions Why we don't do this Granting read/write/execute to the entire webroot is a massive security hole. Upload and execute anything, brilliant! Goodbye, hard work. Consider moving whatever needs to write to the webroot into a subfolder and simply making that 0766 instead (owner can read/write/execute, anyone else can r/w), or even the standard 0755 (owner r/w/x, everyone else r/x but not write)
  4. Love a Digital Ocean droplet, and Vultr's pretty good too. Had no issues with either provider
  5. Magictallguy


    That hasn't legally been my name for over 4 years. 😉
  6. Magictallguy


    gRPG v2 is open-source and still actively maintained 🙂
  7. We have a "Flag as spammer" feature that allows us to - you guessed it - flag the user as a spammer. The forum software's automation takes over according to a few rules set up in the back end that removes the posts and bans the account in question.
  8. We've been fighting it during the temporary antispam downtime. Don't worry, they won't win 😉
  9. Busy, busy! KumaBot Defender (an anti-bot, anti-threat solution for use on Twitch) is demanding a fair chunk of my time. I've also been working with clients on their projects, ranging from text-based games to eCommerce and CMS work. TL;DR: Still here, just busy.
  10. Error reporting! When in doubt, go straight for the logs. Glad you found it 🙂
  11. If you're already using Docker, why not Dockerize your project? If you're not using containers, why not?! Once over the initial hurdle of "whaddafuqisthisballs?!", Docker/Podman/Portainer can be span up in 1 command. There are a few forks of the now open-source MCCv2 which include variations of configs to run in containers. On a personal note, since writing a drop-in Docker config (copy files -> paste files, done), I haven't touched LAMP/XAMPP/WAMP (couldn't anyway, I'm on Linux) and don't bloody want to!
  12. Agreed! However, the question of "how far away from original MCC do we want to take this?" was raised. I otherwise swear by dependency injection
  13. There's still quite a large following for this style of game. It would stand to evidence that people still consider it fun. Also, these games are making a resurgence, so they must be wanted.
  14. You'd be surprised what motivation does for one's desire to code. In one day, I refactored MCCv2 in its entirety to use ParagonIE's EasyDB - last night. Here's the branch 😉 Edit: And here's a Dockerized version
  15. If nobody beats me to it, consider it done. I'm not as experienced with Eloquent as I'd like to be, so I'll be avoiding implementation. If the concept gains traction, I'll bite the bullet and blow off the dust, as it were. That being said, replacing an ORM with another on a project this arguably small would be a small feat. As for PDO (which @ags_cs4 mentioned), I quite like ParagonIE's EasyDB. Its performance - while I can't provide statistics right now - has been exactly what I'm looking for; easy to use, fast, (relatively) light on resources. .. which, thinking about it, also opens another question - do we want to rely on package managers (npm, composer, etc.) or ship it all in-house?
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