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Uridium last won the day on January 14

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  1. Uridium


    Spotted this on Stackoverflow $ar = range(1,60); shuffle($ar); echo implode('<br>', array_slice($ar,0,10)) . '<br>'; it may help unsure not tested
  2. Explain more always up for a project
  3. Good riddance 🙂 went to help him on his game very foul mouthed
  4. Ive never run a game always had a test site where i create my mods always on xampp i own wizwych.co.uk its a testing ground for NEAB at the moment but I still enjoy Mccodes its easy to work with and you can manipulate a script to create something else
  5. To all the CE and MWG people of yorn this is me wishing you all avery festive and magical Xmas for 2024 and even brighter new year.. If you can remember the days of CE that puts us atleast 16 years of knowing one another and for that a Massive Merry xmas.... God bless
  6. Always got ya back 😉
  7. .....
  8. after reading further Im sorry Teetdog i take it back
  9. That didnt seem to work unless i did the second part wrong ive managed to find a solution right click htdocs/ folder you want to CHMOD on (windows) go to security and you can give yourself (nobody else) read and write permissions
  10. Im working on a CGI script but i need to change file permissions to chmod 777 on xmapp public_html folder can this be done and if so how ive searched google they seem very confusing Thank ya kindly
  11. hmmm
  12. i tried to go to your website maffiaonline.com but its dead please give full URL to your game
  13. I dont think this site does that type of gaming or am i mistaken ?
  14. I used your link and joined the Hosting company took a while but now my site has a "Your connection is not private" message full page which im hoping they can resolve
  15. Cheers guys
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