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Dayo last won the day on January 24

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About Dayo

  • Birthday 06/07/1992

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    Football, Snooker, Pool, Cinema
  • Occupation
    Web Application Developer at Tensor PLC working on HeatingSave
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  1. Not for having an opinion that’s fine to have, the bad language and threats of physical violence towards me I can live with it’s no skin off my back. But when he is then threatening other people with violence, using very offensive and rasict language he left me with no other choice.
  2. This plugin can be a bit unstable due to the 3rd party plugin that was uses, hence why its released for free
  3. Have you looked into namecheap VPS, they are dirt cheap and you can configure the crons to do what ever you like. You would have to set up the web server yourself, but its not that hard
  4. You can check out my cookie login module here that should give you an idea of what you should need to do, if you have any other questions feel free to message me on discord @chrisday
  5. Sorry about this, it’s due to an expired licence Fahoon is currently away on holiday so can’t deal with this just yet. It’s annoying that the licence is tied to the anti spam.
  6. Your using AWS hosting, if nintendo send a DMCA notice to AWS it will be down within minute, dosen't matter if your in brazil.
  7. Dayo

    Mods for Sale

    In your list it dosent say what ones are McCodes, GL or GRPG
  8. Great news!
  9. Just posting here as I'm not sure how active ill be over the next few weeks, Im getting married tomorrow and will be on honeymoon. For the first time in like 7 years i will be away without my laptop so i wont be able to offer much support whilst im gone. If you do need any help with GL head over to our discord here: https://discord.gg/4aVFtzUYyB There is a great community there who can help you. If you have something urgent DM me on discord and ill see what i can do but i may be slow to respond.
  10. You will need a web server but this could be locally hosted on your PC using something like XAMPP
  11. Ah there is a 2.5MB screenshot that will be slowing the system down, ill look at adding some way to shrink the screenshots for quicker page load
  12. I have started the conversion of the MWG data to my own system, this is taking a little longer then expected but should be finished by the end of this week, while I'm converting the data the registration to OpenPBBG has been disabled. Once completed your MWG account will be automatically created on OpenPBBG only if you have purchased anything from MWG or sold anything on MWG. The only user data I am taking is Email and username. This means you will have to do a password reset to recover your account. Once done if you have any issues with this please send me a PM here.
  13. After talking to @Dave and @FoohonPie I will be transferring over all of the modules from the MWG marketplace over to my new marketplace. Any existing purchases will also be transferred over. Until the developer of the modules creates their account and logs in to mark them for sale they will only be visible by existing customers.
  14. After the announcement that the MWG marketplace is closing, I have been looking for alternative solutions, not only for me, but for the community. After looking at many pre made systems there weren't any that I thought were up to scratch. So I started to create my own marketplace using GL at the core. Right now, it's in testing (BETA), and I'm not inviting more developers yet. But if you're interested, you can apply now for when it opens up. We're planning to launch it around mid-May. If you have purchased any code from MWG and/or glscript.net just send me a PM here or over at OpenPBBG and I'll transfer your purchases over to your new account. OpenPBBG Marketplace
  15. I am in the process of making a new market place using the GL Engine, if you did want a place to sell your mods/McCodes you are more then welcome.
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