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Select dropdown/multiselected drop down item(s) function


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Here's a function i use to select drop down or multiselected drop downs. That other devs may find useful. I monthly use it in ACP for crying new entries amd editing entries.

//first parameter is data being stored in combo/multiselected

//second paramater is the data that was selected

Both paramaters are arrays so if data not being parsed is not an array, you can cast as an array as shown in example below. But as seen, the data passed must use the ids keys id and name, but can easily be changed

public function getSelectedListBoxData($listArray, $selDataArray = '')
      return $listArray;
    $Data = array();
    foreach($listArray as $item)
      $sel = "";
      if(in_array($item['id'], $selDataArray))
        $sel = "selected";
      $Data[] = array(
            "id" => $item['id'],
            "name" => $item['name'],
            "selected" => $sel

    return $Data;




<div class="col-md-3">
    <div class="form-group">
       <label class="pull-left">Reward Item?</label>
        <select class="form-control" name="itemID">
        <option value="0">None</option> 
        {#each items}
        <option value="{id}" {selected}>{name}</option>


//on submitting form data
$crime['itemID'] = $this->helper->getSelectedListBoxData($this->helper->getItemType(), $this->methodData->itemID);
//submitting form data EDIT
$crime = $this->getCrime($this->methodData->id);
$crime['itemType'] = $this->getSelectedListBoxData($this->helper->getItems() , (array)$crime["itemID"]);



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3 hours ago, Sim said:

Here's a function i use to select drop down or multiselected drop downs. That other devs may find useful. I monthly use it in ACP for crying new entries amd editing entries.

//first parameter is data being stored in combo/multiselected

//second paramater is the data that was selected

Both paramaters are arrays so if data not being parsed is not an array, you can cast as an array as shown in example below. But as seen, the data passed must use the ids keys id and name, but can easily be changed

public function getSelectedListBoxData($listArray, $selDataArray = '') { if(empty($selDataArray)) { return $listArray; } $Data = array(); foreach($listArray as $item) { $sel = ""; if(in_array($item['id'], $selDataArray)) { $sel = "selected"; } $Data[] = array( "id" => $item['id'], "name" => $item['name'], "selected" => $sel ); } return $Data; }

public function getSelectedListBoxData($listArray, $selDataArray = '')
      return $listArray;
    $Data = array();
    foreach($listArray as $item)
      $sel = "";
      if(in_array($item['id'], $selDataArray))
        $sel = "selected";
      $Data[] = array(
            "id" => $item['id'],
            "name" => $item['name'],
            "selected" => $sel

    return $Data;



TPL: <div class="col-md-3"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="pull-left">Reward Item?</label> <select class="form-control" name="itemID"> <option value="0">None</option> {#each items} <option value="{id}" {selected}>{name}</option> {/each} </select> </div> </div> PHP: //on submitting form data $crime['itemID'] = $this->helper->getSelectedListBoxData($this->helper->getItemType(), $this->methodData->itemID); //submitting form data EDIT $crime = $this->getCrime($this->methodData->id); $crime['itemType'] = $this->getSelectedListBoxData($this->helper->getItems() , (array)$crime["itemID"]);


<div class="col-md-3">
    <div class="form-group">
       <label class="pull-left">Reward Item?</label>
        <select class="form-control" name="itemID">
        <option value="0">None</option> 
        {#each items}
        <option value="{id}" {selected}>{name}</option>


//on submitting form data
$crime['itemID'] = $this->helper->getSelectedListBoxData($this->helper->getItemType(), $this->methodData->itemID);
//submitting form data EDIT
$crime = $this->getCrime($this->methodData->id);
$crime['itemType'] = $this->getSelectedListBoxData($this->helper->getItems() , (array)$crime["itemID"]);


Im interested to see how you use this monthly for crying 😂

  • Confused 1
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18 minutes ago, Sim said:

Can you explain the colors to me?

Light Red = code removed

Dark Red = code replaced

Light Green = code added

Dark Green = code replaced with



21 minutes ago, Sim said:

And i can never seem to download the new source from github

If you are not familiar with the command-line and git, I would highly recommend you take a day or so to learn:

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To add onto sniko's post; if CLI scares you, I'd recommend a Git GUI, such as SourceTree or GitKraken*;
Or, if you're using an editor that support Git out-of-the-box such as PhpStorm**, or an editor that supports plugins (e.g., Atom, SublimeText 3, etc.), just use that!

*Note: GitKraken is free for public repos. They put accessing private repos behind a paywall.
**Note: PhpStorm has a 30-day free trial, but is otherwise paid software (would strongly recommend it)

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