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What are you doing today Dev Wise?

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I seen this post on another forum and thing's like this motivates me/others so lets get the ball rolling. Post what you did yesterday and what you plan on doing today.

THe majority of my news will be related to http://www.orpgcreator.com

Yesterday was the first time I touched any code in over 4-5months so it took me a little bit longer to synch the topics on the news.php page then I thought it would, but I must say it look's 100x better then it did. Furthermore; now I don't have to worry about updating the main site as frequently (last time the http://www.orpgcreator.com/news.php page was updated was over a year ago because I kept forgetting.

Now the main site has more content. I didn't replace the image's on the homepage as I was getting to tired to release the update last night so I didn't want to falsely advertise the service for a day. Furthermore; I update various facebook URL"s as they update fan page url's and fixed a few minor typo's.

SO TODAY I am trying to do this:

- Create some new images for rotating screen shots on homepage of oRPG Creator

- Trying to come up with T.O.S for oRPG Creator as there is none now (if you have any ideas plz PM me (lets not use this thread )

- Create Newsletter

- Release update

- Wipe Database (except forum data (will clean this data at a later time))


i am in process of creating a new module Called Pass Da Bomb owner starts event and then it selects all the players online and picks one at random and gives them the bomb which they will need to pass to another player whoever it explodes on is out another bomb is spawned until one final person is left which will be winner other than that nothing new in development


This is quite an interesting thread; I'm always curious of what other developers do on a day-to-day basis.

As for what I'm doing, (yesterday) I was planning on continuing with my project, however, my neighbours decided to have a last-minute party so I did not sleep until 6 a.m... My day will either consist of writing an article about HTML5, continue reading "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide" (amazing read by the way!), or wasteful hours playing Black Ops 2.

I'm aiming towards BO2 at the minute...

i am in process of creating a new module Called Pass Da Bomb owner starts event and then it selects all the players online and picks one at random and gives them the bomb which they will need to pass to another player whoever it explodes on is out another bomb is spawned until one final person is left which will be winner other than that nothing new in development

is that with nwe or MCcodes


I didn't release my update or start the T.O.S yesterday. I am hoping to release the Update today, but I didn't finish everything else on my list. I ran into some coding problems yesterday due to not touching my work in over 4months or so. The plug-in system itself is easily enough to create new features, but edting the core was a little more difficult (even though it was a simple fix). When logging in registering, activating, logging out, it would take user off the sub directory to main url. ;\


So today's Goal is to release this update, then dispatch this mass email to previous game-owners (around 1,300)


I finished the update last night, but I didn't release it. I released it this morning. As for today, I spent last few hours advertising the oRPG Creator update. I think I am going to take the day off from deving unles I get any bug reports. I will just do some research on posting using facebook API. ;-)


Recently all my work has consisted of just messing around with different CSS, JS, and HTML things. Ive made a lot of interfaces and stuff just to practice due to the lack of stuff i have to do. I plan to come up with some sort of way to advertise my game but not sure how to do that yet.


WHat IntelliBot [MENTION=69670]Script47[/MENTION] ?

I pulled out a notebook yesterday for "oRPG Creator" due to finding so many things on the games it creates, I wanted to change and was making a list as I came across things.

Here's what I did yesterday:

- On every game page, it said "Welcome", I removed I

- I fixed game homepages to display introduction and 1 news article

- I made all game news public on site by default for SE purposes and made the page look nicer.

- I made all game forums public on site by default for SE purposes. Had to modify the forum code a tad bit to remove "Reply/New Topic" buttons for guest. Also had to remove the showing of "del" to "non-admins/mods"

- Cleaned dev/support forum member database (everyone that had 0 posts is GONE). Went from over 500+ members to 50 ;]. lols

- Played around deving with Facebook suff for a minute for future features.

As for today, I am thinking more minor fixes/tweaks. I would also like to release the metro game design as well. But first I need some game content to make screen shot's for the designs and turn them into an animated gif so peeps can see what template they would like to choose from.

I also may start on this: Ability of the game creator to disable functions he/she won't need. ( I suggest creating non-essential features as plugins. For example, the gym. Not all games need that bit.) (It was a request by PM and think its one of the better ideas ive received)

Posted (edited)
WHat IntelliBot [MENTION=69670]Script47[/MENTION] ?

An idea which I'm slowly implementing to aid game owners to crack down on cheaters. An automated system. Done quite a bit of it. Although I have a whole load of ideas to make it better.

Edited by Script47
An idea which I'm slowly implementing to aid game owners to crack down on cheaters. An automated system. Done quite a bit of it. Although I have a whole load of ideas to make it better.

Sounds awesome


Work related things today. Been on vacation for almost a week, so have to get back to ol' grind. Mostly PeopleCode-related tweaks to projects as well as hopefully to finish building my next C# MVC webpage for work.



Arg. My laptop mouse like broke on me last night. So todau i am taking it back to pawn shop so they can fix it. I ony jad the damn thong for only 10 days. So since i have no comp to code, i will be writing in my notebook for a showcase game to show people the power of orpg creator


I got my laptop fixed today. I added tinyMCE to 7 pages on oRPG Creator game's and hmlpurifier. I had no bb-code editor. It make's everything look much better. And this bb-code editor is pretty nice.


i'm currently working on my new mccode v2 game, most of my online games with mccodes were successful as far as profits go and such, however those were just thrown together. With this game i'll be taking my time in building it as far as modifications go i'll be using mostly ajax for my site and framework to increase its speed and i'll be adding a lot of nonpublic addons of which i cannot share cause if i did that then they wouldn't be very exclusive now would they :D although i do have KyleMassacre's Player Classes implemented and working properly with the updated codes, i'll be looking for a graphic designer or i may just have my partner work on that i'm not really sure yet i figure work on the coding then the GUI can come afterwards :p


Today: Nothing



  • iOS app for the forum (I'm just learning Obj-C)
  • Finishing my MCC module for my enhanced registration(I may actually be done I just need to look it over and compare with my notes)
  • Creating a Player Shops module for NWE


Thats pretty much it for now and if there is anyone decent at iOS development that wouldn't mind coaching me on a few things that would be great so hit me up


I just started working on oRPG Creator's next feature:

I will be using jQuery and alternating the texts back and fourth. Debating whether to make the text green and red as well or just leave as default colors.



Then if I have more time today, I will start working on advance registeration/extended profile's which will allow game owners to create extra required regirteration fields and profile fields.


Haven't posted in here in quite a while but here's what I have been up to lately...

1) Working on a clients company website using Bootstrap 3.2.0 which is almost finished besides a few touch ups and SEO work.

2) I started working on the design work for a new project I am planning: http://fantasymma.web44.net/

Posted (edited)



  • Playing with GhostScript and ImageMagick to convert PDFs into JPGs and then cropping them.
  • Creating more API endpoints to integrate with a 3rd party service
  • Finalising collection designs within MongoDb




  • Database restructure (MySQL)
  • User class build (for a custom CMS platform)
    • Building security token system for user requests

    [*]Planning a design

    [*]Planning the system design for the front-end websites using the custom CMS platform

Edited by sniko
Today: Nothing



  • iOS app for the forum (I'm just learning Obj-C)
  • Finishing my MCC module for my enhanced registration(I may actually be done I just need to look it over and compare with my notes)
  • Creating a Player Shops module for NWE


Thats pretty much it for now and if there is anyone decent at iOS development that wouldn't mind coaching me on a few things that would be great so hit me up

i'll talk to my Co-Owner and get you his contact information if he is willing to teach ;)

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