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Securing $_POST


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Hi there,

I am currently creating a mod and have used quite alot of $_POST's around the mod and want to know how these can be secured and when they need to be secured.

Small example of form....:

echo "Fill in the form below to recruit a new hoe. It costs 1000 Gold coins to hire a hoe.<br /><br />
		<form action='brothel.php?action=recruit_sub' method='post'>
		Name: <input type='text'  name='hname' /><br />
		Age: <input type='text'  name='hage' /><br />
		Skin Color: <input type='text' name='hcolor' /><br />
		Speciality: <input type='text' name='hspec' /><br />
		<input type='submit'  value='Recruit' /></form><br /><br />
		<a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";


Then entering into DB....

$db->query("INSERT INTO hoes VALUES('', $userid, '{$_POST['hname']}', '{$_POST['hage']}', 0, 1, '{$_POST['hspec']}', '{$_POST['hcolor']}')");


Is this insecure? If so why? How would it be secured?

Thanks in advance.

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I know that this could be done via mysql_real_escape_string but according to PHP.net this is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0 so what alternative could I use?

The mysql_ extension has been deprecated. Mysqli or PDO are both alternatives.

Edited by Dominion
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Use the HTML number form for numbers:

<input type='number' name=''>


Validate form check if numbers are only inserted:


if (!ctype_digit($_POST['number'])) {
// Some error code    
} else {
   $number = $_POST['number']+0; // Credit to berty for telling me this. :) 


$someTextVar = $db->escape(htmlentities($_POST['someTextVarForm']));

// escaping data, and htmlentities to change what HTML output would be - http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_string_htmlentities.asp


$someTextVar = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, (htmlentities($_POST['someTextVarForm'])));

// MySQLi version of the above

Check to see if var isset/empty, I don't think this is security (please tell me if I'm wrong):


if  (!isset($_POST['someVar1']) || !isset($_POST['someVar2']) || (empty($_POST['someVar1']) || empty($_POST['someVar2']))) {
       echo '<br/>One or more of the required fields are empty please go back and try again.';


This is merely some of the stuff possible, by no means am I a pro, just thought I would write some stuff I do. Hope it helps and good luck with your mod mate. :)

Edited by Script47
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Use the HTML number form for numbers:
<input type='number' name=''>


Validate form check if numbers are only inserted:


if (!ctype_digit($_POST['number'])) {
// Some error code    
} else {
   $number = abs(intval($_POST['number'])); // Turn in to variable so it easier to obtain and you don't have to use the $_POST[''], and get absolute value. 


$someTextVar = $db->escape(htmlentities($_POST['someTextVarForm']));

// escaping data, and htmlentities to change what HTML output would be - http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_string_htmlentities.asp


$someTextVar = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, (htmlentities($_POST['someTextVarForm'])));

// MySQLi version of the above

Check to see if var isset/empty, I don't think this is security (please tell me if I'm wrong):


if  (!isset($_POST['someVar1']) || !isset($_POST['someVar2']) || (empty($_POST['someVar1']) || empty($_POST['someVar2']))) {
       echo '<br/>One or more of the required fields are empty please go back and try again.';


This is merely some of the stuff possible, by no means am I a pro, just thought I would write some stuff I do. Hope it helps and good luck with your mod mate. :)

isset and empty both are different

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And it's useless if you think about security as you would wrongly think that only numbers (for example) can be sent instead the browser could still send other stuff for example from older browser versions or from people which do it on purpose. As first rule of security: never trust user input.

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if (!empty($_POST['name'])) {

$_POST['name'] = filter_var($_POST['name'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

}else{echo "Error";}

i am sanitizing

I wouldn't really call it sanitizing until you whitelist allowed chars, and also take unicode chars into account.

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if (!ctype_digit($_POST['number'])) {
// Some error code    
} else {
   $number = abs(intval($_POST['number'])); // Turn in to variable so it easier to obtain and you don't have to use the $_POST[''], and get absolute value. 

A remarkable number of errors in so few lines;

No existence testing - ie: array_key_exists('number', $_POST)

abs() - Why ? ctype_digit() looks at the digits 0-9 only no - sign

intval() - Why ? as above, ctype_digit() look sat the digits 0 -9 only - no decimal point

Have you tried intval() on large numbers? The response various between 32 & 64 bit machines, and in reality, it is unlikely that you actually need an integer.

SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid = "123"

works just as well as

SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid = "123"

and while the 123 in this case is (in the former example) as string, you don't need to escape it as we already know it is injection safe.

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Use the HTML number form for numbers:
<input type='number' name=''>


Validate form check if numbers are only inserted:


if (!ctype_digit($_POST['number'])) {
// Some error code    
} else {
   $number = abs(intval($_POST['number'])); // Turn in to variable so it easier to obtain and you don't have to use the $_POST[''], and get absolute value. 


$someTextVar = $db->escape(htmlentities($_POST['someTextVarForm']));

// escaping data, and htmlentities to change what HTML output would be - http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_string_htmlentities.asp


$someTextVar = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, (htmlentities($_POST['someTextVarForm'])));

// MySQLi version of the above

Check to see if var isset/empty, I don't think this is security (please tell me if I'm wrong):


if  (!isset($_POST['someVar1']) || !isset($_POST['someVar2']) || (empty($_POST['someVar1']) || empty($_POST['someVar2']))) {
       echo '<br/>One or more of the required fields are empty please go back and try again.';


This is merely some of the stuff possible, by no means am I a pro, just thought I would write some stuff I do. Hope it helps and good luck with your mod mate. :)

You should also remove the escaping (htmlentities) when inserting in database, it's ideal to have as raw data as possible and then simply do the escaping out in your presentation logic. So remove htmlentities to the variables being inserted in the database; and use them when outputting instead.

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So I have been working on the system and have done some security on it....

The form still remains...

echo "Fill in the form below to recruit a new hoe. It costs 1000 Gold coins to hire a hoe.<br /><br />
		<form action='brothel.php?action=recruit_sub' method='post'>
		Name: <input type='text'  name='hname' /><br />
		Age: <input type='text'  name='hage' /><br />
		Skin Color: <input type='text' name='hcolor' /><br />
		Speciality: <input type='text' name='hspec' /><br />
		<input type='submit'  value='Recruit' /></form><br /><br />
		<a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";


And then....

if (empty($_POST['hname']) || empty($_POST['hage']) || empty($_POST['hcolor']) || empty($_POST['hspec']))
				echo "You have missed one or more fields. Please go back and try again.<br />
				<a href='brothel.php?action=open'>Go back</a>";
	if($ir['goldcoins'] < 1000)
			echo "You don't have enough Gold Coins<br />
			<a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";

		echo "Your hoe was created<br />
		<a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";
		$_POST['hname'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hname']);
		$_POST['hage'] = (int)$_POST['hname'];
		$_POST['hspec'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hname']);
		$_POST['hcolor'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hname']);
		$db->query("INSERT INTO hoes VALUES('', $userid, '{$_POST['hname']}', '{$_POST['hage']}', 0, 1, '{$_POST['hspec']}', '{$_POST['hcolor']}')");
		$db->query("UPDATE users SET goldcoins=goldcoins-1000 WHERE userid=$userid");
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So I have been working on the system and have done some security on it....

The form still remains...

echo "Fill in the form below to recruit a new hoe. It costs 1000 Gold coins to hire a hoe.<br /><br />
           <form action='brothel.php?action=recruit_sub' method='post'>
           Name: <input type='text'  name='hname' /><br />
           Age: <input type='text'  name='hage' /><br />
           Skin Color: <input type='text' name='hcolor' /><br />
           Speciality: <input type='text' name='hspec' /><br />
           <input type='submit'  value='Recruit' /></form><br /><br />
           <a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";


And then....

if (empty($_POST['hname']) || empty($_POST['hage']) || empty($_POST['hcolor']) || empty($_POST['hspec']))
                   echo "You have missed one or more fields. Please go back and try again.<br />
                   <a href='brothel.php?action=open'>Go back</a>";
       if($ir['goldcoins'] < 1000)
               echo "You don't have enough Gold Coins<br />
               <a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";

           echo "Your hoe was created<br />
           <a href='brothel.php'>Go back to brothel</a>";
           $_POST['hname'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hname']);
           $_POST['hage'] = (int)$_POST['hname'];
           $_POST['hspec'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hname']);
           $_POST['hcolor'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hname']);
           $db->query("INSERT INTO hoes VALUES('', $userid, '{$_POST['hname']}', '{$_POST['hage']}', 0, 1, '{$_POST['hspec']}', '{$_POST['hcolor']}')");
           $db->query("UPDATE users SET goldcoins=goldcoins-1000 WHERE userid=$userid");

Or maybe even set it to show you what you did wrong, in the errors? And check all data for conforming?


   $name  = check_string($_POST['hname']);
   $spec  = check_string($_POST['hspec']);
   $color = check_string($_POST['hcolour']);
   $age   = check_int($_POST['hage']);

   if ($ir['goldcoins'] < 1000)
       echo '<p>You do not have enough gold coins.</p>';
   else if ($name == FALSE)
       echo '<p>You did not enter a name.</p>';
   else if ($spec == FALSE)
       echo '<p>You did not enter a spec</p>';
   else if ($color == FALSE)
       echo '<p>You did not enter a color.</p>';
   else if ($age == FALSE)
       echo '<p>You did not enter an age.</p>';
       $sql = "INSERT INTO `hoes` VALUES ('', '{$ir['userid']}', '{$name}', '{$age}', 0, 1, '{$spec}', '{$color}')";
       $sql = "UPDATE `users` SET `goldcoins` = `goldcoins` - 1000 WHERE `userid` = '{$ir['userid']}'";
       echo '<p>Your hoe was created.</p>';
   echo '<p><a href="brothel.php">Go Back</a></p>';
function check_int($input)
   return (strlen($input) > 0 && ctype_digit($input)) ? $input : FALSE ;
function check_string($input)
   global $c;

   return (strlen($input) > 0 && is_string($input)) ? mysql_real_escape_string($input, $c) : FALSE ;


NOTE This was wrote at 9:15am after being awake 15 minutes, so I'll probably end up changing something later.


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Turn the form values into variables so your query would look like this:


$db->query("INSERT INTO hoes VALUES('', $userid, '{$value}', '{$value}', 0, 1, '{$value}', '{$value}')");

Add in the column names, so you won't have to heavily edit the script if you alter the table

INSERT INTO hoes (`id`,`user`,`column`,`column`,`column`,`column`,`column`,`column`) VALUES('', $userid, '{$value}', '{$value}', 0, 1, '{$value}', '{$value}')
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Add in the column names, so you won't have to heavily edit the script if you alter the table
INSERT INTO hoes (`id`,`user`,`column`,`column`,`column`,`column`,`column`,`column`) VALUES('', $userid, '{$value}', '{$value}', 0, 1, '{$value}', '{$value}')

In that CASE, whats the point of passing the `id` then? Assuming its auto_increment, it's not even needed in there.. jus sayin

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isset and empty both are different

I know that?


You should also remove the escaping (htmlentities) when inserting in database, it's ideal to have as raw data as possible and then simply do the escaping out in your presentation logic. So remove htmlentities to the variables being inserted in the database; and use them when outputting instead.

I've been told to use htmlentities then when removing the data from database use html_entity_decode(), just saying.


if (!ctype_digit($_POST['number'])) {
// Some error code    
} else {
   $number = abs(intval($_POST['number'])); // Turn in to variable so it easier to obtain and you don't have to use the $_POST[''], and get absolute value. 

A remarkable number of errors in so few lines;

No existence testing - ie: array_key_exists('number', $_POST)

abs() - Why ? ctype_digit() looks at the digits 0-9 only no - sign

intval() - Why ? as above, ctype_digit() look sat the digits 0 -9 only - no decimal point

Have you tried intval() on large numbers? The response various between 32 & 64 bit machines, and in reality, it is unlikely that you actually need an integer.

SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid = "123"

works just as well as

SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid = "123"

and while the 123 in this case is (in the former example) as string, you don't need to escape it as we already know it is injection safe.

Ah sorry mate, as I said I ain't no pro, just trying to help out. One question, if I have ctype_digit() then I don't need the other stuff I added?

Edited by Script47
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this is how you secure $_POST

In the first case htmlspecialchars() probably is the best choice, allowing for users to use all characters like <, >, &, etc. In the second case you will need to use some database escaping function like mysql_real_escape_string or a prepared statement with PDO or mysqli. Prepared statements are the best choice here but if you are only familiar with mysql then mysql_real_escape_string works fine too. If you are not using mysql then there are similar functions in most SQL APIs. In the third case do both but separately, which gives you two diffrent results, one for output and one for database.

this is how i do it below is references for you hope this helps






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this is how you secure $_POST

In the first case htmlspecialchars() probably is the best choice, allowing for users to use all characters like <, >, &, etc. In the second case you will need to use some database escaping function like mysql_real_escape_string or a prepared statement with PDO or mysqli. Prepared statements are the best choice here but if you are only familiar with mysql then mysql_real_escape_string works fine too. If you are not using mysql then there are similar functions in most SQL APIs. In the third case do both but separately, which gives you two diffrent results, one for output and one for database.

this is how i do it below is references for you hope this helps






Say what now?

I've just gave a perfect example of how to input data.

Htmlspecialchars for database input? Are you kidding me?

Mysql_real_escape_string() is all that's required since it only escapes what it needs to and therefore keeps the data in the rawest possible form.

If you really want to, you could add strip tags, but again, takes away from raw data.

Output then needs wrapping in a function too, but since this isn't asking for output, we'll leave it out as its not on topic.

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Say what now?

I've just gave a perfect example of how to input data.

Htmlspecialchars for database input? Are you kidding me?

Mysql_real_escape_string() is all that's required since it only escapes what it needs to and therefore keeps the data in the rawest possible form.

If you really want to, you could add strip tags, but again, takes away from raw data.

Output then needs wrapping in a function too, but since this isn't asking for output, we'll leave it out as its not on topic.

lol i never mentioned using Htmlspecialchars for database input read my post again

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