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Canjucks last won the day on May 5 2024

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  1. yes really. not everything is obvious in this world and just because one knows it doesn't mean another will automatically. Its not hard to envisage someone who knows nothing about this type of marketing/advertising to get that reach. What I'm asking is the sites that actually deliver email lists for this email marketing. I mean you have so many out there giving you rubbish (inaccurate and made up) and its hard to know which are the good ones. Are we here to help each other or laugh at someone who asks a question?
  2. I might just not be in the know. How does one do this as in where di you go to do, yes I could google it but you seemed to have hit a good percentage: 70% of players came from cold email marketing (we targeted university students, and other game enthusiasts);
  3. Ahh those were the days... Have a Merry Xmas right back at you and to one and all! Stay safe everyone.
  4. That is interesting. I always thought it was Torn being MCC that made all the copycats come from around 2007 onwards once it got its initial base grounded. From memory Torn looked like a mcc game and begun at the same time in 2004.
  5. Its been announced on the discord that the Alizcode project is done. His offline for the foreseeable future it appears.
  6. I'm around and have a game live. its fun but this forum has been given the heave ho with activity! Agree with you Gamble about the one stop thing and no updates.
  7. Canjucks


    `I have one built into my games village system. I haven't converted it all over to the gang system yet. Has inventory, buy protection, and the big one wars!
  8. Updated Battle UI: Now with starter pack and daily rewards to collect for logging in each day: Updated Inventory, information is collapse able rather than going to a new page. Icons across the top to represent each item type.: Overhauled the forum. Now the dropdowns work (didn't when I rolled this out as off the shelf GL) and updated the quote so this stands out (GL needs to update to refer to correct CSS items): And our ongoing Competitions go off every hour / day and week. The usual tasks you want to do in game can get you extra stuff. Wiki now available: Click here for the wiki And we have a new logo
  9. I did it in 2008-2011. then took it back as a hobby in 2020! Now in 2024 finally let people enjoy my creation. Its fun learning and trying to make things happen.
  10. Fantastic!
  11. Congratz, have fun! Make some memories!
  12. thanks anyway gamble!
  13. I'm going on the rule of thumb that something is better than nothing.
  14. Having the same problem with no image appearing. Have php 8.2, PD library installed what else do I need? Anyone else encounter this no image appearing? What did you do to resolve it please. UPDATE Requires some code to be updated as it was pulling a negative number when trying to draw the image. Looks good now though:
  15. Thanks and Yes! I do enjoy your theme (I didn't change it too much). I updated your wiki in game lol I'm working on a wiki with fandom. ... so much for the plug 🤣
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