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Featured Modules

  • Automatic Awards System By URBANZ

    This module will let you add awards into your game that auto credit to users. Features users are able to track their percentage of each award. give players rewards for gaining awards. you can upload images for the awards from admin panel. premade awards (gang, travel, crimes, busts) Awards are shown on each users profile for the ones they have earned. Hidden award feature that allows the user to gain an award but not know how to achieve it (descriptions etc are hidden) How
  • Gangster Legends V2 - Premium By Dayo

    Features All the core Gangster Legends features plus: Gang Features Crimes Businesses Garage Actions Organized Crimes Workout* Scavenge* Investment Smuggle Stocks Auction House Monetization Buy points via PayPal
  • PvP Multiplayer Poker (Texas Hold'em) By Dayo

    • $40
    • 0 reviews
    • 18
    • 0
    I've been working on this mod for several weeks now and it is finally in a state where its ready to be released. This is a fully AJAX module meaning the user does not need to reload the page. I am working on a Node.js backend for those who need it this will be available later this summer and will be a free upgrade. A demo can be found at https://premium.glscript.net/ For a limited time only anyone who purchases the poker script will receive $40 off of the purchase of GLPremium so in ef
  • Modified Crimes and Theft By KyleMassacre

    • $10
    • 0 reviews
    • 5
    • 0
    PLEASE NOTE: Only tested on GL 2.3 Modified crimes and theft allows players to steal cars and commit crimes on against players. Everyone who commits a crime has a chance that it is done against a player and every time they commit a they theft there is a chance that the car is stolen from another player. In addition to being able to steal cars and commit thefts against other players, this mod also allows to to create a success and fail message.  You can also specify the message sent to th

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