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URBANZ last won the day on February 21 2022

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  1. well me too but also that post is from 2021 and for a specific engine which uses globals. I have a custom version of GL which uses full dependancy injection/routing etc as the engine is a bit dated now.
  2. i will get one up shortly and create a demo.
  3. I currently have a project i've been working on for a while and currently with personal issues going on in life its either sell the project or get a partner to help with the game. The game is based on a highly modified GLv2, a lot has been changed though. I'm looking for someone that is either a front end/back end developer that knows the some of following languages, not all are a requirement so if you know just one of them i could still be interested. PHP8+, JS, CSS, HTML. The following is not a required but a bonus if you do. Go, Flutter, Dart. I would be looking at partnership deal if you can bring something to the table than im willing to go as much as 50% share dependant. There is still minor work to be done on the project but most of it has been completed. The game is also full real time with live notifications/chat/updates.
  4. nice addition but i would say there is no need to touch the database, you can just use the item id as the image name instead of adding data that isn't needed.

    Mafia Den For Sale

    Good to know think when i checked must have been a timezone difference as was only 5 players on.

    Mafia Den For Sale

    Just some questions Does this also come with the mobile apps that are on the app stores? Also i have looked at user base there is a good amount, but how are you meant to remarket or advertise to the inactive users if you don't collect emails at registration? This brings me to the active user base which isn't a massive amount when i checked, but out of percentage actively donate to the game? Last thing what is the offer range you are looking for?
  7. The concept is good but for security i would definitely not recommend still using MD5, you might as well be using plain text passwords. You should update to use a different encryption method.
  8. if you have discord add me on there URBANZ#0001
  9. best way to check is if you login to cpanel and select an option called "select php version" or similar and will bring you to a page where you should be able to active the extensions you need.
  10. this is due to you not having the zip extension installed or activated, who is your host and do you have access to cpanel php modules to enable them.
  11. it says the error within Unsupported operand types: string + int you need to make sure you are not mixing types and also wrap your operators correctly as could play a part in your errors. this part is clearly the error, you could try using abs and intval to correct this. $_GET['nextstep'] + 2
  12. Thanks hopefully people will be able to see it live at some point, just always come up with better idea to try out. need to stop lol and just release it lol i think at this point too much attachment to the project which is nice but also just want it to be over and released. Always a problem is OCD haha
  13. Also forgot to add mobile screens incase you was wondering what it looks like.
  14. Thought a would share one of the things i have been working on. As i have a lot of work commitments sometimes takes a lot longer to do stuff now. So far glad how this has turned out. Its fully real time doesn't use ajax polling fully web socket. was looking for something a bit discord like where you could have normal chats or create group chats. live updates of messages being removed etc full emoji support live filtering of chat to stop unwanted messages any feedback would be great as always looking to improve the system. Thanks
  15. ⁉️what exactly are you trying to do here? this dont show anything to anyone it's just a snippet of React with 0 context and any means to use it. i think you should think about actually putting context behind what you post along with basic instructions or what you are trying to accomplish. if your point was to show people about coding standards maybe first look at the particular language as each has its own list of standards.
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