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In light of the recent post by Coldblooded which was to serve as a reminder that the owners of the forum expect the community to work on their behalf fixing their bug ridden security flawed engine without giving squat back to the MWG community I bid you farewall.

Whilst there is other projects on MWG which I do support such as EzRPG, EzRPG Rework and NWE I cannot continue to be a member of this forum whilst it is still owned by McCodes.com to be frank their attitude towards this community is just take take take and give broken insecure slightly revamped code occassionally and are only ever really active on the forum when they plan to release a new version of their engine.

Im sure some will be glad to see the back of me! Others can find me.


Though we didn't always see eye to eye, it's sad to see a contributive member go.


Sad to see you go, I'v seen your quite important to this forum. :(

Side note, why does everyone in some sense, try to flame MCCodes, I'm not trying to kick off a arguement, but regardless if the code is buggy, surely there must be ups to mccodes, isn't it why alot of games use mccodes? :s

Sad to see you go, I'v seen your quite important to this forum. :(

Side note, why does everyone in some sense, try to flame MCCodes, I'm not trying to kick off a arguement, but regardless if the code is buggy, surely there must be ups to mccodes, isn't it why alot of games use mccodes? :s

I guess community and ease of use, are big contributing factors to MCCodes' popularity.

Sad to see you go, I'v seen your quite important to this forum. :(

Side note, why does everyone in some sense, try to flame MCCodes, I'm not trying to kick off a arguement, but regardless if the code is buggy, surely there must be ups to mccodes, isn't it why alot of games use mccodes? :s

People "flame" McCodes because they know their engines are buggy and they did nothing about it for a very long time.. I've been a member here for almost 4 years and i've seen more help in resolving mccodes issues from members and not from mccodes staff. Mccodes was doing well because at one point there were a lot of people on this site helping one and other fix problems and making new modifications. Rarely now do you see anyone making anything for mccodes any more.. With their v2 engine it was very insecure. They knew about it for a long time and did nothing. Then came out with mccodes redux. that engine was just as bad. Many many flaws. and now they are talking about a v3?. If mccodes was anything like Alain and the way he takes good care of his product mccodes might have a good name.


I don't blame you one bit for wanting to leave... It's sad that no one was informed personally, they should have at least mailed the person, work was put into these mods they referred onto mccodes, and they should have asked the owner of them to have them referred, and they want you to play a guessing game when they make an announcement?? No one checks mccodes.com for announcements, was any even made on this forum of this??

In light of the recent post by Coldblooded which was to serve as a reminder that the owners of the forum expect the community to work on their behalf fixing their bug ridden security flawed engine without giving squat back to the MWG community I bid you farewall.

I do not recall saying we expect you, a community member to work on our behalf in fixing our software bugs. Prove otherwise. Where are drawing your conclusions from; hatred towards MCCodes/me?

We have barely ever answered anyones thread seeking for MCCode product support since day 1. What all of a sudden made you get upset about this and created expectations?

"without giving squat back to the MWG community" ..We have given the community a free secured engine to furthermore promote MMORPG titles on the web as well as learning opportunity for beginners free of charge.

We could still charge royalties for this engine and still earn off it. Even 5 years from now, sales would have continued for v1. However, our goal was to give something back to the MWG community.

As you know, MCCodes is operated by 2 students, Dabomstew and myself as a hobby venture. At times we struggle to invest even 1 hour into MCCodes and MWG per week. We have made this very clear from the start.

Hence one of the reasons why I made the reminder thread (http://makewebgames.io/showthread.php/42518-Reminder) because we don't want the responsibility of providing active 12 hour turnover support on MWG forums, we don't have the capacity. Therefore I veto'd MCCodes out of this. However, MCCodes.com support ticket are answered to actively as well as my personal email inbox and Skype calls/IM. MCC does not just revolve around MWG I'm sorry. Support is given.

We own this site indeed. We have never got in anyones way or interfered. We have always encouraged other peoples work (Engines, modules, contents, thoughts..). There are perfectly fine admins on this site like Alain and Nickson along with a talented moderator team. So let MCCodes (The owners of this site, Dabomstew and I) silently pay the bills while you use this service.

No need to rage quit IMHO.


"without giving squat back to the MWG community" ..We have given the community a free secured engine to furthermore promote MMORPG titles on the web as well as learning opportunity for beginners free of charge.

We could still charge royalties for this engine and still earn off it. Even 5 years from now, sales would have continued for v1. However, our goal was to give something back to the MWG community.

Let's have a competition:

See who can find the most security holes or bugs in MCCodes V1.1 within five minutes.

Now, because this is a participation event, everyone gets at least 10USD for every bug they find.

The winner, i.e. the person who finds the most holes, gets 500USD.

Oh, and you're footing the bill, because you've given the community such a "secured engine".

On board? No? Thought so.

The main point here is that if you are going to release a product, you have to support it, otherwise explicitly state so to the people /before/ they buy the polished turd that is MCCodes V*. The best thing you guys have ever released into the OS market is Lite, and even that code still haunts me to this day.

And then for you guys owning this forum; Yes, such a convenience.

When the site goes down due to a minor SQL flood, the forum is down for two days. What sysmin on earth would find this acceptable?

If you give so much back to this community already, why don't you try and keep the community's forum up for more than a month at a time.


To be honest- I will never change my mind about mccodes, but the engine was never mccodes to start with it was a script taken then reproduced then later re wrote up, then it was the community on here that fixed the security of it and found the flaws... to fitting the bill to this forum YOU should!! I think you owe that much to these members, you did bank off on what they fixed did you not???


We own this site indeed. We have never got in anyones way or interfered. We have always encouraged other peoples work (Engines, modules, contents, thoughts..). There are perfectly fine admins on this site like Alain and Nickson along with a talented moderator team. So let MCCodes (The owners of this site, Dabomstew and I) silently pay the bills while you use this service.

Lol, service? No. We "The community" provide a service to your clientele to fix your issue's where you can not provide. Yet it seems in each post you state you do provide support. But why is it that we have user's on this forum that have waited DAYS (if not MONTHS) for a support ticket to be answered.

It's as simple as this, if you sell a product, then support it. If you can not support it, discontinue it. Don't thrive off the fact that you have a community (that's pretty much dying) to give support to these people for your idiotic mistakes.

Tell me, when you even launched a new version, or even to this day when you fix bug's on mcc v2, do you turn on error reporting? Sure as hell you don't. As soon as error reporting is turned on, you'll soon see a **** load of undefined constant's.

Fix them you lazy bags!

  • 2 weeks later...
We have barely ever answered anyones thread seeking for MCCode product support since day 1. What all of a sudden made you get upset about this and created expectations?

I lol'd. For the cost of the engine you'd think you'd offer at least a little bit of support. #scamartists

I lol'd. For the cost of the engine you'd think you'd offer at least a little bit of support. #scamartists

I was meaning giving support on the MWG forums. We have always given email and IM support.


I lol'd. For the cost of the engine you'd think you'd offer at least a little bit of support. #scamartists

I was meaning giving support on the MWG forums. We have always given email and IM support.



Mccode is never the right choice if your a new comer but if you want a challenge the engine fix perfect. I don't see why everyone is on cold back. If you ask me I never seen him help on the forum. You guys act like it's new just because he announce it. I have much respect for you guys most of you guys help me solve my problems even if you didn't notice. I would go and search and find my answer or post. Yea its a pain dealing with mccode errors. But makewebgames is a community were all gamers to gamer owners or creators stick around to help each other.

Let's all face it the official mccode site never fixed things it was the community. Why stop now and turn on mccode. It's a great engine and it's worth fixing even if takes months or even years.


Quote~ You got to enjoy the little things in life.

Mccode is never the right choice if your a new comer

Yeah it is. It's perfect for new comer developers to start building their knowledge on. Why acquire a complicated engine with everything perfect and no room for failure to learn with?; thats just spoon feeding. Developers must learn from the ground up, from the slums. I back this statement up with proof, many individuals have learnt a lot from MCC engine / any kind of involvement with it. Hence, atleast 1 line of code from this engine is daily used today to make someone happy.

If a developer of a game don't acquire this opportunity as a new comer, goodluck to that games future developments.

Anyhow, fyi we have released a thoroughly patched v1, v2 and v2.5 engines out few months ago. This fixed many issues. I have discovered a few today thanks to some members on this community; which I will push a fix out shortly. So don't say we've never done anything.


That's why people should buy broken cars instead of brand new working cars sure. Also why buy pants and shoes, you should buy just some raw materials and saw them yourself.... Sorry this sort of thinking is totally flawed ColdBlooded.

And if you really think what you say, why do you care about patching then? You should leave the bugs around to "improve" the quality of the training you offer.

That's why people should buy broken cars instead of brand new working cars sure. Also why buy pants and shoes, you should buy just some raw materials and saw them yourself.... Sorry this sort of thinking is totally flawed ColdBlooded.

And if you really think what you say, why do you care about patching then? You should leave the bugs around to "improve" the quality of the training you offer.

Cars is a complete different thing. Can't compare to a virtual software.

When you were born you weren't put into a 1000cc motor cycle straight up. You wouldve rode a thing on a much lower scale.

So, a comparison you can make is car engine size. MCC engine is a 200c and perhaps Zynga's engine released tomorrow could be 1000cc.

Learn lower, then advance slowly. That's the concept I am appying. I don't understand your negative concept. But I understand, your thoughts in simple words is you are only negative because a product has faults even after long time of release. It does get patched though.


And if you really think what you say, why do you care about patching then? You should leave the bugs around to "improve" the quality of the training you offer.

We do patch. We do improve quality of the product without losing its functionality levels.

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