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jamiee last won the day on September 7 2021

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  1. Hey, Thanks for the feedback on the menu overflow - i've just spotted an issue and it's now working correctly on all screen sizes. No demo login but the game currently does no email vaildation so you can sign up with any email!
  2. Hi all, Back in 2008, I owned a game called Godfathers United - was one of the first on the GL engine @Dayo has taken over! During covid, I set to rebuild and relaunch the game on a new custom engine, took alot longer then expected but the game has now been released! https://www.gfunited.com https://discord.gg/ZTyXqfTt Hope to see you in game!
  3. I guess the issue is here is your looking at a text based game as a browser game - the App i'm building will still have all the functions of the broswer but will have a totally different desgin on to fit the mobile platform better.
  4. @CrazyElk the simple answer is expectations and access to a bigger player base - if i start advertising the game alot of people now expect it to be a nicely designed app on their home screens and not a site they will have to visit. the performance and look anf feel of a native app will be far superior then a site optimised for mobile. Push notifications are also alot easier on native. i could make the game a PWA but the support on apple currently is not there.
  5. I'm looking for a partner and co-owner with experience in graphic design for my upcoming game Godfathers United - the game is currently in active development and is planning to be released before the end of the year. The game is built with a custom engine using react and node.js - i'm not looking for another developer so don't worry if you've never used these before. The game has a road map for 2022 and the big aim next year is to work on a mobile app as the current site is built in react this will be an easy task. Preview site: https://gfu-4qhwz.ondigitalocean.app/
  6. I've now got a demo site online of you would like to check it out - not all features are in the game yet but basic crimes and a mission is playable. any feedback of the game in it's current state would be great. https://gfu-4qhwz.ondigitalocean.app/
  7. Thanks - i forgot to mention this is a custom game engin being built with a node backend and react frontend.
  8. Hi, Since the last update i've been working on the backend as you can see in the below screenshot the player infomation is now loaded in the right hand menu. Crime have also been added into the game!
  9. Hi, Here is an update template, i've made some changes to the background and centered some element - this is the currently the final layout. Any feedback would be great. Thanks, Jamie.
  10. Hi All, I've decided to remake an old game i had online years ago! Attached is some mockup of the currentl template - Any feedback would be great! I'll keep this post updated with progress as development continues. Thanks, Jamie.
  11. i only have a attitude to people who think they are better then eveyone else.. and by the reply it seems they had more of a attitude
  12. i remember seeing this game when it was released and offered a hand if you needed any help, but i was told by a game admin i was not good enough.. but after seeing the code i'm glad i never helped!
  13. jamiee


    every game copies another in some way or another.. as long as its not a copy of the game i don't see a problem
  14. i really like the ingame look.. might have to steal it :P
  15. i think that looks really amazing! nice work dayo!
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