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andr3as last won the day on December 13 2020

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  1. Hi someone no sell gl theme ?
  2. @BeNiiiBoiiiand @URBANZ help me so much so thanks for them
  3. andr3as

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas for yous all 🎄🎉🎅
  4. It’s still missing my button 🤣
  5. Yes I working on it to sortem out also if u buy the gang garage have same problem but I have the fixed version if anyone need.
  6. andr3as

    My new game

    hi looking very good the game just on the equipped menu u have little problem .The secondary menu going down to end of the page . Maybe u just forget some </div>
  7. Thanks I gonna check better when I have time.
  8. Yes when I go home from work I gona post here. So I tried your solution for the tuning mode but no working Coming up one error like this, when I try to buy the exhaust for the car . Sorry something went very wrong! The error has been logged and waiting for a developer to review this issue. If you are the developer you can enable better dubuging by editing config.php and enabling debug. Sim I try your solution as well but also no working. Sorry something went very wrong! The error has been logged and waiting for a developer to review this issue. If you are the developer you can enable better dubuging by editing config.php and enabling debug With this solution working now for me. I know its not the best solution.Now I just need to add to don't let peoples to buy more than 1 tuning part for each car. public function method_exhaust() { $car = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM garage INNER JOIN cars ON (CA_id = GA_car) WHERE GA_id = :car"); $car->bindParam(':car', $this->methodData->car); $car->execute(); $car = $car->fetchObject(); if (empty($car) || $car->GA_uid != $this->user->id) { $this->alerts[] = $this->page->buildElement('error', array("text"=>'Car doesnt exist')); } else if ($this->user->info->US_money <= 0) { $this->alerts[] = $this->page->buildElement('error', array("text" => "Not enough money!")); } else if ($this->garage->info->GA_exhaust == 100) { $this->alerts[] = $this->page->buildElement('error', array("text" => "You all ready have this")); } else { if ($value < $this->user->info->US_money) { $this->alerts[] = $this->page->buildElement('success', array("text"=>'You buyed exhaust tuning.')); $this->db->query("UPDATE garage SET GA_exhaust = GA_exhaust + 100 WHERE GA_id = ".$car->GA_id); $this->db->query("UPDATE userStats SET US_money = US_money - 1000000 WHERE US_id = ".$this->user->id); $actionHook = new hook("userAction"); $action = array( "user" => $this->user->id, "module" => "tuning.exhaust", "id" => $car->CA_id, "success" => true, "reward" => $value ); $actionHook->run($action); } } }
  9. Thank you for everyone I sorted out the problem ☺️ And sorry was other language I forget translate back
  10. i have problem with this module and i don`t understand what`s wrong with this all ?so when you buy lets say exhaust tuning its says the car its not yours or its dose's not exist.
  11. Hello I have a problem with the auction module. when I post car or points to auction and I cancel the auction the point or the car doesn’t going back to the garage .
  12. I think the Updated files was uploaded wrong and was purchasable for everyone.
  13. andr3as

    I need help

    garage.tpl (6).php hi thanks for reply this its my garage file
  14. andr3as

    I need help

    hi i need help to fix this problem if i check the game on the PC (desktop view) all good the images its normal size how i wanted but if i change the view for mobile all images are so big just on the garage i have this problem .
  15. Hi i need someone help. To add pictures to cars / items / etc if need I pay for it .
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