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MWG changeover


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Hi all as many of you know a lot of mods were changed on here due to the change of MWG

Can anyone explain what needs to be edited in the change of code that happened.

Below is an example but can it please be explained to me so i can learn:

echo '<tr><td><a href="http://viewuser.php?u='.$log->userid.'" target="_blank">'.$log->username.'</a>['.$log->userid.']</td><td>

I know for a start the target="blank" needs to come out and something to do with the '

but ive taken both of them out and its still showing an error


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As far as I'm aware the issue has been resolved, but only for newly created threads or posts. All posts that have been made with any kind of code, especially html/php still have the issue! They need to be fixed manually...

The following line:

echo '<tr><td><a href="http://viewuser.php?u='.$log->userid.'" target="_blank">'.$log->username.'</a>['.$log->userid.']</td><td>


should be edited to something like this:


echo '<tr><td><a href="viewuser.php?u='.$log->userid.'">'.$log->username.'</a>['.$log->userid.']</td><td>


The forum software used to change links in the code, it added http:// to links that had a relative path. A ' can be replaced by a ' (single quote)

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  • 1 year later...
i know its a very old thread by myself but does anyone actually have a tutorial of how to fix the old mods that changed when the forum did?

Ive been racking my brain for ages and have searched everywhere on this forum but cant seem to find a tutorial

It seems it gets converted into BBCode (The older modifications, anyway) and HTML special characters. Just go through the source, and change them back.

BBcode is pretty self explanatory to change back. With the HTML special characters, Google them.

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