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Spydre452 last won the day on January 6 2021

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About Spydre452

  • Birthday 06/06/1994

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  1. Yea, much happier thanks 🤣
  2. I was just a little confused as I saw no please or thank you in your request, nevertheless.. goodluck
  3. Frontend or backend, by this I mean are you looking for a visual design or the 'backend' variables and information etc tailored to your theme?
  4. If all else fails, I have experience with mcc
  5. Are you asking for someone to pay your hosting?
  6. From a quick look, this looks very impressive, good work! 🌟
  7. I agree on this, nor adobe as its a bit overpriced. My personal recommendation is the affinity software
  8. Check your error log, either that or the there's a query queriering something that doesn't exist
  9. I've not worked with grpg before but I do have experience in MCC, so please bare that in mind as you continuing reading my reply 😅 The conversion would take place in drugmarket.php, the SQL seems applicable to both engines. To go from grpg to mcc yourll need to make sure your globals or global func file is included rather than the Inc/header The queries within this script will need to be rewritten to mcc requirements, Ie I'm not sure mcc supports what I call class queries ($drug = $db->fetch(true);) so yourll have to run these checks for money and quantity slightly different, calling the fields from the database and running then through an if statement or boolean ((x=1) ? true: false)) statement Yourll have to check that any functions used (ie. prettynum(integar)) are declared in your global func or make a similar function or use pre existing PHP functions (number_format, round etc) To be honest, that was all a guess based off historic experience so do let me know how it goes/if this is helpful/correct in anyway 😁 Should be a good start for you anyway
  10. Store the results in an array and recall it using an array key
  11. Go to your phpmyadmin or database alternative, click the users table and on the top row (column headings), make sure that `gang` is present.. if not change `gang` in the query select to your defined column name
  12. It would be helpful, yea or supply the necessary/relevant lines of code.. Do you have a globals file running for education that handles the data or is this all done in crons, you need to make sure a DELETE FROM or something appropriate is actioned when the education time hits zero or is equal to current time Pm me if you need any assistance
  13. This is looking really good @Uridium 👏
  14. I'm currently in mobile and requesting desktop sites times out 😬 I'll have another look when I'm back on my laptop, but from the screenshots it looks pretty promising -- Took me a second to work out you had to select a round 😅 but other than that the concept of the game feels fairly unique and the features are good, I would say from my visit though some explanation on what does what for your character would be beneficial
  15. Check that the ID (in the database) is set to primary and auto incremental, may need to truncate the data for this to process
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