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Gangster Legends Premium - Expansion Pack 1

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On the 31st of January I'll be releasing the first expansion pack for GL Premium, this will be a free expansion pack for anyone who has bought GL Premium but it will be sold individually for $30.

The first expansion pack aims to add several features to the premium membership system including:

  1. The ability to only enable premium members to access certain modules of your choice. I.e. only premium members (PM) can use the auction house.
  2. You will be able to make certain items only usable if they are a PM i.e. you can have a special gun that only PM's can equip.
  3. Username tags - This allows PM's to have upto a 4 character tag at the start of their name i.e [DAYO] Chris Day
  4. Custom color - This allows you to set a color for PM's usernames.

There will also be a few other features not related to PM

  1. Tasks - This gives the user a random daily task to complete, when they complete the task they will get a reward
  2. Betting - This allows you to create custom betting events in the ACP. Users can then bet in game cash on the outcome of the event. Once the event has finished you can payout the correct result via the ACP.
  3. Crypto Exchange - This is one i really like, this module allows you to buy/sell (virtual) crypto from an exchange using in game currency. The price of the crypto is pulled from the realtime current price of crypto. 
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Great minds think alike. I just released a mod that limits with modules can be accessed via rank.


I also been trying find a good crypto API for a crypto stock but tigers no longer needed since you already have plans.


I like all of the updates. I'm not sure about blocking pages but might be useful particularly when my game isn't open yet so certainly can work for me. The cosmetic things of colour changes and names is pretty cool, players of all likes should go for that.

I like the 3 updates. these are good and useful and look forward to implementing like the premium membership stuff.

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