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Need to replace my cron_minute with a timestamp

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Magictallguy made this one quite a few years ago but has served me well since.

create file called cronless_crons.php and stick this in it.


if ('/cronless_crons.php' == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
if (!isset($set)) {
    $set = array();
    $settq = $db->query('SELECT * FROM settings');
    while ($r = $db->fetch_row($settq)) {
        $set[$r['conf_name']] = $r['conf_value'];

// Minute
$result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE name = '1min'");
$result1 = $db->fetch_row($result2);
$hla1 = time() - $result1['last'];
if ($hla1 > 60) {
    $n1 = floor($hla1 / 60);
    $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE `users` SET `hospital` = GREATEST(0, `hospital` - %u) WHERE `hospital` > 0', $n1));
    $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = GREATEST(0, `jail` - %u) WHERE `jail` > 0', $n1));
    // minute Cron stuff here
    $hc = $db->fetch_single($db->query('SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `users` WHERE `hospital` > 0'));
    $jc = $db->fetch_single($db->query('SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `users` WHERE `jail` > 0'));
    $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `conf_value` = '$hc' WHERE `conf_name` = 'hospital_count'");
    $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `conf_value` = '$jc' WHERE `conf_name` = 'jail_count'");
    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1min'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 60) * 60);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1min'");

// Five minute
$result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '5min'");
$result2 = $db->fetch_row($result2);
$hla2 = time() - $result2['last'];
if ($hla2 > 300) {
    $n = floor($hla2 / 300);

	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `brave` = LEAST(`brave` + (((`maxbrave` / 10) + 0.5) * '.$n.'), `maxbrave`), `hp` = LEAST(`hp` + ((`maxhp` / 12) * '.$n.'), `maxhp`), `energy` = IF(`donatordays`, LEAST(`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 5) * '.$n.'), `maxenergy`), LEAST(`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 10) * '.$n.'), `maxenergy`)), `will` = LEAST(`maxwill`, `will` + '.($n * 100).')');
    $db->query('UPDATE `pets` SET `energy` = LEAST((`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 30) + 2) * '.$n.'), maxenergy) WHERE (`energy` < `maxenergy`)');
    $db->query('UPDATE `pets` SET `hp` = LEAST((`hp` + ((`maxhp` / 30) + 2) * '.$n.'), maxhp) WHERE (`hp` < `maxenergy`)');
    // 5 minute cron stuff here

    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 300) * 300);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '5min'");

// 1 hour
$result3 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1hour'");
$result3 = $db->fetch_row($result3);
$hla3 = time() - $result3['last'];
if ($hla3 > 3600) {
    $n3 = floor($hla3 / 3600);
    // Hourly cron stuff here
    if (17 == date('G')) {
        // 5pm crons here like workpayouts
    if (8 == date('G')) {
        // 8am crons here
    if (60 == $set['validate_period'] && $set['validate_on']) {
        $db->query('UPDATE users SET verified=0');
    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1hour'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 3600) * 3600);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1hour'");

// 1 day
$result4 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1day'");
$result4 = $db->fetch_row($result4);
$hla4 = time() - $result4['last'];
if ($hla4 > 86400) {
    $n4 = floor($hla4 / 86400);
    $db->query('UPDATE `fedjail` SET `fed_days` = GREATEST(0, `fed_days` - '.$n4.')');
    $q = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `fedjail` WHERE `fed_days` = 0');
    $ids = array();

	// Daily cron stuff here
    if (1 == date('j')) {

            // First of the month Crons here

    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1day'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 86400) * 86400);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1day'");

// 1 Week
$result5 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1week'");
$result5 = $db->fetch_row($result5);
$hla5 = time() - $result5['last'];
if ($hla5 > 604800) {
    $n5 = floor($hla5 / 604800);

    // Weekly Stuff Here if you have any

    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1week'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 604800) * 604800);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1week'");

Change and Add your Crons to the right section.


and here are the SQLs

CREATE TABLE `updates` (
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `last` int(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 60

-- Dumping data for table `updates`

INSERT INTO `updates` (`name`, `last`) VALUES
('1min', 1624438860),
('5min', 1624438800),
('1hour', 1624438800),
('1day', 1624406400),
('1month', 1541030400),
('1week', 1623888000);


Edited by peterisgb
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3 hours ago, peterisgb said:

MagicTallGuy made this one quite a few years ago but has served me well since.

create file called cronless_crons.php and stick this in it.

<?php if ('/cronless_crons.php' == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { exit; } if (!isset($set)) { $set = array(); $settq = $db->query('SELECT * FROM settings'); while ($r = $db->fetch_row($settq)) { $set[$r['conf_name']] = $r['conf_value']; } } // Minute $result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE name = '1min'"); $result1 = $db->fetch_row($result2); $hla1 = time() - $result1['last']; if ($hla1 > 60) { $n1 = floor($hla1 / 60); $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE `users` SET `hospital` = GREATEST(0, `hospital` - %u) WHERE `hospital` > 0', $n1)); $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = GREATEST(0, `jail` - %u) WHERE `jail` > 0', $n1)); // minute Cron stuff here $hc = $db->fetch_single($db->query('SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `users` WHERE `hospital` > 0')); $jc = $db->fetch_single($db->query('SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `users` WHERE `jail` > 0')); $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `conf_value` = '$hc' WHERE `conf_name` = 'hospital_count'"); $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `conf_value` = '$jc' WHERE `conf_name` = 'jail_count'"); $time = time(); $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1min'"); $floor = $time - (floor($time / 60) * 60); if ($floor > 0) { $newUpdate = time() - $floor; $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1min'"); } } // Five minute $result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '5min'"); $result2 = $db->fetch_row($result2); $hla2 = time() - $result2['last']; if ($hla2 > 300) { $n = floor($hla2 / 300); $db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `brave` = LEAST(`brave` + (((`maxbrave` / 10) + 0.5) * '.$n.'), `maxbrave`), `hp` = LEAST(`hp` + ((`maxhp` / 12) * '.$n.'), `maxhp`), `energy` = IF(`donatordays`, LEAST(`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 5) * '.$n.'), `maxenergy`), LEAST(`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 10) * '.$n.'), `maxenergy`)), `will` = LEAST(`maxwill`, `will` + '.($n * 100).')'); $db->query('UPDATE `pets` SET `energy` = LEAST((`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 30) + 2) * '.$n.'), maxenergy) WHERE (`energy` < `maxenergy`)'); $db->query('UPDATE `pets` SET `hp` = LEAST((`hp` + ((`maxhp` / 30) + 2) * '.$n.'), maxhp) WHERE (`hp` < `maxenergy`)'); // 5 minute cron stuff here $floor = $time - (floor($time / 300) * 300); if ($floor > 0) { $newUpdate = time() - $floor; $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '5min'"); } } // 1 hour $result3 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1hour'"); $result3 = $db->fetch_row($result3); $hla3 = time() - $result3['last']; if ($hla3 > 3600) { $n3 = floor($hla3 / 3600); // Hourly cron stuff here if (17 == date('G')) { // 5pm crons here like workpayouts } if (8 == date('G')) { // 8am crons here } if (60 == $set['validate_period'] && $set['validate_on']) { $db->query('UPDATE users SET verified=0'); } $time = time(); $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1hour'"); $floor = $time - (floor($time / 3600) * 3600); if ($floor > 0) { $newUpdate = time() - $floor; $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1hour'"); } } // 1 day $result4 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1day'"); $result4 = $db->fetch_row($result4); $hla4 = time() - $result4['last']; if ($hla4 > 86400) { $n4 = floor($hla4 / 86400); $db->query('UPDATE `fedjail` SET `fed_days` = GREATEST(0, `fed_days` - '.$n4.')'); $q = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `fedjail` WHERE `fed_days` = 0'); $ids = array(); // Daily cron stuff here if (1 == date('j')) { // First of the month Crons here } $time = time(); $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1day'"); $floor = $time - (floor($time / 86400) * 86400); if ($floor > 0) { $newUpdate = time() - $floor; $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1day'"); } } // 1 Week $result5 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1week'"); $result5 = $db->fetch_row($result5); $hla5 = time() - $result5['last']; if ($hla5 > 604800) { $n5 = floor($hla5 / 604800); // Weekly Stuff Here if you have any $time = time(); $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1week'"); $floor = $time - (floor($time / 604800) * 604800); if ($floor > 0) { $newUpdate = time() - $floor; $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1week'"); } }


if ('/cronless_crons.php' == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
if (!isset($set)) {
    $set = array();
    $settq = $db->query('SELECT * FROM settings');
    while ($r = $db->fetch_row($settq)) {
        $set[$r['conf_name']] = $r['conf_value'];

// Minute
$result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM updates WHERE name = '1min'");
$result1 = $db->fetch_row($result2);
$hla1 = time() - $result1['last'];
if ($hla1 > 60) {
    $n1 = floor($hla1 / 60);
    $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE `users` SET `hospital` = GREATEST(0, `hospital` - %u) WHERE `hospital` > 0', $n1));
    $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = GREATEST(0, `jail` - %u) WHERE `jail` > 0', $n1));
    // minute Cron stuff here
    $hc = $db->fetch_single($db->query('SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `users` WHERE `hospital` > 0'));
    $jc = $db->fetch_single($db->query('SELECT COUNT(`userid`) FROM `users` WHERE `jail` > 0'));
    $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `conf_value` = '$hc' WHERE `conf_name` = 'hospital_count'");
    $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `conf_value` = '$jc' WHERE `conf_name` = 'jail_count'");
    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1min'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 60) * 60);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1min'");

// Five minute
$result2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '5min'");
$result2 = $db->fetch_row($result2);
$hla2 = time() - $result2['last'];
if ($hla2 > 300) {
    $n = floor($hla2 / 300);

	$db->query('UPDATE `users` SET `brave` = LEAST(`brave` + (((`maxbrave` / 10) + 0.5) * '.$n.'), `maxbrave`), `hp` = LEAST(`hp` + ((`maxhp` / 12) * '.$n.'), `maxhp`), `energy` = IF(`donatordays`, LEAST(`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 5) * '.$n.'), `maxenergy`), LEAST(`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 10) * '.$n.'), `maxenergy`)), `will` = LEAST(`maxwill`, `will` + '.($n * 100).')');
    $db->query('UPDATE `pets` SET `energy` = LEAST((`energy` + ((`maxenergy` / 30) + 2) * '.$n.'), maxenergy) WHERE (`energy` < `maxenergy`)');
    $db->query('UPDATE `pets` SET `hp` = LEAST((`hp` + ((`maxhp` / 30) + 2) * '.$n.'), maxhp) WHERE (`hp` < `maxenergy`)');
    // 5 minute cron stuff here

    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 300) * 300);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '5min'");

// 1 hour
$result3 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1hour'");
$result3 = $db->fetch_row($result3);
$hla3 = time() - $result3['last'];
if ($hla3 > 3600) {
    $n3 = floor($hla3 / 3600);
    // Hourly cron stuff here
    if (17 == date('G')) {
        // 5pm crons here like workpayouts
    if (8 == date('G')) {
        // 8am crons here
    if (60 == $set['validate_period'] && $set['validate_on']) {
        $db->query('UPDATE users SET verified=0');
    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1hour'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 3600) * 3600);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1hour'");

// 1 day
$result4 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1day'");
$result4 = $db->fetch_row($result4);
$hla4 = time() - $result4['last'];
if ($hla4 > 86400) {
    $n4 = floor($hla4 / 86400);
    $db->query('UPDATE `fedjail` SET `fed_days` = GREATEST(0, `fed_days` - '.$n4.')');
    $q = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `fedjail` WHERE `fed_days` = 0');
    $ids = array();

	// Daily cron stuff here
    if (1 == date('j')) {

            // First of the month Crons here

    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1day'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 86400) * 86400);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1day'");

// 1 Week
$result5 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `updates` WHERE `name` = '1week'");
$result5 = $db->fetch_row($result5);
$hla5 = time() - $result5['last'];
if ($hla5 > 604800) {
    $n5 = floor($hla5 / 604800);

    // Weekly Stuff Here if you have any

    $time = time();
    $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$time." WHERE `name` = '1week'");
    $floor = $time - (floor($time / 604800) * 604800);
    if ($floor > 0) {
        $newUpdate = time() - $floor;
        $db->query('UPDATE `updates` SET `last` = '.$newUpdate." WHERE `name` = '1week'");

Change and Add your Crons to the right section.


and here are the SQLs

CREATE TABLE `updates` ( `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `last` int(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 60 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `updates` -- INSERT INTO `updates` (`name`, `last`) VALUES ('1min', 1624438860), ('5min', 1624438800), ('1hour', 1624438800), ('1day', 1624406400), ('1month', 1541030400), ('1week', 1623888000); COMMIT;

CREATE TABLE `updates` (
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `last` int(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 60

-- Dumping data for table `updates`

INSERT INTO `updates` (`name`, `last`) VALUES
('1min', 1624438860),
('5min', 1624438800),
('1hour', 1624438800),
('1day', 1624406400),
('1month', 1541030400),
('1week', 1623888000);


One completely untested update to this 🙂

Note: This uses a completely different table to the ones listed above. It stores times as date stamps (i.e., Y-m-d H:i:s).


if ('/cronless_crons.php' == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {

class CronlessCrons
    public database $db;
    private static ?self $inst = null;
    public array    $set    = [];
    private array   $timers = [];
    // cronless_crons.name -> duration in seconds
    private array $intervals = [
        '1m' => 60,
        '5m' => 300,
        '1h' => 3600,
        '1d' => 86400,

    public function __construct(database $db, array $set = [])
        $this->db = $db;
    public static function getInstance(database $db, array $set): ?self
        if (self::$inst === null) {
            self::$inst = new self($db, $set);
        return self::$inst;

    private function checkTable()
        $getTable = $this->db->query('SELECT 1 FROM cronless_crons');
        if (!$this->db->num_rows($getTable)) {
                CREATE TABLE cronless_crons (
                    name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
                    last_ran TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\',
                    INDEX (name)
            $values = '';
            foreach ($this->intervals as $interval) {
                $values .= ', (\'' . $interval . '\')';
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO cronless_crons (name) VALUES ' . substr($values, 2));

    private function setSettings(array $set = [])
        if (empty($set)) {
            $set            = [];
            $selectSettings = $this->db->query('SELECT conf_name, conf_value FROM settings');
            while ($row = $this->db->fetch_row($selectSettings)) {
                $set[$row['conf_name']] = $row['conf_value'];
        $this->set = $set;

    private function setTimers()
        $selectTimers = $this->db->query('SELECT name, last_ran FROM cronless_crons');
        while ($row = $this->db->fetch_row($selectTimers)) {
            $this->timers[$row['name']] = $row['last_ran'];

    private function checkTimers()
        $currentTime      = new DateTime('now');
        $currentTimeAsInt = $currentTime->format('U');
        foreach ($this->timers as $name => $timer) {
            $lastRan  = strtotime($timer);
            $interval = $this->intervals[$name];
            $deficit  = $currentTimeAsInt - $lastRan;
            if ($deficit > $interval) {
                $timesToRun = floor($deficit / $interval);
                $this->runCron($name, $timesToRun);
                $this->updateLastRan($currentTimeAsInt, $interval);

    private function updateLastRan(int $currentTimeAsInt, int $interval)
        $remaining = $currentTimeAsInt - (floor($currentTimeAsInt / $interval) * $interval);
        if ($remaining > 0) {
            $ran = $currentTimeAsInt - $remaining;
        } else {
            $ran = $currentTimeAsInt;
        $ranAsDate = new DateTime('@' . $ran);
        $this->db->query('UPDATE cronless_crons SET last_ran = \'' . $ranAsDate . '\' WHERE name = \'' . $name . '\'');

    private function runCron(string $name, int $multiplier)
        switch ($name) {
            case '1m':
            case '5m':
            case '1h':
            case '1d':

    private function oneMinute(int $multiplier)

    private function updateHospJailCounters(int $multiplier)
            'UPDATE users SET 
                 hospital = GREATEST(hospital - ' . $multiplier . ', 0),
                 jail = GREATEST(jail - ' . $multiplier . ', 0)
                 WHERE hospital > 0 OR jail > 0;
        $getCnts = $this->db->query('
            SELECT SUM(IF(hospital > 0, 1, 0)) AS hospitalized,
                   SUM(IF(jail > 0, 1, 0)) AS imprisoned
            FROM users
            WHERE hospital > 0 OR jail > 0;
        $cnts    = $this->db->fetch_row($getCnts);
            UPDATE settings SET
                conf_value = IF(conf_name = \'hospital_count\', ' . $cnts['hospitalized'] . ', conf_value),
                conf_value = IF(conf_name = \'jail_count\', ' . $cnts['imprisoned'] . ', conf_value)
                WHERE conf_name IN(\'hospital_count\', \'jail_count\');

    private function fiveMinutes(int $multiplier)

    private function updateUserStatBars()
            UPDATE users SET
                brave = LEAST(brave + (((maxbrave / 10) + 0.5) * ' . $multiplier . '), maxbrave), 
                hp = LEAST(hp + ((maxhp / 12) * ' . $multiplier . '), maxhp), 
                energy = IF(donatordays > 0,
                    LEAST(energy + ((maxenergy / 5) * ' . $multiplier . '), maxenergy),
                    LEAST(energy + ((maxenergy / 10) * ' . $multiplier . '), maxenergy)
                will = LEAST(maxwill, will + ' . ($multiplier * 100) . ');

    private function updatePetStatBars()
            UPDATE pets SET
                energy = LEAST((energy + ((maxenergy / 30) + 2) * ' . $multiplier . '), maxenergy),
                hp = LEAST((hp + ((maxhp / 30) + 2) * ' . $multiplier . '), maxhp)
                WHERE energy < maxenergy OR hp < maxhp;

    private function oneHour(int $multiplier)
        if ($this->set['validate_on'] > 0 && $this->set['validate_period'] == 60) {

    private function processGangOrganisedCrimes()
        $this->db->query('UPDATE gangs SET gangCHOURS = GREATEST(gangCHOURS - ' . $multiplier . ', 0) WHERE gangCRIME > 0');
        $getOrgCrimes = $this->db->query('
            FROM gangs AS g
            LEFT JOIN orgcrimes AS oc ON g.gangCRIME = oc.ocID
            WHERE g.gangCRIME > 0 AND g.gangCHOURS <= 0
        if ($this->db->num_rows($getOrgCrimes) > 0) {
            while ($row = $this->db->fetch_row($getOrgCrimes)) {
                if (mt_rand(0, 1) === 1) {
                    $money   = (int)(mt_rand($row['ocMINMONEY'], $row['ocMAXMONEY']));
                    $log     = str_replace('{muny}', $money, $row['ocSTARTTEXT'] . $row['ocSUCCTEXT']);
                    $outcome = 'success';
                } else {
                    $money   = 0;
                    $log     = $row['ocSTARTTEXT'] . $row['ocFAILTEXT'];
                    $outcome = 'failure';
                $this->db->query('UPDATE gangs SET gangMONEY = gangMONEY + ' . $money . ', gangCRIME = 0 WHERE gangID = ' . $row['gangID']);
                    INSERT INTO oclogs (oclOC, oclGANG, oclLOG, oclRESULT, oclMONEY, ocCRIMEN, ocTIME) VALUES
                    (' . $row['ocID'] . ', ' . $row['gangID'] . ', \'' . $this->db->escape($log) . '\', \'' . $outcome . '\', ' . $money . ', \'' . $row['ocNAME'] . '\', ' . time() . ')
                $oclID             = $this->db->insert_id();
                $selectGangMembers = $this->db->query('SELECT userid FROM users WHERE gang = ' . $row['gangID']);
                if ($this->db->num_rows($selectGangMembers)) {
                    while ($member = $this->db->fetch_row($selectGangMembers)) {
                        event_add($member['userid'], 'Your Gang\'s Organized Crime ' . ($outcome === 'success'
                                                       ? 'Succeeded'
                                                       : 'Failed') . '. Go <a href="oclog.php?ID=' . $oclID . '">here</a> to view the details.');

    private function resetValidation()
        $this->db->query('UPDATE users SET verified = 0 WHERE verified <> 0');

    private function oneDay(int $multiplier)

    private function payJobWages()
            UPDATE users AS u
            INNER JOIN userstats AS us ON u.userid = us.userid
            INNER JOIN jobranks AS jr ON jr.jrID = u.jobrank
                u.money = u.money + jr.jrPAY, u.exp = u.exp + (jr.jrPAY / 20),
                us.strength = (us.strength + 1) + jr.jrSTRG - 1,
                us.labour = (us.labour + 1) + jr.jrLABOURG - 1,
                us.IQ = (us.IQ+1) + jr.jrIQG - 1
            WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0

    private function updateFedJail()
        $this->db->query('UPDATE fedjail SET fed_days = GREATEST(fed_days - ' . $multiplier . ', 0) WHERE fed_days > 0');
        $selectFedded = $this->db->query('SELECT fed_userid FROM fedjail WHERE fed_days <= 0');
        $ids          = [];
        if ($this->db->num_rows($selectFedded) > 0) {
            while ($row = $this->db->fetch_row($selectFedded)) {
                $ids[] = $row['fed_userid'];
            $this->db->query('UPDATE users SET fedjail = 0 WHERE userid IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ')');
        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM fedjail WHERE fed_days <= 0');

    private function updateUserDailies()
            UPDATE users SET 
                daysingang = daysingang + IF(gang > 0, 1, 0),
                daysold = daysold + 1, boxes_opened = 0,
                mailban = mailban - IF(mailban > 0, 1, 0),
                donatordays = donatordays - IF(donatordays > 0, 1, 0),
                cdays = cdays - IF(course > 0, 1, 0),
                bankmoney = bankmoney + IF(bankmoney > 0, bankmoney / 50, 0),
                cybermoney = cybermoney + IF(cybermoney > 0, cybermoney / 100 * 7, 0)

    private function processUserCourses()
        $courses             = [];
        $selectUsersOnCourse = $this->db->query('SELECT userid, course FROM users WHERE cdays <= 0 AND course > 0');
        if ($this->db->num_rows($selectUsersOnCourse) > 0) {
            while ($row = $this->db->fetch_row($selectUsersOnCourse)) {
                if (!array_key_exists($row['course'], $courses)) {
                    $selectCourse            = $this->db->query('SELECT crID, crSTR, crGUARD, crLABOUR, crAGIL, crIQ, crNAME FROM courses WHERE crID = ' . $row['course']);
                    $course                  = $this->db->fetch_row($selectCourse);
                    $courses[$row['course']] = $course;
                } else {
                    $course = $courses[$row['course']];
                    INSERT INTO coursesdone (userid, courseid)
                    VALUES (' . $row['userid'] . ', ' . $row['course'] . ')
                $query = '';
                $event = '';
                if ($course['crSTR'] > 0) {
                    $query .= ', us.strength = us.strength + ' . $course['crSTR'];
                    $event .= ', ' . number_format($course['crSTR']) . ' strength';
                if ($course['crAGIL'] > 0) {
                    $query .= ', us.agility = us.agility + ' . $course['crAGIL'];
                    $event .= ', ' . number_format($course['crAGIL']) . ' agility';
                if ($course['crLABOUR'] > 0) {
                    $query .= ', us.labour = us.labour + ' . $course['crLABOUR'];
                    $event .= ', ' . number_format($course['crLABOUR']) . ' labour';
                if ($course['crGUARD'] > 0) {
                    $query .= ', us.guard = us.guard + ' . $course['crGUARD'];
                    $event .= ', ' . number_format($course['crGUARD']) . ' guard';
                if ($course['crIQ'] > 0) {
                    $query .= ', us.IQ = us.IQ + ' . $course['crIQ'];
                    $event .= ', ' . number_format($course['crIQ']) . ' IQ';
                if ($query !== '') {
                        UPDATE users AS u
                        INNER JOIN userstats AS us ON u.userid = us.userid
                        SET u.course = 0' . $query . '
                        WHERE u.userid = ' . $row['userid']);
                    event_add($row['userid'], 'Congratulations, you\'ve completed the ' . $course['crNAME'] . ' and gained ' . $event);

    private function cleanUpVotes()
        $this->db->query('TRUNCATE TABLE votes');

 * Set $db and $set properly! Don't be lazy and global scope 'em in
global $db, $set;
CronlessCrons::getInstance($db, $set);


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I made this a little bit ago and named it cron.php. I didnt put too much thought into it so it could be so much better.

Just add include_once "cron.php" in your globals and dont forget to add some settings values 

if (!defined('jdsf45tji'))
    echo 'This file cannot be accessed directly.';

$minute = 60;
$five = $minute * 5;
$hour = $minute * 60;
$day = $hour * 24;

$minute_last_run = $set['cron_min_last_run'];
$five_last_run = $set['cron_five_last_run'];
$hour_last_run = $set['cron_hour_last_run'];
$day_last_run = $set['cron_day_last_run'];

$time = time();

if(time() >= $minute_last_run) {
    $ran = false;
    $turns = floor((time() - $minute_last_run) / $minute);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $turns; $i++) {
        include "cron_minute.php";
        $ran = true;
    if($ran) {
        $newTime = time() - ($time % $minute);
        $db->query("update settings set conf_value = $newTime where conf_name = 'cron_min_last_run'");

if(time() >= $five_last_run) {
    $ran = false;
    $turns = floor((time() - $five_last_run) / $five);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $turns; $i++) {
        include "cron_fivemins.php";
        $ran = true;
    if($ran) {
        $newTime = time() - ($time % $five);
        $db->query("update settings set conf_value = ". $newTime ." where conf_name = 'cron_five_last_run'");

if(time() >= $hour_last_run) {
    $ran = false;
    $turns = floor((time() - $hour_last_run) / $hour);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $turns; $i++) {
        include "cron_hour.php";
        $ran = true;
    if($ran) {
        $newTime = time() - ($time % $hour);
        $db->query("update settings set conf_value = ". $newTime ." where conf_name = 'cron_hour_last_run'");

if(time() >= $day_last_run) {
    $ran = false;
    $turns = floor((time() - $day_last_run) / $day);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $turns; $i++) {
        include "cron_day.php";
        $ran = true;
    if($ran) {
        $newTime = time() - ($time % $day);
        $db->query("update settings set conf_value = ". $newTime ." where conf_name = 'cron_day_last_run'");


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