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So, I've been thinking recently about where I can create some success in my own work as well as others and I really thought about how people sell their modules on the MCCodes site and stuff and it brought an idea to mind where i'm rather sure no one has yet created it yet and may never create it.

Lets get to the point now, I'm going to go ahead and start a project within the next few days, it's not too tough and not too easy either, a good challenge to create something I can be proud of that is very useful to many sellers on this site. So I noticed many people sell game templates & request them on this site but selling on a forum I guess isn't the best thing to do as it's not the safest unless the seller is extremely trusted and well known and has been given many good reviews then I guess you can trust them, such as a guy like Pete! We all know Pete sell's great templates & never lets anyone down as I know of for the past years i've seen him around on this site.

We understand there are so many template market sites out there to go and buy your template, but this is heavily linked with selling templates for the games you see around being created on MWGs meaning if we build the right popularity and someone is looking for a template, instead of requesting one on the forums they can go straight to our site and buy one safe and securely.

So I want to create a Game Template selling website and this is how exactly I want to get it to work it will take a few weeks to get this created and absolutely smoothened out to be successful but i'm confident if you guys think this is a good idea.

-Anyone selling a template will upload there template to the admins through their user panel. An admin will be able to test this template privately and see if it is functional. This shouldn't be a long process depending if there is an admin available or not. But this prevents users selling free material off the internet if we can track it, prevents them selling other peoples work & most of all people can't sell a blank file pretending to sell a great layout but it turns out they scammed you. Meaning this is us giving you the best safety we possibly can to ensure you get your moneys worth.

-Sellers will be able to choose whether to sell this once or as many times as they want it's totally down to the seller. They are able to sell the template coded into a fresh game engine that they chose to do or a fresh CSS/HTML template. We will have 2 sections on the site for Game Integrated Templates and Fresh Game Templates.

-Buyers can also create an account on our system to buy templates or other add-ons for there website.

-We will have a small forum on our site where you can request a template and an Author could create it and sell it on the site which will give a small boost to keeping sellers in with work.

-There will be a rate system (1/5 Stars ratings) where users can rate a template when searching through the market, if the template has a good rating off so many users, it's obvious that this could be a catchy design to your users of your website, trust me this is helpful!

-Buyer and seller reviews will also be available on the users profiles.

-A live customer service chat will be available when an Admin is online as we want the best reviews and results from you guys on our website, we want success for ourselves but most importantly, YOU!

So now I have cleared up the functions of this Games Template Market project, I have a little in it for me of course, because this site will cost money and I don't want to be pumping in my own money constantly to keep it going although I am willing to for the starting phase to get this working.

-Sellers first sale will be free, after that you are required to buy a months subscription of £1 (Taking £1 out of the free first sale you got from us is easy peasy! It's affordable). We will offer other subscriptions to that last longer duration and are even cheaper in the long run.(E.G paying monthly for 12 month would be £12 from that year and you could just pay for the whole year straight up for around £8)

-Buyers don't have to pay for anything only what they buy off sellers.

-3-5% commission from your sold item, it's a small amount to again help us develop the website more and more.

Opinions and thoughts are greatly appreciated and any ideas & what you would like to see when this is created. Thanks for reading and I hope this refills some excitement for you guys on MWG!


It seems like a pretty good idea on paper. I could give you a better opinion of it once the website is live. Please update us and let us know when it's live. I'll surely check it out.

Well I'm not sure if I am going to go forth with this. No one has showed any sort of interest, if theres no interest then theres no success.

Nobody paid much interest in facebook until it blew up.

Something for you to ponder upon.


I was talking to someone about something like this the other day. Could be a good idea, i had the idea that you could buy just the PSD or the HTML/CSS or one for a game engine.

I was talking to someone about something like this the other day. Could be a good idea, i had the idea that you could buy just the PSD or the HTML/CSS or one for a game engine.

Give the seller the option of uploading different .zip files etc depending on what is included, then categorise them as either psd only, html/css, game engine (specifying which game engine). Maybe have one that contains the images sliced and ready to be coded.

Give the seller the option of uploading different .zip files etc depending on what is included, then categorise them as either psd only, html/css, game engine (specifying which game engine). Maybe have one that contains the images sliced and ready to be coded.

All them options are surely to be there, as it will open our site markets up even further to success.

- - - Updated - - -


I was talking to someone about something like this the other day. Could be a good idea, i had the idea that you could buy just the PSD or the HTML/CSS or one for a game engine.

Yes, also another good point, there will be seperate sections for buying just the PSD or the HTML/CSS code or coded layout integrated into a game engine that will certainly become available. Whatever sensible options we can split things up into to open the markets, we will surely look to do!

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