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GamerAdsCenter.com || For Sale

W3Theory || Peter

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So, I have had this domain and site for a long time now. The site is about 70% done overall. Great for someone to have a nice side project with and get it running. I just don't see it happening anytime soon with my schedule or other projects.

What is included is:

Website: GamerAdsCenter.com

+ 1 year hosting

+ Domain

+ All the files (all unique, from scratch)

+ License to the template used



A reduced price for a template upon purchase if they are looking for one. (30% of the normal price tag)

Features include:

- Account creation for Publishers and Advertisers

- Ability to create zones

- Ability to create campaigns

- Upload Banners

- Simple Campaign statistics

- Upload/Edit ones' site

There are definitely some bugs in the site and will need some work, but a good chunk of it is done.

Bidding starts @ $50 and will end when I like a price. Trying to get it off my hands by this weekend to be honest.

You can either post a bid/question here or through Private Message.



Edited by W3Theory || Peter
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@Dave: Thanks! Yeah, it's been there for a while and going through my domain list I spotted it. So figured since I haven't touched it in the last two years, I probably won't be anytime soon.

::Sale Update::

Current Highest Bid: 80$

Current Highest Bidder: Razor

End of sale is one of either two things, what ever comes first:

1) Sale will end on Saturday @ 4pm (EST , United States - it's 8 am right now)

2) Sale will end on Friday @ 4pm (EST), if the bid reaches 100$ today.


P.S. One can throw a BIN offer on here or through PM if they are interested as well.


Thank you,


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