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Weapon STore page loads blank screen, Please Help


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My liquor store script, the page loads a blank screen, I think there may be a break in the code somewhere. Can someone please help me?


echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td valign='left' width='95%'><font size=2 color=silver><b>Weapon Market</b></font></td><td><table width=100%><tr><td align=right>";
echo" Weapon Market. Users can come here to buy weapons that they can to to another city and sell at a black market for profit.'></a></td></tr></table><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center><br /><br />";
echo"<font color=red><b>Error | It Seems Something Went Wrong Processing Your Account. Please Try Logging Out And Then Logging Back In. If The Problem Persists Please Email Support At [email protected]. We Apologize For The Inconvenience.</b></font><br /><br /><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center><br />";
       $qry	= 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid='.db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res	= db_query($qry);

$has_weapons_array = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$weapon_names = array('bbgun_bullet', 'handgun_bullet', 'shotgun_bullet', 'rifle_bullet', 'bbgun', 'handgun', 'shotgun', 'ak47', 'bomb', 'taser', 'baseballbat', 'shank', 'detonator', 'battery');
$name_hash = array(
	'bbgun_bullet'		=> 'BBGun Bullet (4-9)',
	'handgun_bullet'	=> 'Handgun Bullet (9-47)',
	'shotgun_bullet'	=> 'Shotgun Bullet (28,142)',
	'rifle_bullet'		=> 'Rifle Bullet (47-237)',
	'bbgun'				=> 'BBGun (280-300)',
	'handgun'			=> 'Handgun (470-500)',
	'shotgun'			=> 'Shotgun (96-100)',
	'ak47'				=> 'AK47 (415-500)',
	'bomb'				=> 'Bomb (248-250)',
	'taser'				=> 'Taser (45-50)',
	'baseballbat'		=> 'Baseball Bat (90-100)',
	'shank'				=> 'Shank (55-100)',
	'detonator' 		=> 'Detonator (427-475)',
	'battery'			=> 'Battery (3-9)'

$qry	= 'SELECT * FROM prices_booze WHERE city='.db_quote_smart($player->city);
$res	= db_query($qry);
$prices	= mysql_fetch_array($res);

$qry		= 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid='.db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res		= db_query($qry);
$weapons	= mysql_fetch_array($res);

$limit	= $has_weapons_array["weapon_limit"];
$space_used = 0;
foreach($weapon_names as $name){
	$space_used += $weapons[$name];
$space_left = $limit - $space_used;

$action = $_GVARS['action'];

if( $action == 'buy' ){
	foreach($weapon_names as $weapon){

		$price	= $prices[$weapon];
		$amount	= (isset($_POST[$weapon]) ? intval($_POST[$weapon]) : 0);
		$cost	= $price * $amount;

		if( $amount > 0 ){

			if( $gUser['cash'] < $cost ){
		echo"<font color=red><b>Error | You Do Not Have Enough Money To Purchase $amount unit(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><br /><br /><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center><br />";
			}elseif( ($space_left-$amount) < 0 ){
                       echo"<font color=red><b>Error | You Do Not Have Enough Space To Carry $amount unit(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><br /><br /><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center><br />";
				$space_left		-= $amount;
				$gUser['cash']	-= $cost;

				$qry = 'UPDATE user_characters SET cash=cash-'.$cost.' WHERE uid='.db_quote_smart($player->uid);
				$res = db_query($qry);

				$randscam	= mt_rand(1, 100);
				$randscam2	= mt_rand(1, 100);

				if( $randscam == $randscam2 ){
					echo"<font color=red><b>Error | You Were Scammed By A Dealer. The Weapons You Bought Turned Out To Be Replicas.</b></font><br /><br /><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center><br />";
				        $qry = 'UPDATE user_characters SET exp=exp+'.$randexp.' WHERE uid='.db_quote_smart($player->uid);
				        $res = db_query($qry);
					$qry = "UPDATE weapons SET $weapon=$weapon+$amount WHERE uid=".db_quote_smart($player->uid);
					$res = db_query($qry);
				        $qry = 'UPDATE user_characters SET exp=exp+'.$randexp2.', drug_points=drug_points+'$amount' WHERE uid='.db_quote_smart($player->uid);
				        $res = db_query($qry);
		                        $sql="UPDATE adv_stats SET drugs_bought=drugs_bought+$amount WHERE email='" . $stats_array["email"] . "'";
					echo"<font color=green><b>Ciao | You Have Purchased $amount Crate(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><br /><br /><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center><br />";

// gets updated version of weapons in pocket
$qry	= 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid='.db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res	= db_query($qry);

$has_weapons_array = mysql_fetch_array($res);		
echo "<table align=center width=100% bgcolor=000000><tr><td><br>";
echo "<table width='450' cellpadding='0' border='2' bordercolor='black' style='margin:0 auto;background-image: url(/beta/layout_images/bg_2.gif);'>
<tr bgcolor=#11111>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b>Weapon</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b>Cost</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b># you have</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b># to buy</b></font>

$space_used = 0;
$row = 0;
foreach($weapon_names as $weapon){
	$space_used += $has_weapons_array[$weapon];
	echo('<tr bgcolor="#'.($row++ % 2 ? '444444' : '333333').'">
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff"><b><a href="javascript:popUp(\'weaponsmarket_graph_view.php?weapons='.$weapon.'\')">'.$name_hash[$weapon].'</a></b></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff">$ '.number_format($prices[$weapon]).'</font></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff">'.number_format($has_weapons_array[$weapon]).'</font></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff"><form name="login" action="driver.php?x=weaponstore" method="post"><input type="text" name="'.$weapon.'" size=5 style="font-weight:none;font-size:8pt;color:#ffffff;font-family:arial;background-color:#000000;border-color:#ffffff" maxlength="15"></font></td>

echo "
<table width='450' cellpadding='0' border='2' bordercolor='black' style='margin:0 auto;background-image: url(/beta/layout_images/bg_2.gif);'>
<tr bgcolor=#11111 valign=top><td>
<table width=100%><tr>
<td align=left width=125><font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><input type=radio checked name=action value=buy> Buy </td>
<td align=center width=250><font size=1><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Weapon space:</b></font> " . $space_used . "/" . $has_weapons_array["weapon_limit"] . "</font></td>
<td align=right width=125><center><font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><input type=submit value=\"   Purchase Weapon   \" style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #FFFFFF;  FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #333333\" size=1></center></td>

Edited by VegasKiller
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Try adding this after your opening php tag:





Then it should produce an error, instead of a white page.

I added your code after <php and it is still not coming up with an error. It may not be showing the error due to the page loading through an iframe.

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echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td valign='left' width='95%'><font size=2 color=silver><b>Weapon Market</b></font></td><td><table width=100%><tr><td align=right>";
include ('../beta/files/link.php');
echo " Weapon Market. Users can come here to buy weapons that they can to to another city and sell at a black market for profit.'></a></td></tr></table><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
if (!isset($tools)) {
   echo "<font color=red><b>Error | It Seems Something Went Wrong Processing Your Account. Please Try Logging Out And Then Logging Back In. If The Problem Persists Please Email Support At [email protected]. We Apologize For The Inconvenience.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
$qry = 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res = db_query($qry);
$has_weapons_array = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$weapon_names = array('bbgun_bullet', 'handgun_bullet', 'shotgun_bullet', 'rifle_bullet', 'bbgun', 'handgun', 'shotgun', 'ak47', 'bomb', 'taser', 'baseballbat', 'shank', 'detonator', 'battery');
$name_hash = array('bbgun_bullet' => 'BBGun Bullet (4-9)', 'handgun_bullet' => 'Handgun Bullet (9-47)', 'shotgun_bullet' => 'Shotgun Bullet (28,142)', 'rifle_bullet' => 'Rifle Bullet (47-237)', 'bbgun' => 'BBGun (280-300)', 'handgun' => 'Handgun (470-500)', 'shotgun' => 'Shotgun (96-100)', 'ak47' => 'AK47 (415-500)', 'bomb' => 'Bomb (248-250)', 'taser' => 'Taser (45-50)', 'baseballbat' => 'Baseball Bat (90-100)', 'shank' => 'Shank (55-100)', 'detonator' => 'Detonator (427-475)', 'battery' => 'Battery (3-9)');
$qry = 'SELECT * FROM prices_booze WHERE city=' . db_quote_smart($player->city);
$res = db_query($qry);
$prices = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$qry = 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res = db_query($qry);
$weapons = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$limit = $has_weapons_array["weapon_limit"];
$space_used = 0;
foreach($weapon_names as $name) {
   $space_used+= $weapons[$name];
$space_left = $limit - $space_used;
$action = $_GVARS['action'];
if ($action == 'buy') {
   foreach($weapon_names as $weapon) {
       $price = $prices[$weapon];
       $amount = (isset($_POST[$weapon]) ? intval($_POST[$weapon]) : 0);
       $cost = $price * $amount;
       if ($amount > 0) {
           if ($gUser['cash'] < $cost) {
               echo "<font color=red><b>Error | You Do Not Have Enough Money To Purchase $amount unit(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
           } elseif (($space_left - $amount) < 0) {
               echo "<font color=red><b>Error | You Do Not Have Enough Space To Carry $amount unit(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
           } else {
               $space_left-= $amount;
               $gUser['cash']-= $cost;
               $qry = 'UPDATE user_characters SET cash=cash-' . $cost . ' WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
               $res = db_query($qry);
               $randscam = mt_rand(1, 100);
               $randscam2 = mt_rand(1, 100);
               if ($randscam == $randscam2) {
                   echo "<font color=red><b>Error | You Were Scammed By A Dealer. The Weapons You Bought Turned Out To Be Replicas.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
                   $randexp = rand(0, 1);
                   $qry = 'UPDATE user_characters SET exp=exp+' . $randexp . ' WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
                   $res = db_query($qry);
               } else {
                   $qry = "UPDATE weapons SET $weapon=$weapon+$amount WHERE uid=" . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
                   $res = db_query($qry);
                   $randexp2 = rand(1, 3);
                   $qry = " UPDATE user_characters SET exp= exp + " . $randexp2 . ', drug_points=drug_points+' . $amount . ' WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
                   $res = db_query($qry);
                   $sql = "UPDATE adv_stats SET drugs_bought=drugs_bought+$amount WHERE email='" . $stats_array["email"] . "'";
                   $sql = mysql_query($sql);
                   echo "<font color=green><b>Ciao | You Have Purchased $amount Crate(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
// gets updated version of weapons in pocket
$qry = 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res = db_query($qry);
$has_weapons_array = mysql_fetch_array($res);
echo "<table align=center width=100% bgcolor=000000><tr><td>";
echo "<table width='450' cellpadding='0' border='2' bordercolor='black' style='margin:0 auto;background-image: url(/beta/layout_images/bg_2.gif);'>
<tr bgcolor=#11111>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b>Weapon</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b>Cost</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b># you have</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b># to buy</b></font>
$space_used = 0;
$row = 0;
foreach($weapon_names as $weapon) {
   $space_used+= $has_weapons_array[$weapon];
   echo ('<tr bgcolor="#' . ($row++ % 2 ? '444444' : '333333') . '">
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff"><b><a href="javascript<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />opUp(\'weaponsmarket_graph_view.php?weapons=' . $weapon . '\')">' . $name_hash[$weapon] . '</a></b></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff">$ ' . number_format($prices[$weapon]) . '</font></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff">' . number_format($has_weapons_array[$weapon]) . '</font></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff"><form name="login" action="driver.php?x=weaponstore" method="post"><input type="text" name="' . $weapon . '" size=5 style="font-weight:none;font-size:8pt;color:#ffffff;font-family:arial;background-color:#000000;border-color:#ffffff" maxlength="15"></font></td>
   echo "
<table width='450' cellpadding='0' border='2' bordercolor='black' style='margin:0 auto;background-image: url(/beta/layout_images/bg_2.gif);'>
<tr bgcolor=#11111 valign=top><td>
<table width=100%><tr>
<td align=left width=125><font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><input type=radio checked name=action value=buy> Buy </td>
<td align=center width=250><font size=1><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Weapon space:</b></font> " . $space_used . "/" . $has_weapons_array["weapon_limit"] . "</font></td>
<td align=right width=125><center><font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><input type=submit value=\"   Purchase Weapon   \" style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #FFFFFF;  FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #333333\" size=1></center></td>

friend try now

Edited by rockwood
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  • 3 weeks later...

There were multiple errors in that code.

Fixed and formatted, though I'm not doing much else - that code's too messy after then one I've just done for you lol

echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td valign='left' width='95%'><font size=2 color=silver><b>Weapon Market</b></font></td><td><table width=100%><tr><td align=right>";
echo " Weapon Market. Users can come here to buy weapons that they can to to another city and sell at a black market for profit.'></a></td></tr></table><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
if(!isset($tools)) {
echo "<font color=red><b>Error | It Seems Something Went Wrong Processing Your Account. Please Try Logging Out And Then Logging Back In. If The Problem Persists Please Email Support At [email protected]. We Apologize For The Inconvenience.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
$qry               = 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res               = db_query($qry);
$has_weapons_array = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$weapon_names      = array(
$name_hash         = array(
'bbgun_bullet' => 'BBGun Bullet (4-9)',
'handgun_bullet' => 'Handgun Bullet (9-47)',
'shotgun_bullet' => 'Shotgun Bullet (28,142)',
'rifle_bullet' => 'Rifle Bullet (47-237)',
'bbgun' => 'BBGun (280-300)',
'handgun' => 'Handgun (470-500)',
'shotgun' => 'Shotgun (96-100)',
'ak47' => 'AK47 (415-500)',
'bomb' => 'Bomb (248-250)',
'taser' => 'Taser (45-50)',
'baseballbat' => 'Baseball Bat (90-100)',
'shank' => 'Shank (55-100)',
'detonator' => 'Detonator (427-475)',
'battery' => 'Battery (3-9)'
$qry               = 'SELECT * FROM prices_booze WHERE city=' . db_quote_smart($player->city);
$res               = db_query($qry);
$prices            = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$qry               = 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res               = db_query($qry);
$weapons           = mysql_fetch_array($res);
$limit             = $has_weapons_array["weapon_limit"];
$space_used        = 0;
foreach($weapon_names as $name) {
$space_used += $weapons[$name];
$space_left = $limit - $space_used;
$action     = $_GVARS['action'];
if($action == 'buy') {
foreach($weapon_names as $weapon) {
	$price  = $prices[$weapon];
	$amount = (isset($_POST[$weapon]) ? intval($_POST[$weapon]) : 0);
	$cost   = $price * $amount;
	if($amount > 0) {
		if($gUser['cash'] < $cost) {
			echo "<font color=red><b>Error | You Do Not Have Enough Money To Purchase $amount unit(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
		} elseif(($space_left - $amount) < 0) {
			echo "<font color=red><b>Error | You Do Not Have Enough Space To Carry $amount unit(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
		} else {
			$space_left -= $amount;
			$gUser['cash'] -= $cost;
			$qry       = 'UPDATE user_characters SET cash=cash-' . $cost . ' WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
			$res       = db_query($qry);
			$randscam  = mt_rand(1, 100);
			$randscam2 = mt_rand(1, 100);
			if($randscam == $randscam2) {
				echo "<font color=red><b>Error | You Were Scammed By A Dealer. The Weapons You Bought Turned Out To Be Replicas.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
				$randexp = rand(0, 1);
				$qry     = 'UPDATE user_characters SET exp=exp+' . $randexp . ' WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
				$res     = db_query($qry);
			} else {
				$qry      = "UPDATE weapons SET $weapon=$weapon+$amount WHERE uid=" . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
				$res      = db_query($qry);
				$randexp2 = rand(1, 3);
				$qry      = 'UPDATE user_characters SET exp=exp+' . $randexp2 . ', drug_points=drug_points+' . $amount . ' WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
				$res      = db_query($qry);
				$sql      = "UPDATE adv_stats SET drugs_bought=drugs_bought+$amount WHERE email='" . $stats_array["email"] . "'";
				$sql      = mysql_query($sql);
				echo "<font color=green><b>Ciao | You Have Purchased $amount Crate(s) Of $weapon.</b></font><center><img src='/beta/layout_images/headertop.gif' width=100% height=4></center>";
// gets updated version of weapons in pocket
$qry               = 'SELECT * FROM weapons WHERE uid=' . db_quote_smart($player->uid);
$res               = db_query($qry);
$has_weapons_array = mysql_fetch_array($res);
echo "<table align=center width=100% bgcolor=000000><tr><td>";
echo "<table width='450' cellpadding='0' border='2' bordercolor='black' style='margin:0 auto;background-image: url(/beta/layout_images/bg_2.gif);'>
<tr bgcolor=#11111>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b>Weapon</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b>Cost</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b># you have</b></font>
<td align=center>
<font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><b># to buy</b></font>
$space_used = 0;
$row        = 0;
foreach($weapon_names as $weapon) {
$space_used += $has_weapons_array[$weapon];
echo ('<tr bgcolor="#' . ($row++ % 2 ? '444444' : '333333') . '">
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff"><b><a href="javascript<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />opUp(\'weaponsmarket_graph_view.php?weapons=' . $weapon . '\')">' . $name_hash[$weapon] . '</a></b></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff">$ ' . number_format($prices[$weapon]) . '</font></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff">' . number_format($has_weapons_array[$weapon]) . '</font></td>
<td align="center" width="125"><font face="tahoma" size="1" color="#ffffff"><form name="login" action="driver.php?x=weaponstore" method="post"><input type="text" name="' . $weapon . '" size=5 style="font-weight:none;font-size:8pt;color:#ffffff;font-family:arial;background-color:#000000;border-color:#ffffff" maxlength="15"></font></td>
echo "
<table width='450' cellpadding='0' border='2' bordercolor='black' style='margin:0 auto;background-image: url(/beta/layout_images/bg_2.gif);'>
<tr bgcolor=#11111 valign=top><td>
<table width=100%><tr>
<td align=left width=125><font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><input type=radio checked name=action value=buy> Buy </td>
<td align=center width=250><font size=1><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Weapon space:</b></font> " . $space_used . "/" . $has_weapons_array["weapon_limit"] . "</font></td>
<td align=right width=125><center><font face=verdana size=1 color=silver><input type=submit value=\"   Purchase Weapon   \" style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #FFFFFF; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #333333\" size=1></center></td>
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