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Noobie Forum section


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This thread is for assisting / deciding if there will be some sort of assistance to noobies. However, if 90% of the noobies want to argue and post on everything but contribute verry little, I can see why the mods are hesitant to put some effort into helping them out.

To be a good Noobie:

1. want to learn, and show it. You can show this by intelligently asking questions that are related directly to the mechanics of the topic.

2. make some kind of progress.

3. refrain from making useless posts and comments.

4. GOOGLE THINGS! Try and learn something on your own, if you are still stuck, then ask, but explain what you have already found out .... you will be so much further ahead.

5. Show some respect. There are a lot of people here who know their business! (And a lot who don't) Dont expect to be able to tell them apart right off.

6. Don't claim things that are untrue. When a person is new to the community, they have no idea what skills the others have, so don't try and measure your abilities as good or bad until you know where you sit on the abilities scales, this usualy takes 6 months to a year. (and no, there is no thread where you can just look it up.)

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I think something like a Online Teaching Class. After x people sign up. They are given a lesson x ammount of days with a small assignment to show what they have learned. Nothing super HARD, just a Crash Course. I wouldn't mind helping. Also, there shouldn't be no grading as this would discourage people. A simple pass/fail system would work.

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Yeah, so what about them members who don't code in PHP, don't code at all, or have other skills that may be useful. This is a game development forum, not a coder's forum, and a lot of members tend to forget that. Hell, seems like most game owners forget or don't know how to develop a game, just write some coding down, call it a game, the players will never know. (sarcasm) How you gonna test that?

(rhetorical question, dont answer)

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