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KyleMassacre last won the day on September 6 2021

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About KyleMassacre

  • Birthday 09/15/1983

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    Southern Cali

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  1. Looks good Dayo. The Actions module looks like a good fit for my user actions module 😉😉
  2. Old topic but I use an old iMac loaded up with Proxmox for my virtualization. It just has an i5 quad core processor and 8 gigs of ram
  3. I think that’s a start but you may not want to make it a property unless you wanted to get cute and add it as a __set magic method because you may want a fallback text
  4. I think what anybody reading this now or in the future needs to understand is that this is a forum written in text. Things can be taken out of context because it’s difficult to parse what people are really trying to convey since there is not a lot of tone in text. Everyone here is trying to help but we want you to learn but it’s difficult to teach when your homework is done for you. The answers to your initial problem have been solved and we can work on the next problem if one does arise but we won’t know until you fix what was suggested. Servers only throw one error at a time if the error stops code execution since it can’t move past that and generally syntax errors stop code execution. Also, laying into people that are here trying to help will not get you the help you need or want and may steer people away from a post when they see your name as the OP because we may just think that you’re not going to take the help we offer unless we write the script for you especially if it’s one of the easiest things to fix such as a syntax error because you are missing a punctuation mark somewhere in your code or you used the incorrect punctuation mark.
  5. Honestly I think you should save as much money as you can since you are learning. Once you have something you like, then go live and maybe you can offset some costs with player purchases.
  6. If you were going to make it a live site, you would have to get hosting which costs money but like I said, if this is just a hobby I would start with developing locally since that is free Have a look at This. It comes with everything you need in order to view your site on your local machine
  7. 1. VS Code is a very decent free IDE. It has tons of features that will get you going. 2. Hosting is a tricky question. There are tons of shared hosting services to get you on the right path and then if you get a game with tons of players you can scale up as needed with a VPS from digital ocean for cheap and you can always scale up from there if needed. All other things sort of depend on you TBH. If you are going for PHP then you need to use PHP files, C# you would need to use CS files. So if you decide to use an engine, you would have to use that engine’s language files. Like stated above, for level progress, cars, etc, it all depends on your engine. If you were to write your own (would not recommend at this time for a newb), you would have to figure that out based on your preference(s) I also wanted to point out, you don’t need hosting if you are just learning. You can develop locally using stuff like xampp or other alternatives but that is probably the easiest as a rookie to use
  8. Keep the rights to it, maybe “partner” up with someone who you can trust to take it over for you for a while and put it in a private repo
  9. I don’t think it’s that high honestly from what I see. It’s your right to list it at what you feel it’s worth just as other may not feel it’s worth that. I just don’t have the disposable income for it at this time. I poked around a bit and liked what I seen
  10. You still have some of the same error in there. In your very last echo you have same quote type.
  11. What MTG was trying to say about your parse error is that you are using a double quote to start a string and using another double quote in that same string. You need to mix and match your quotes. Whatever quote type you use to start a string, that same quote type will end the string. I am on my phone so I can’t do code tags (or I don’t know how), but take a look at the following: echo “<td class=“contentHead”>Something</td>”; That will throw an error. Your “contentHead” should be wrapped in a single quote instead of a double quote.
  12. Your CPanel should have a file manager and PHPMyAdmin. It will at least allow you to edit files and have some syntax highlighting and also mess with the database You can possibly look into this: https://ubuntu.com/blog/tutorial-install-ubuntu-on-a-chromebook
  13. Why pay? There are tons of YouTube tutorials on PHP. All you will need to learn is the bare minimum basics of PHP. Obviously you probably wont find a tutorial on this exact topic but there are several beginner videos that show what you will need to do. Yes you are correct. Your database won’t do math unless you either tell it to do math or tell it to put in a value that already had the math done
  14. You will be your limiting factor. I just want it to be known that I am not trying to be a prick, I just want you to take a stab and learn. The best way to make something like this is to look at some other modules and pick apart things you might need. Where I would start if I was in your shoes is to think about some sort of form, then you need to handle that form submission. If you’re looking for RM days, you probably want an input field for amount of days, then upon submission you would want to query all users then update their current RM days + the amount you entered.
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