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Cronless Crons


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Im a big fan of cronless crons and have been pushing this idea for 10 years now! (see here) Ive had a few people ask if i can make this easier to work with in GLv2 so i have created a simple Cron class that will hopefully make life easier and give you a better understanding of cronless crons.

Cron Class


	class Cron {

		public function __construct($cronName, $cronType, $interval, $maxRepetitions = 1000) {
			global $db, $user;
			$this->db = $db;
			$this->user = $user;
			$this->settings = new Settings();
			$this->cronName = $cronName;
			$this->cronType = $cronType;
			$this->maxRepetitions = $maxRepetitions;
			$this->interval = $interval;

		public function updateLastRun() {

			if (!$this->getRepetitionCount()) return $this; 

			$key = "cron-" . $this->cronName;
			$newTime = time() - (time() % $this->interval);

			if ($this->cronType == "user" && $this->user) {
				$time = $this->user->updateTimer($key, $newTime);
			} else if ($this->cronType == "system") {
				$time = $this->settings->update($key, $newTime);
			return $this;

		public function getRepetitionCount () {
			$key = "cron-" . $this->cronName;
			if ($this->cronType == "user" && $this->user) {
				$time = $this->user->getTimer($key, false);
			} else if ($this->cronType == "system") {
				$time = $this->settings->loadSetting($key);

			$count =  floor((time() - $time) / $this->interval);

			return $count > $this->maxRepetitions?$this->maxRepetitions:$count;


		public function getCronDates() {

			$key = "cron-" . $this->cronName;
			if ($this->cronType == "user" && $this->user) {
				$time = $user->getTimer($key);
			} else if ($this->cronType == "system") {
				$time = $this->settings->loadSetting($key);

			$count =  floor((time() - intval($time)) / $this->interval);
			if ($count > $this->maxRepetitions) {
				$count = $this->maxRepetitions;

			if (!$count) return array();

			$start = time() - time() % $this->interval;

			$dates = array();

			while ($count) {
				$dates[] = $start - ($this->interval * ($count - 1));

			return $dates;


Usage Examples (moduleExample.hooks.php)


	new Hook("userInformation", function ($user) {
		global $page;

		if ($user) {
			$oneMinCron = new Cron("addUserEnergy", "user", 60, $this->user->info->US_maxEnergy);    
			$howManyTimesTheCronWouldHaveRun = $oneMinCron->getRepetitionCount();
			$newEnergy = $howManyTimesTheCronWouldHaveRun * 2 + $this->user->info->US_maxEnergy;
			if ($newEnergy > $this->user->info->US_maxEnergy) {
				$newEnergy = $this->user->info->US_maxEnergy;
			$this->user->set("US_maxEnergy", $newEnergy);

		$systemCron = new Cron("everyHour", "system", 3600, 24);
		$datesAndTimeThatTheCronWouldHaveRan = $systemCron->getCronDates();
		foreach ($datesAndTimeThatTheCronWouldHaveRan as $date) {
			/* do something here */




__construct($cronName, $cronType, $interval, $maxRepetitions)

  • $cronName - A unique name given to this cron, this is used to identify it in the database
  • $cronType - This can be "user" or "system"
    • user - This cron will only run when the user is active and playing the game, if they have been AFK for a period of time it will run the cron as many times as needed.(capped by the maxRepetitions)
    • system - This cron is run when there is any activity on the game, it can be a logged in user or someone visiting the login page, if it has not been run for a while it will run as many times as needed (capped by the maxRepetitions)
  • $interval - How often should the cron run (seconds)
  • $maxRepetitions - The maximum times this cron will run


  • Returns how many times the cron would have ran if it was running away in the background


  • Same as getRepetitionCount but instead of returning a numerical value it will return an array of dates and times when the cron would have ran.


  • Updates the database storing when the cron was last run. If the cron was not run 




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I love the idea of cronless crons, as long as you don't randomly lag a user out for ~30 seconds performing some crazy intense logic as they're the first visitor in a few days. This is a nice simple implementation though! Thanks for sharing. 

I'd still promote deferring heavy, long running operations to an actual crontab.

I remember this whole idea came around partially due to everyone using hosting which didn't support crons lower than 15 minutes, so neat to see it's coming back (shameless plug: even though MWG hosting supports minute crons).

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36 minutes ago, Dave said:

I love the idea of cronless crons, as long as you don't randomly lag a user out for ~30 seconds performing some crazy intense logic as they're the first visitor in a few days. This is a nice simple implementation though! Thanks for sharing. 

Yeah that's why i like to separate user crons and system crons, as well as adding limits to how many times a cron can run. Plus features should be designed in a way so that if a game has no activity for 100 days does it really need to run 100 days worth of crons or can it run the past week.

36 minutes ago, Dave said:

I remember this whole idea came around partially due to everyone using hosting which didn't support crons lower than 15 minutes, so neat to see it's coming back (shameless plug: even though MWG hosting supports minute crons).

Yeah back in the days when people would find an illegal copy of McCodes and run it on a free host 😛

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9 hours ago, KyleMassacre said:

If you were targeting mainly only higher versions of PHP you could provide a callback to you methods you defined to run whatever you wish in that callback x number of times automatically. 

I am already adding the ability for that for when i build it directly into the core engine, it will support both the callback method and the methods above

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