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Starting Up Again


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So I'm thinking of making some modules again, shoot me some ideas and I'll see what I can do.

I will alert you when modules have been accepted.







  • 50/50 - You can guess number between 1-200 win or lose double what you guessed.
  • Users Online List - You can view the users online, there last hit and there user level.
  • Search - Allows you to search for player specific player.
  • Suggestion Box - Allows users to post suggestions, improvements or new features they want.
  • View Profile - Will be linked with the search module, allows you to view the users profile.
Edited by Script47
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ok i can tink of some modules (modules i would buy )

* User online list

* Newspaper

* Mariage players can marry each other

* House updates

* Education System

* User shops

* User item display

* Profile update the current one is basic

* More Gamble stuff Casinos

* other templates

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ok i can tink of some modules (modules i would buy )

* User online list

* Newspaper

* Mariage players can marry each other

* House updates

* Education System

* User shops

* User item display

* Profile update the current one is basic

* More Gamble stuff Casinos

* other templates

I will alert you when modules have been accepted.







  • 50/50 - You can guess number between 1-200 win or lose double what you guessed.
  • Users Online List - You can view the users online, there last hit and there user level.
  • Search - Allows you to search for player specific player.
  • Suggestion Box - Allows users to post suggestions, improvements or new features they want.
  • View Profile - Will be linked with the search module, allows you to view the users profile.
Edited by Script47
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My todo list:

New profiles (thinking about 3 vertical columns and maybe 2 horizontal across the bottom for stuff) This will open up new hooks as well

Marriage system (will be basic to start). Will potentially open new hooks.

And an advanced playershops. Advanced = the usual stuff like management and to keep it modular and open to different genres I'm planning on a timed system where its only open on certain days like weekends etc for players to purchase items kind of like a medieval marketplace

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tested the module and disabled it again

why ?

1 i can play it even with 0 currency

2 the txt is not worked out good says 1-100 and says However if you lose, you lose double the amount i guessed! needs to be you guessed

3 when i win or lose it says you won !currency or you lost !currency

numbers 2 and 3 are not that bad next time please work it out better

Edited by orsino
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The !Currency needs to be wrapped in Translate (). I believe its case sensitive as well

//assuming you lose double the * 2
if ($UserStat["!Currency"]->value < (post["key"]*2))
ErrorMessage ("blah");

Should fix the money issue.

Grammer should be straight forward

Edited by KyleMassacre
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Just a question. Not trying to troll. Just a bit curious.

"50/50 - You can guess number between 1-200 win or lose double what you guessed."

How is this 50/50? Shouldn't it be 1/199? :P

Hahaha, fair point I guess I could say because you could either win or lose, 50/50. ;)

I probably should have named it Number Guess or something along them lines! :D


tested the module and disabled it again

why ?

1 i can play it even with 0 currency

2 the txt is not worked out good says 1-100 and says However if you lose, you lose double the amount i guessed! needs to be you guessed

3 when i win or lose it says you won !currency or you lost !currency

numbers 2 and 3 are not that bad next time please work it out better


  1. I will fix that
  2. Yes I will fix that too, thought I would like to point out, throughout the times I have made mod for anything, I have tried to make sure that spelling/grammar is correct. I accept my mistake sure I will fix that too. However I feel it a bit hypocritical complaining about my spelling/grammar when yours is not at all up to standards.
  3. What I must say is I do like the fact you gave me criticism which is always good as it helps for the future.


I tested number 3 on your list this is what I got:



these are not free modules


ok i can tink of some modules (modules i would buy )

I did not once say they will or will not be free.


any updates on these modules ?

User(s) Online list has been submitted again, 50/50 has been fixed and submitted again. Both are awaiting replies. Once they are ready I will notify you on the OP. On the weekends I will finish the Player Search along with some more *hopefully*.

However I apologise for the hassle you've been through, I have fixed them errors, if you see any more point them out I will fix. Keep checking to see if you need to update the 50/50 module.


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It does? - I better update.

edit: nevermind I use

$currency = getConfigValue ( 'currencyStat', '' );

-Sorry for the now apparent spam. :)

If your going to use !Currency it goes with Translate () as a quicker alternative to assigning it to a var or you could do:

$currency = Translate("!Currency);


Maybe I should add to my blogs about the Translate () func and all its powers

Sorry I went off topic :p

Continue on

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If your going to use !Currency it goes with Translate () as a quicker alternative to assigning it to a var or you could do:
$currency = Translate("!Currency);


Maybe I should add to my blogs about the Translate () func and all its powers

Sorry I went off topic :p

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'S fine, we're all learning things in the process. :D

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If your going to use !Currency it goes with Translate () as a quicker alternative to assigning it to a var or you could do:
$currency = Translate("!Currency);


Maybe I should add to my blogs about the Translate () func and all its powers

Sorry I went off topic :p

Continue on

Then afaik it would store the phrase "!Currency" for no reason.

Translate() just uses $text = str_replace ( '!Currency', getConfigValue ( 'currencyStat', '' ), $text );

So here I'm doing the same thing without using the Translate function.

However, if you're using Translate already for your string IE: Translate ( 'You have %s', $currencyName ); then it's probably easier to do Translate ( 'You have !Currency' ); but meh.

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I am making a new module, suggestion box. Players can post suggestion for admins.

Module Complete



Currently to change status you must change from the tables. If you wish I can implement in-game feature for admins.

Tested, however if found post bug(s) here.


Edited by Script47
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