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Attack Lost


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^ This.

Post up the file, and any errors you have or contact mccodes via their website. I would suggest the former.

Due to my current affiliation with McCodes, I'll take this :)

Post the code, plus all relevant details regarding to it not working.

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Error -


MCCodes - Critical Error
A critical error has occurred, and this page cannot be displayed. Please try again later.
Query failed


attacklost.php -


* MCCodes Version 2.0.5b
* Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Dabomstew
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution of this code in any form is prohibited, except in
* the specific cases set out in the MCCodes Customer License.
* This code license may be used to run one (1) game.
* A game is defined as the set of users and other game database data,
* so you are permitted to create alternative clients for your game.
* If you did not obtain this code from MCCodes.com, you are in all likelihood
* using it illegally. Please contact MCCodes to discuss licensing options
* in this case.
* File: attacklost.php
* Signature: 95b6a74ae7c7a6cf4e9ed998f3b574c8
* Date: Fri, 20 Apr 12 08:50:30 +0000

$atkpage = 1;

$_GET['ID'] =
       (isset($_GET['ID']) && is_numeric($_GET['ID']))
               ? abs((int) $_GET['ID']) : 0;
$_SESSION['attacking'] = 0;
$_SESSION['attacklost'] = 0;
$od =
               "SELECT `username`, `level`, `gang` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = {$_GET['ID']}");
if ($db->num_rows($od) > 0)
   $r = $db->fetch_row($od);
   echo "You lost to {$r['username']}";
   $expgain = abs(($ir['level'] - $r['level']) ^ 3);
   $expgainp = $expgain / $ir['exp_needed'] * 100;
   echo " and lost $expgainp% EXP!";
   // Figure out their EXP, 0 or decreased?
   $newexp = max($ir['exp'] - $expgain, 0);
           "UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = {$newexp}, `attacking` = 0 WHERE `userid` = $userid");
           "<a href='viewuser.php?u=$userid'>{$ir['username']}</a> attacked you and lost.",
   $atklog = $db->escape($_SESSION['attacklog']);
           "INSERT INTO `attacklogs` VALUES(NULL, $userid, {$_GET['ID']},
                   'lost', " . time() . ", 0, '$atklog')");
   if ($ir['gang'] > 0 && $r['gang'] > 0)
       $warq =
                       "SELECT * FROM `gangwars`
                           WHERE (`warDECLARER` = {$ir['gang']} AND `warDECLARED` = {$r['gang']})
                           OR (`warDECLARED` = {$ir['gang']} AND `warDECLARER` = {$r['gang']})");
       if ($db->num_rows($warq) > 0)
           $war = $db->fetch_row($warq);
                   "UPDATE `gangs` SET `gangRESPECT` = `gangRESPECT` + 1 WHERE `gangID` = {$r['gang']}");
                   "UPDATE `gangs` SET `gangRESPECT` = `gangRESPECT` - 1 WHERE `gangID` = {$ir['gang']}");
           echo "<br />You lost 1 respect for your gang!";
   echo "You lost to Mr. Non-existant! =O";



I then Installed it on a Wamp sever. I still get the same error. (I didnt change nothing) And its the latest one from the mccodes place.

Edited by Scorpio
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Try this

** MCCodes Version 2.0.5b
** Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Dabomstew
** All rights reserved.
** Redistribution of this code in any form is prohibited, except in
** the specific cases set out in the MCCodes Customer License.
** This code license may be used to run one (1) game.
** A game is defined as the set of users and other game database data,
** so you are permitted to create alternative clients for your game.
** If you did not obtain this code from MCCodes.com, you are in all likelihood
** using it illegally. Please contact MCCodes to discuss licensing options
** in this case.
** File: attacklost.php
** Signature: 95b6a74ae7c7a6cf4e9ed998f3b574c8
** Date: Fri, 20 Apr 12 08:50:30 +0000

$atkpage = 1;

$_GET['ID']             = (isset($_GET['ID']) && ctype_digit($_GET['ID'])) ? abs((int) $_GET['ID']) : 0;
$_SESSION['attacking']  = 0;
$_SESSION['attacklost'] = 0;
if(!$_GET['ID']) {
echo "You didn't specify a player to attack";
$od = $db->query("SELECT `username`, `level`, `gang` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = {$_GET['ID']}");
if(!$db->num_rows($od)) {
echo "You lost to Mr. Non-Existant!";
$r = $db->fetch_row($od);
echo "You lost to ", stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($r['username']));
$expgain  = abs(($ir['level'] - $r['level']) ^ 3);
$expgainp = $expgain / $ir['exp_needed'] * 100;
echo " and lost ", number_format($expgainp, 2), "% EXP!";
// Figure out their EXP, 0 or decreased?
$newexp = max($ir['exp'] - $expgain, 0);
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = {$newexp}, `attacking` = 0 WHERE `userid` = $userid");
event_add($r['userid'], "<a href='viewuser.php?u=$userid'>{$ir['username']}</a> attacked you and lost.", $c);
$atklog = $db->escape($_SESSION['attacklog']);
$db->query("INSERT INTO `attacklogs` VALUES(NULL, $userid, {$_GET['ID']}, 'lost', " . time() . ", 0, '$atklog')");
if($ir['gang'] > 0 && $r['gang'] > 0) {
$warq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `gangwars` " . 
					"WHERE (((`warDECLARER` = {$ir['gang']}) AND (`warDECLARED` = {$r['gang']})) " . 
					"OR ((`warDECLARED` = {$ir['gang']}) AND (`warDECLARER` = {$r['gang']})))");
if($db->num_rows($warq) > 0) {
	$war = $db->fetch_row($warq);
	$db->query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `gangRESPECT` = `gangRESPECT` + 1 WHERE `gangID` = {$r['gang']}");
	$db->query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `gangRESPECT` = `gangRESPECT` - 1 WHERE `gangID` = {$ir['gang']}");
	echo "You lost 1 respect for your gang!";
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** MCCodes Version 2.0.5b
** Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Dabomstew
** All rights reserved.
** Redistribution of this code in any form is prohibited, except in
** the specific cases set out in the MCCodes Customer License.
** This code license may be used to run one (1) game.
** A game is defined as the set of users and other game database data,
** so you are permitted to create alternative clients for your game.
** If you did not obtain this code from MCCodes.com, you are in all likelihood
** using it illegally. Please contact MCCodes to discuss licensing options
** in this case.
** File: attacklost.php
** Signature: 95b6a74ae7c7a6cf4e9ed998f3b574c8
** Date: Fri, 20 Apr 12 08:50:30 +0000

$atkpage = 1;

$_GET['ID']             = (isset($_GET['ID']) && ctype_digit($_GET['ID'])) ? abs((int) $_GET['ID']) : 0;
$_SESSION['attacking']  = 0;
$_SESSION['attacklost'] = 0;
if(!$_GET['ID']) {
   echo "You didn't specify a player to attack";
$od = $db->query("SELECT `username`, `level`, `gang` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = {$_GET['ID']}");
if(!$db->num_rows($od)) {
   echo "You lost to Mr. Non-Existant!";
$r = $db->fetch_row($od);
echo "You lost to ", stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($r['username']));
$expgain  = abs(($ir['level'] - $r['level']) ^ 3);
$expgainp = $expgain / $ir['exp_needed'] * 100;
echo " and lost ", number_format($expgainp, 2), "% EXP!";
// Figure out their EXP, 0 or decreased?
$newexp = max($ir['exp'] - $expgain, 0);
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = {$newexp}, `attacking` = 0 WHERE `userid` = $userid");
event_add($_GET['ID'], "<a href='viewuser.php?u=$userid'>{$ir['username']}</a> attacked you and lost.", $c);
$atklog = $db->escape($_SESSION['attacklog']);
$db->query("INSERT INTO `attacklogs` VALUES(NULL, $userid, {$_GET['ID']}, 'lost', " . time() . ", 0, '$atklog')");
if($ir['gang'] > 0 && $r['gang'] > 0) {
   $warq = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `gangwars` " .
                       "WHERE (((`warDECLARER` = {$ir['gang']}) AND (`warDECLARED` = {$r['gang']})) " .
                       "OR ((`warDECLARED` = {$ir['gang']}) AND (`warDECLARER` = {$r['gang']})))");
   if($db->num_rows($warq) > 0) {
       $war = $db->fetch_row($warq);
       $db->query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `gangRESPECT` = `gangRESPECT` + 1 WHERE `gangID` = {$r['gang']}");
       $db->query("UPDATE `gangs` SET `gangRESPECT` = `gangRESPECT` - 1 WHERE `gangID` = {$ir['gang']}");
       echo "You lost 1 respect for your gang!";

(event_add() was using $r['userid'], which did not exist. )

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