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Hello everyone,

This mod allows you to make areas to search ect.. and to search them.

In this mod you can make a area where you can find, Items, Money, or Get put in jail or hospital.

This is very well coded and i can assure you theres no bugs.

Price: $20.00

Availability: 12 Codes Left

Rights: You may NOT Re-sell this code to anyone or give it to anyone. This code can only be used on ONE game of your choice.

What Comes in the Package?

The codes For it.

The SQL(s) For it.

A Help manual to help you install the codes.

The Codes Contain:

*Admin panel - Add Area, Edit Area, Delete Area.

-Add Area - Allows you to create a place to search.

-Edit Area - Once you have created a Area you can add penalties and rewards in this section

-Delete Area - Allows you to delete a Area to search.

*Searching - Area Options page, Searching page.

- Area Options page - Allows you to choose a area to search EG: if you are Level: 5, You might want to select the level 5 area or the level 1 area your choice.

- Searching page - Once chosen a Area to search you may click spots and find random things or be punished!.



Area Selection Page

Searching page


Thank you if you have any questions please contact me at : [email protected]


Re: Searching

After reading the discription i thought what a rubbish mod....

but after seeing the screenshots i thought this is quite a good mod but...

1) In my eyes this is streets and isomizer's mod (the one with dublons)

2) i would buy but i feel that this may not be coded up to expectations as i have not seen your coding before.

Nice mod i do like and may buy in the future,


Re: Searching

i'm assuming that this comes with the image shown in the screenshot, is it safe to assume that another image may be used for different areas and such?


Re: Searching


i'm assuming that this comes with the image shown in the screenshot, is it safe to assume that another image may be used for different areas and such?

Yes theres a Section in the staff panel where you can add new images to it ect.


Re: Searching

Yea this is nice mod, i bought a game of this guy (Time of Chaos) And its a really nice mod, and fast service when buying the mod i bought it and received the mod within 3 hours. Yea work's nicely:

Good Graphics

Nice staff functions

And enjoyable for all players.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Re: Searching

I like this, but i made a mod similar for making the searching area's although only someone with access to Cpanel can access this, i'll explain:

One File named: Searching.php

Then you can add as many files as you like with different name, i used streets.php for the first one, but i think the fact yours looks like RVs searching is nice, i still need to get round to learning to code like that.

  • 2 months later...

Re: Searching

Are there anymore of these Scripts left ? if so i would like one. I have been trying to contact Reload for days but to no avail so if anyone could help i would be greatful...

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