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Paid job.(exp and levels)


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What your asking for is sort of counter productive...

Setting the value for each level is very hard/time consuming.

If you don't mind me saying, I recommend just getting a rank module and tack it onto the level system, then hide the EXP values from the normal level system and show just ranks

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Thanks for the feedback Zettieee.

However this is what i want, be it time consuming or not.

Thats why its a paid job.

I did say "in blocks" not each level customized.

Meaning for example.....

Level 1-5 has X maths for exp.

Level 6-30 has Y maths for exp.

Level 31-75 has Z maths for exp.

Not exactly like that. But i think you will get the idea now a little better.

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What i asked has nothing to do with jobs. Apart from the fact i am willing to pay for this JOB to be done.

I want to change the levels and exp!

My bad, I just glanced at the topic sorry. You can still manage to do it by making another table and adding those fields than LEFT JOIN to your players database table.

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lol not sure you know what i am after there Lucky but thanks anyway.

I got someone to code it up for me and hoping to test it out tomorrow.

Actually I do know what you were wanting, your wanting levels to earn so much exp in game. Which is why you would use min level and max level because you stated you did not want every level to have the same exp but in blocks. So level 1 would be min level, level 5 would be max for that block only, than you would add the exp formula... I was stating making a table for it so staff could adjust it at anytime instead of doing it like the rank function...

My bad that I code differently than others...

The table I would set up was








This was not all because you would have also had to altered the users table by adding field "block", then when the user reached a certain block it would insert the id_block... allowing that user to gain that exp/requirements in that block....

Edited by lucky3809
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Seeing as your other thread is closed, and don't quite feel its necessary to create a new thread.

But on previous thread you state that we must email you. By all means, I prefer that, but it would help if you answered your email or your Skype.

Oh well... Don't be complaining next time.

K Cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Seeing as your other thread is closed, and don't quite feel its necessary to create a new thread.

But on previous thread you state that we must email you. By all means, I prefer that, but it would help if you answered your email or your Skype.

Oh well... Don't be complaining next time.

K Cheers.

I did email you HauntedDawg.

Infact it is you who has not replied to my emails.

Anyway enough about that.

I have asked 6 or so members here to code this up for me. (paid ofcourse)

Prices have varied from person to person but one thing has remained the same.

No one ends up able to do it.

I am still looking for someone willing to either help point me in the correct direction or even do it as a paid job.

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Coders here can do it, it's just an over haul (time consuming) in actually doing it because as I stated you would have to modify every page where exp & level requirements are, so you basically are re-scraping the whole engine to actually have this done. Unless you used the code bit you PM'd me, like how the rank mod is designed, but you will also still have to change the queries inserting the new (requirements) into the database. Also most coders here knows what they are worth and most are not on the cheap end for this type of mod it would cost the same as someone going through your game and securing it IMO.

If you are just wanting requirements for like job or course than you would only need to modify those pages, but if it's for everywhere in the game than mostly every page where exp is inserted or updated.

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I just don't quite understand what it is you actually want, would you care to elaborate for me a bit? If it's how I think it is, it should be relatively easy to do and maybe I can point you in the right direction so you don't have to pay someone for it.

In your global functions file (/me thinks) there is a check_level() function. So in there is where you would ultimately change how your leveling works. So what you can do is create a table like so:


-id auto_increment

-level int

-name //optional, this way you can maybe give their rank a fancy name

-required_exp int

Now in your check_level() function you would just query those fields and if their exp is greater than in the database then level them up.

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I just don't quite understand what it is you actually want, would you care to elaborate for me a bit?

I will try.

I want to have blocks of levels like below.

level 1 - level 5 is one block.

level 6 - level 25 is a second block.

level 26 - 45 is a third block and so on.

all the way to 200 so prob 10 blocks or so.

Each block using a different maths to determine the exp needed per level so....

Block 1 has maths X to determine. 75+(level/20))*(Level^2))

Block 2 has maths Y to determine. 75+(level/10))*(Level^2))

Block 3 has maths Z to determine. 75+(level/5))*(Level^2))


I want to tie levels with locations. (which is already is ofcourse) When someone reaches a certain level they can access a new location.

However because they are in a new block of exp there levels start out easy and get harder within the block of levels.

So that it takes more exp to get through level 25 (block 2) than it will for 26 (start of block 3)

As it currently stands the exp and levels i have are USELESS!

Here is the default i have. Well i believe this is the function for it.

I recognize its an entire rewrite of this but i need it done.


function experience($L) {



 for($x=1; $x<$L; $x++) {

   $a += floor($x+1500*pow(4, ($x/7)));


 return floor($a/4);


function Get_The_Level($exp) {


 $end =0;

 for($x=1; ($end==0 && $x<100); $x++) {

   $a += floor($x+1500*pow(4, ($x/7)));

   if ($exp >= floor($a/4)){

} else {

  return $x;





function Get_Max_Exp($L){


if ($exp == 0){

return 457;

$end =1;


for($L=1;($L<100 && $end==0);$L++) {

  $exp = experience($L);

  //echo $exp;

  if ($exp >= $user_class->exp){

	return $exp;




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Ohh my bad. My original post was MCC based guess I should have looked lol. I don't know much about the engine to actually be of some help. Sorry about that.

Thats ok Kyle. Thankyou anyway. It appears anyone that did know anything about gRPG is long dead.

Ya know what i ask has been done before on gRPG. i know of a couple of sites that have exactly this already and there base is gRPG.

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I have done something similar to this on a gRPG-like engine (but it was custom).

Took a long time to do in order to iron out all of the kinks, but it is not terrible. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to test out a change like this before running it on a live game environment, as changing something like this will change A LOT about how your game runs.

I unfortunately am fairly busy with other projects at the moment, but I can help with some guidance to do it if you would like that. If so, feel free to send me a PM or email me directly (email is under my visitor message).


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  • 2 weeks later...
I did email you HauntedDawg.

Infact it is you who has not replied to my emails.

Anyway enough about that.

First of, in the first email response.


I am looking for work done but at the moment i dont have the finances to

do so.

I am expecting to want some done next week though.

I guess at the moment i would be wanting a job by job basis rather than

doing a heap at once.

Simply because of lack of money.

I will send job requests your way if your happy to do it like that.

Time frame is not a real issue at all anymore for me.

And unfortunately, by that time when you had some finances to do work, you caught me in a very busy time and was on holiday.

But, non the less.. Good luck with your venture.

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If you think your little game of telling everyone on here you have money to pay up to get coding done, then please, don't try and fool me.

Thats what i got emailed so i assume you edited your post or something??


I do have money to pay. But limited i agree. I have spent quite a bit already which several here can testify.

Infact everyone i paid upfront.

Infact 4 or 5 coders here have failed me and had to send me money back or i just gave up trying to get work done.

I have had countless people from here or directed by posts here contact me about work and then ultimately say they cant do what i want.

Yes i am reluctant to pay anyone now. I dont have a lot of money.

My experience here has not been great.

Even as i type this i am waiting for a coder to pay me back as i paid for work 3 weeks ago and its not done.

Oh yea great work posting my emails. Shows real form.

As for the work. Well i ended up doing it myself :)

So i guess this thread can close.

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