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jQuert+php+mysql AJAX chat tutorial


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I just created a chat to one of my games by following this tutorial:

That dude is awesome! Check out his other tutorials.

At the end you glossed over the delete saying you can just add this to that but someone who is watching will most likely not know how to, you are not returned the id from ajaxPost.php to use when making the new line. Would it not be best to reload the div with $('#messages').load('ajaxGet.php'); same with after deleting.

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At the end you glossed over the delete saying you can just add this to that but someone who is watching will most likely not know how to, you are not returned the id from ajaxPost.php to use when making the new line. Would it not be best to reload the div with $('#messages').load('ajaxGet.php'); same with after deleting.

Yup. As he says in the tutorial: This is a simple example :) And I learned something from it. Worth watching!

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  • 4 months later...

That is a good simple little tutorial. Just make sure you go read up on sql injection before putting it on your website.

// A good start to preventing sql injection (php)

$post_var = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['var']);


Also if you wanted to make it real time chat you could setup a javascript setInterval on the load function which checks for updates.


Using some jQuery.


var myVar = setInterval(function(){loadChat()}, 1000);

function loadChat() {


I would just advice not to try to get too many users on that at one time because it would tax your website. If you want to make a larger scale chat check out socket.io with nodejs. It is more suited for real time communication browser based. There are other ways as well but this is my personal favorite.

I know I did not give all the code available so feel free to ask questions and at worse I will write a tutorial when I get some time.

Edited by bbgengine
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