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NOT receiving XP


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not getting any error on the page, just not receiving the xp for successful attacks and crimes

this is the do crime php i got




include "globals.php";

if($ir['jail'] or $ir['hospital']) { die("This page cannot be accessed while in jail or hospital."); }

$_GET['c']=abs((int) $_GET['c']);



print "Invalid crime";




$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM crimes WHERE crimeID={$_GET['c']}",$c);


if($ir['brave'] < $r['crimeBRAVE'])


print "You do not have enough Brave to perform this crime.";




$ec="\$sucrate=".str_replace(array("LEVEL","CRIMEXP","EXP","WILL","IQ"), array($ir['level'], $ir['crimexp'], $ir['exp'], $ir['will'], $ir['IQ']),$r['crimePERCFORM']).";";


print $r['crimeITEXT'];


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET brave={$ir['brave']} WHERE userid=$userid",$c);

if(rand(1,100) <= $sucrate)


print str_replace("{money}",$r['crimeSUCCESSMUNY'],$r['crimeSTEXT']);



$ir['exp']+=(int) ($r['crimeSUCCESSMUNY']/8);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money={$ir['money']}, crystals={$ir['crystals']}, exp={$ir['exp']},crimexp=crimexp+{$r['crimeXP']} WHERE userid=$userid",$c);



item_add($userid, $r['crimeSUCCESSITEM'], 1);





if(rand(1, 2) == 1)


print $r['crimeFTEXT'];




print $r['crimeJTEXT'];

$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = '$r[crimeJAILTIME]', `jail_reason` = '$r[crimeJREASON]' WHERE `userid` = '$userid'");



print "<br /><a href='docrime.php?c={$_GET['c']}'>Try Again</a><br />

<a href='criminal.php'>Crimes</a>";






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not getting any error on the page, just not receiving the xp for successful attacks and crimes

this is the do crime php i got

Error logs, not errors on the page. You probably have errors off.

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How do you lot not see exactly what's wrong here?

$macropage = "docrime.php?c=".$_GET['c'];
include(__DIR__ . '/globals.php');
if($ir['jail'] or $ir['hospital']) {
echo "This page cannot be accessed while in ".($ir['jail'] ? 'jail' : 'hospital');
$_GET['c'] = isset($_GET['c']) && ctype_digit($_GET['c']) ? abs(@intval($_GET['c'])) : null;
if(empty($_GET['c'])) {
echo "You didn't select a valid crime";
$q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `crimes` WHERE `crimeID` = ".$_GET['c']);
if(!$db->num_rows($q)) {
echo "That crime doesn't exist";
$r = $db->fetch_row($q);
if($ir['brave'] < $r['crimeBRAVE']) {
echo "You do not have enough Brave to perform this crime.";
$ec = "\$sucrate=" . str_replace(
	array("LEVEL", "CRIMEXP", "EXP", "WILL", "IQ"), 
	array($ir['level'], $ir['exp'], $ir['exp'], $ir['will'], $ir['IQ']), 
	$r['crimePERCFORM']) . ";";
echo stripslashes($r['crimeITEXT']);
$ir['brave'] -= $r['crimeBRAVE'];
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `brave` = ".$ir['brave']." WHERE `userid` = ".$userid);
if(mt_rand(1, 100) <= $sucrate) {
echo str_replace("{money}", $r['crimeSUCCESSMUNY'], $r['crimeSTEXT']);
$ir['money'] += $r['crimeSUCCESSMUNY'];
$ir['crystals'] += $r['crimeSUCCESSCRYS'];
$ir['exp'] += $r['crimeXP'];
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = ".$ir['money'].", `crystals` = ".$ir['crystals'].", `exp` = ".$ir['exp']." WHERE `userid` = ".$userid);
	item_add($userid, $r['crimeSUCCESSITEM'], 1);
} else {
if(mt_rand(1, 2) == 1)
	echo stripslashes($r['crimeFTEXT']);
else {
	echo stripslashes($r['crimeJTEXT']);
	$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `jail` = ".$r['crimeJAILTIME'].", `jail_reason` = '".$r['crimeJREASON']."' WHERE `userid` = ".$userid);
echo "<br /><a href='docrime.php?c=".$_GET['c']."'>Try Again</a><br /><a href='criminal.php'>Crimes</a>";
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