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Company/Portfolio/Business [Sale]


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Hi guys,

I am selling this company/business/portfolio page layout that I have had for ages now and I am yet to make use of!! I will be taking bids and bidding will end on the 13/11/2013 (2 days) this includes the images, PSD and fully coded into HTML/CSS! Highest bidder will get the layout simple as!

Layout can be seen at: http://razorstesting.x10.mx/CG/

Min Bid: $30

Layout was created by Peter

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god damn bastard. You better come off that layout curt. I had plans for that for a few weeks.

I'm not aware any agreement you guys had other than what you mentioned in your other post.

If you really wanted the layout why didn't you put in a bid ?...30$ seemed pretty cheap to me.

I have a domain called yourrpg.com that this layout should fit nice on, with a few adjustments.

Nothing personal man, just working to expand.

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