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Cron Events


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I'm trying to make a cron file where the prizes are auto credited and an announcement is made.

I've done abit of this so far and all the functions.

but its not quite right and i need a little help to finish it of so it will work,

This is what i have so far.

include "config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db=new database;
$userInfo = $db->query('SELECT `userid`, `sides` FROM `users` ORDER BY sides DESC LIMIT 3');
if($db->num_rows($userInfo) > 0) {
$ir = $db->fetch_row($userInfo);
$AddAnnouce = sprintf("INSERT INTO mod_announcements (`annouce_NAME`, `annouce_TEXT`, `annouce_TIME`, `annouce_URGENCY`, `annouce_TOPIC`, `annouce_POSTED`)VALUES ('Hackers VS Police', 'Hackers Vs Police Event has Finished.<br />
The Winners are:<br />
1st Place - {username} Winning 10 Magic Boxes<br />
2nd Place - {username} Winning 5 Magic Boxes<br />
3rd Place - {username} Winning 1 Magic Boxes<br />
<br />Congrats and well done.<br />', unix_timestamp(), 'No Urgency', 'Fun', 'System Message')");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET new_announcements=new_announcements+1");
$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',72,{winner},10)", $c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',72,{second},5)", $c);
$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',72,{third},1)", $c);
$db->query("UPDATE users SET sides=0 WHERE sides > 0");


As you can see there are a few bits missing and things are wrong, but i've done what i can to the best of my knowledge.

Any help would be great, thanks

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if ($argc == 2)
   if ($argv[1] != $_CONFIG['code'])
else if (!isset($_GET['code']) || $_GET['code'] !== $_CONFIG['code'])


///Picks at random (The winner)

$draw=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userstatistics WHERE draw > 0 LIMIT 1");
$draw2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = {$sql['userid']}");

///This is where the item is added

item_add($sql2['userid'], ITEMID, 1);

///This is where the event is added

event_add($sql2['userid'],"Congratulations, you are a winner of this weeks donators draw and have been credited a donator pack - offer 1");

///This is where the annoucement is added

      $name="Donator Draw";
       $announcement="<font size=3 face=Impact color=orange><u>General Draw</u></font>

       The winners of this weeks general draw is:

       Winner - {$sql2['username']} [{$sql2['userid']}]

       Winner will be credited immediately along with an event notification.

       Want to take part?
   Login on your account in any one week to be automatically entered.

   Prize is a free Donator Pack - Offer 1.";

       $db->query("UPDATE users SET userstatistics  = 0");
       $db->query("UPDATE users SET `new_announcements` = `new_announcements` + 1");
       $db->query("INSERT INTO announcements (`announce_NAME`, `announce_TEXT`, `announce_TIME`, `announce_URGENCY`, `announce_TOPIC`, `announce_POSTED`) VALUES ('$name', '$announcement', unix_timestamp(), 'No Urgency', 'General News', 'SYSTEM')");



Here's an little help. Edit this in your needs.

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if ($argc == 2)
   if ($argv[1] != $_CONFIG['code'])
else if (!isset($_GET['code']) || $_GET['code'] !== $_CONFIG['code'])


///Picks at random (The winner)

$draw=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userstatistics WHERE draw > 0 LIMIT 1");
$draw2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = {$sql['userid']}");

///This is where the item is added

item_add($sql2['userid'], ITEMID, 1);

///This is where the event is added

event_add($sql2['userid'],"Congratulations, you are a winner of this weeks donators draw and have been credited a donator pack - offer 1");

///This is where the annoucement is added

      $name="Donator Draw";
       $announcement="<font size=3 face=Impact color=orange><u>General Draw</u></font>

       The winners of this weeks general draw is:

       Winner - {$sql2['username']} [{$sql2['userid']}]

       Winner will be credited immediately along with an event notification.

       Want to take part?
   Login on your account in any one week to be automatically entered.

   Prize is a free Donator Pack - Offer 1.";

       $db->query("UPDATE users SET userstatistics  = 0");
       $db->query("UPDATE users SET `new_announcements` = `new_announcements` + 1");
       $db->query("INSERT INTO announcements (`announce_NAME`, `announce_TEXT`, `announce_TIME`, `announce_URGENCY`, `announce_TOPIC`, `announce_POSTED`) VALUES ('$name', '$announcement', unix_timestamp(), 'No Urgency', 'General News', 'SYSTEM')");



Here's an little help. Edit this in your needs.

Its say's login into your account to be automatically entered were will this happen

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if ($argc == 2)
   if ($argv[1] != $_CONFIG['code'])
else if (!isset($_GET['code']) || $_GET['code'] !== $_CONFIG['code'])


///Picks at random (The winner)

$draw=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userstatistics WHERE draw > 0 LIMIT 1");
$draw2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = {$sql['userid']}");

///This is where the item is added

item_add($sql2['userid'], ITEMID, 1);

///This is where the event is added

event_add($sql2['userid'],"Congratulations, you are a winner of this weeks donators draw and have been credited a donator pack - offer 1");

///This is where the annoucement is added

      $name="Donator Draw";
       $announcement="<font size=3 face=Impact color=orange><u>General Draw</u></font>

       The winners of this weeks general draw is:

       Winner - {$sql2['username']} [{$sql2['userid']}]

       Winner will be credited immediately along with an event notification.

       Want to take part?
   Login on your account in any one week to be automatically entered.

   Prize is a free Donator Pack - Offer 1.";

       $db->query("UPDATE users SET userstatistics  = 0");
       $db->query("UPDATE users SET `new_announcements` = `new_announcements` + 1");
       $db->query("INSERT INTO announcements (`announce_NAME`, `announce_TEXT`, `announce_TIME`, `announce_URGENCY`, `announce_TOPIC`, `announce_POSTED`) VALUES ('$name', '$announcement', unix_timestamp(), 'No Urgency', 'General News', 'SYSTEM')");



Here's an little help. Edit this in your needs.

Yes because posting a whole different script is really going to help.................................. >.<

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question: Why use sprintf() on straight text?

Untested, but this should work - not the cleanest code in the world

include(__DIR__ . '/config.php');
global $_CONFIG;
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require(__DIR__ . '/class/class_db_'.$_CONFIG['driver'].'.php');
$db = new database;
$db->configure($_CONFIG['hostname'], $_CONFIG['username'], $_CONFIG['password'], $_CONFIG['database'], $_CONFIG['persistent']);
$c = $db->connection_id;
$userInfo = $db->query('SELECT `userid`, `username`, `sides` FROM `users` ORDER BY `sides` DESC LIMIT 3');
if($db->num_rows($userInfo) > 0) {
$announce = '';
$i = 0;
$stNdRd = array(
	1 => '1st',
	2 => '2nd',
	3 => '3rd'
$prize = array(
	1 => 10,
	2 => 5,
	3 => 1
while($row = $db->fetch_row($userInfo)) {
	$announce .= $stNdRd[$i].' Place - '.$row['username'].' Winning '.$prize[$i].' Magic Box'.(($prize[$i] == 1) ? '' : 'es')."\r\n";
	$db->query("INSERT INTO `inventory` VALUES (NULL, 72, ".$row['userid'].", ".$prize[$i].")");
$db->query("INSERT INTO mod_announcements (`annouce_NAME`, `annouce_TEXT`, `annouce_TIME`, `annouce_URGENCY`, `annouce_TOPIC`, `annouce_POSTED`) VALUES ('Hackers VS Police', 'Hackers Vs Police Event has Finished.
The Winners are:
Congrats and well done.', unix_timestamp(), 'No Urgency', 'Fun', 'System Message')");
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `new_announcements` = `new_announcements` + 1");
$db->query("UPDATE `users` SET `sides` = 0 WHERE `sides` > 0");
Edited by Magictallguy
Bug fixes and a rework
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