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Manage Referrals


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I have been having this tiny problem I dislike fake referrals so I manually accept them.

But when I accept nothing is granted to the person who referred them.



include 'spheader.php';

if ($user_class->admin != 1) {
 echo Message("You are not authorized to be here.");
 include 'footer.php';

if ($_GET['givecredit'] != ""){
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `referrals` SET `credited`='1' WHERE `id`='".$_GET['givecredit']."'");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `referrals` WHERE `id` = '".$_GET['givecredit']."'");
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$cp_user = new User($line['referrer']);
$newpoints = $cp_user->points + 1;
$newrefers = $cp_user->refers + 1;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `points` = '".$newpoints."', `refers` = '".$newrefers."' WHERE `id`='".$cp_user->id."'");
send_event($cp_user->id, "You have been credited 1 referral points for referring ".$line['referred'].". Keep up the good work!");
				   Staff_Log($user_class->id, "Aproved A Refferal!<br />Referrer: <a href=profiles.php?id=".$cp_user->id.">".Get_Username($cp_user->id)."</a><br />New User Referred: <a href=profiles.php?id=".Get_ID($line['referred']).">".$line['referred']."</a> !");
echo Message("You have accepted the referral.");
if ($_GET['denycredit'] != ""){
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `referrals` WHERE `id`='".$_GET['denycredit']."'");

send_event($line['referrer'], "Unfortunately you have recieved no points for referring ".$line['referred'].". This could be a result of many different things, such as you abusing the referral system, or the player you referred only signing up, but never actually playing.");
					   Staff_Log($user_class->id, "Denied A Refferal!<br />Referrer: <a href=profiles.php?id=".$line['referrer'].">".Get_Username($line['referrer'])."</a><br />New User Referred: <a href=profiles.php?id=".Get_ID($line['referred']).">".$line['referred']."</a> !");
echo Message("You have denied the referral.");
<tr><td class="contenthead">Manage Referrals</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `referrals` WHERE `credited`='0'");
 $any_exist = mysql_num_rows($result);
 if($any_exist == 0){
echo ("There Are No Referals At The Moment!");
include 'footer.php';
while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo "<div>".$line['id'].".) ".$line['referred']." was referred by Player ID:". $line['referrer']." (".date(F." ".d.", ".Y." ".g.":".i.":".sa,$line['when']).") <a href='control.php?page=referrals&givecredit=".$line['id']."'>Credit</a> | <a href='control.php?page=referrals&denycredit=".$line['id']."'>Deny</a></div>";

include 'footer.php';
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$_GET['givecredit'] = abs( ( int)$_GET['givecredit']);

mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `points` =%d , `refers` = %d WHERE `id`= %d",$newpoints,$newrefers,$cp_user->id));

mysql_query(sprintf("DELETE FROM `referrals` WHERE `id`=%d",$_GET['denycredit']));

note :- " use function sprintf in queries "

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$_GET['givecredit'] = abs( ( int)$_GET['givecredit']);

mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `points` =%d , `refers` = %d WHERE `id`= %d",$newpoints,$newrefers,$cp_user->id));

mysql_query(sprintf("DELETE FROM `referrals` WHERE `id`=%d",$_GET['denycredit']));

note :- " use function sprintf in queries "

No. If your using the old mysql extension, use mres (mysql_real_escape_string) at minimum! If your using mysqli... Use binded parameters (at minimum). Sprintf is kind of a waste of resources since it can't do what mysql can, or have the knowledge of escaping that mysql has. When dealing with numbers it would also be expensive to just cast to int or float. Or check it against "is_(numeric,int,float)". Sprintf was not made for security (although it is the easy way out), it was made for formatting strings.

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