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I am in Dire Straits!!


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As my name would imply I am an absolute extreme noob you guys. Could someone please please please help me out???

I was basically given a game by someone and I have access to cPanel and everything. I have been self educating myself in html, css, javascript, and a little php over the past couple of weeks and I am still nowhere near knowledgeable enough to figure out what is wrong with the game. It has to do with the cron jobs. I can run the cron jobs manually and each and every one runs successfully. The game has minute, five minute, hourly, and daily crons. They just won't run automatically. The energy, brave, and will bars are not refilling as they should. People that are in jail or hospital have been there for days because those timers aren't counting down. I don't know what to do. Please help...

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Silly Question to start off with are your Crons actually selected in the cron jobs to run or is that page blank ?

1 if the game was given to you are you still using their cpanel or a domain youve had to re-register for yourself?

2 if you do have cronjobs does the cron pass from config.php or mysql.php match those on the cron jobs.

3 you can run crons manually which means they are working so must be a cronjob issue from cpanel


check all of the above and reply to post please...

Edited by illusions
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LOL!! I'm a dork. I clik on access cPanel, clik on Cron Jobs and at the bottom where it says Current Cron Jobs it says No Cron Jobs. It was the first time clicking on that so yea I'm just now discovering that. How do I go about adding Cron Jobs? I have no idea what to add to the command field... Answers to your questions:

1. I am using the cPanel he gave me the username and password for. I just changed the username and password and email address associated with it. I didn't re-register or anything.

2. Don't really follow what this question is asking. Sorry. I am so out of my league, lol...

3. Yes on the website from the staff panel I can run all Cron Jobs manually and they all execute successfully.

Thank you so much for the help and your inevitable patience, ;)

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2. Don't really follow what this question is asking. Sorry. I am so out of my league, lol...

Thank you so much for the help and your inevitable patience, ;)

2: The code is in config.php, and is appended to the url when executing cron files. cron_day.php?code=<insert code here>

It includes the installation of crons, which is the same across engine versions, for the most part. :)

The part that shows you where you get the cron info from after install, isn't needed.


is the pattern.

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When I replace domain.tld with the game domain and add the code I see in config.php I get a 404 Not Found page stating: The resource requested could not be found on this server! What does that mean exactly?

Replace domain.tld with your actual domain

Replace cron_file.php with the actual path to the cron your trying to run example:


Everything before the "/" is the folder its located in

And replace <lookinconfig.php> with the code that is in there at the bottom of the array

"code" => "rightherewouldbeabunchofnumbersandletters"

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IT WORKS....IT WORKS....IT WORKS!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO VERY MUCH!!! Hey lucky I didn't have to do it that way I used curl http://www.....so forth and so on and it seems to be working fine. The people in the hospital; their time is counting down. Should I go ahead and still use wget -O/dev/null method? Should I stick to the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"....because it doesn't seem to be broke anymore.

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By password do you mean "code?" How would I go about changing the code?

Well in config.php it would be there for mccodes, however in raven script I have no idea where it is posted, all you need to do is find it and change the numbers to your own, then edit the cronjob to that number (code) you changed.

Edit: post same time dj did lol

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That simple. Thank you all so much once again. I am trying to figure out how to remove a particular link in the "city" part of this game. The previous owner added a certain shop that I am not happy with. I have removed the php file so now when you clik the link you get a 404 error but where do I go to remove the link itself?

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Well this game was given to me. The guy that was running it before just said he was tired of it and asked if I wanted to be owner. I know practically nothing about coding and scripting and all that. I have been self-educating for the past couple of weeks so I am learning, lol. Needless to say I didn't have to "pay" for anything.

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Not exactly sure what the deal is, if its a build out of the free version of McCodes, than its not illegal I _think_. Don't quote me. Probably many posts regarding that on the forum. If its built out of McCodes paid versions, you will need a license, even if someone (else) gave it to you. Unless they transfer the license to you. McCodes staff are on this forum, so perhaps they give you their 2 cents on the matter.

Besides all that, I deleted everything as soon I saw they used encryption (should be possible to decrypt as its not actually encryption), and had call backs to their site.

Cant offer you more help on this tohugh. Best of luck and happy learning :)

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Well this game was given to me. The guy that was running it before just said he was tired of it and asked if I wanted to be owner. I know practically nothing about coding and scripting and all that. I have been self-educating for the past couple of weeks so I am learning, lol. Needless to say I didn't have to "pay" for anything.

Look at the url of the "CITY" chances are its explore.php

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