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What will be in 1.1.2


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Here we start with the work in progress over 1.1.2:


As you can see, forum messages, in game email, and basically any part you want to can have now a rich editor, to use it inside your own mods: RichEditor($fieldName) and you have it. It support bold, italic, underline, lists and smilies. You don't want it? You simply disable the tiny_mce module, and here you are, gone the rich editor. Basically you could replace it with any kind of editor you want to have for your game.

I will also make the security token and HTTP cache fully modules, and remove them from the index.php, why? because I thought it could be cool to have pre and post processes which can change the data produced by the modules. It will allow us to create more complex things or change security without touching the core.

Will try to add more content to the combats, more weapons and difference between them.

Will add a module for crafting which let you create items out of raw material.

I have also some issues with the editing of the items through the admin interface due to the variable number of attributes, I will have a thought about it, I don't know yet how to solve it.


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The HTML Injection checker, token system against XSS / CSFR and the HTTP cache have been now decoupled from the index. In the same move it allows you guys to add per-processes and post-processes. A good thing too is that now the index.php will be common between the dev and the full version.

On the same move, I improved the profiler further and now you can click on some of the rows to get yet more details like see which modules are loaded and their timings. If the code editor is present you will be able to jump on them directly too.



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a_bertrand I haven't been around in the past few months due to being busy with new business how ever scrolling around looking at whats been going on since I left Your engine has gotten FANTASTIC reviews and u update ALL THE TIME.. This in my opinion has made McCodes look very very bad.

CB and Dabs should take pointer from you on how to take care of their product.

Keep up the great work.. Hopefully i'll have more time soon and will be able to purchase a copy..

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Thanks chicka, I promised at start that NWE would get updates, and I tend to maintain my promises. Also, I don't look much at my concurrent myself, as I know what I want to deliver, and even if my ideas can shock some, I will tend to go forward (unless there is clearly something wrong with them).

For NWE things are progressing well, both on the package and what it delivers (which is a huge leap forward compared to 1.0.0) and from the adoption point of view. Even if here we still see a majority of McCode (v2 btw) chat, there is quiet a few mails / pm / chat going un-noticed about NWE. So overall I'm happy.

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- Crafting module has been implemented, you will be able to define what is required as raw material to create an item, and also define conditions when this crafting formula appears.

- Implemented an iterator for the DB class, to make DB access yet even easier and code shorter. I will leave both ways such that old code still work, yet you could write it with the new way:

Old code:

$result=$db->Execute("select id,name from objects");
   echo "{$result->fields[0]} {$result->fields[1]}<br>";


New code:

foreach($db->Execute("select id,name from objects") as $row)
   echo "{$row[0]} {$row[1]}<br>";


Both codes do the exact same function, yet the new code is... quiet shorter and you can't miss the MoveNext call anymore.

The trick is that basically the resultset class returned by the $db->Execute implements the PHP iterator interface, which let you then use the foreach keyword. BTW no it doesn't load the whole query result inside a large array and returns it. Why? because if the data returned is big, then it would simply eat up all the allowed memory, instead it retrieves row by row the data from MySQL.

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