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Ok basicly iam having problems with this part of an search mod

file is called searchdo.php


include "globals.php";

$_POST['search'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['search']);
$_POST['save'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['save']);
$_POST['clear'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['clear']);

$_POST['moneymin'] = abs(@intval($_POST['moneymin']));
$_POST['daysmax'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['daysmax']);
$_POST['daysmin'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['daysmin']);
$_POST['levelmin'] = abs(@intval($_POST['levelmin']));
$_POST['levelmax'] = abs(@intval($_POST['levelmax']));
$_POST['id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id']);
$_POST['location'] = abs(@intval($_POST['location']));
$_POST['name'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);

$levelmin_clause="WHERE level >= {$_POST['levelmin']}";
$levelmax_clause=" AND level <= {$_POST['levelmax']}";
$id_clause=($_POST['id']) ? " AND userid LIKE('%{$_POST['id']}%')" : "";
$name_clause=($_POST['name']) ? " AND username LIKE('%{$_POST['name']}%')" : "";
$location_clause=($_POST['location']) ? " AND location LIKE('{$_POST['location']}')" : "";
$online_clause=($_POST['online']) ? " AND laston >= unix_timestamp()" : "";

$daysmin_clause=($_POST['daysmin']) ? " AND daysold >= {$_POST['daysmin']}" : "";
$daysmax_clause=($_POST['daysmax']) ? " AND daysold <= {$_POST['daysmax']}" : "";
$moneymin_clause=($_POST['moneymin']) ? " AND money > {$_POST['moneymin']}" : "";

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users $levelmin_clause$levelmax_clause$id_clause$name_cl  ause$location_clause$online_clause$daysmin_clause$  daysmax_clause$moneymin_clause",$c);
print "
<table width='75%' cellspacing='1' class='table'><tr><th><h3>User Search Results</h2></th></tr></table>";

print"<table width='75%'><tr><td colspan='5'>";print mysql_num_rows($q)." Users found.

</td></tr><tr class='table'><th>User</th><th>Level</th><th>Money</th><th>Mug</th><th>Attack</th></tr>";

print "<tr><td><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}'>";

print" {$r['username']}";

print"</a></td><td>{$r['level']}</td><td>\${$r['money']}</td><td><a href='mug.php?ID={$r['>[Mug]</a></td><td><a href='attack.php?ID={$r['>[Attack]</a></td></tr>";
print "</table>";

else if($_POST['save'])

$_POST['moneymin'] = abs(@intval($_POST['moneymin']));
$_POST['daysmax'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['daysmax']);
$_POST['daysmin'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['daysmin']);
$_POST['levelmin'] = abs(@intval($_POST['levelmin']));
$_POST['levelmax'] = abs(@intval($_POST['levelmax']));
$_POST['id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id']);
$_POST['location'] = abs(@intval($_POST['location']));
$_POST['name'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);

$levelmin_clause="WHERE level >= {$_POST['levelmin']}";
$levelmax_clause=" AND level <= {$_POST['levelmax']}";
$id_clause=($_POST['id']) ? " AND userid LIKE('%{$_POST['id']}%')" : "";
$name_clause=($_POST['name']) ? " AND username LIKE('%{$_POST['name']}%')" : "";
$location_clause=($_POST['location']) ? " AND location LIKE('{$_POST['location']}')" : "";

$online_clause=($_POST['online']) ? " AND laston >= unix_timestamp()" : "";

$daysmin_clause=($_POST['daysmin']) ? " AND daysold >= {$_POST['daysmin']}" : "";
$daysmax_clause=($_POST['daysmax']) ? " AND daysold <= {$_POST['daysmax']}" : "";
$moneymin_clause=($_POST['moneymin']) ? " AND money > {$_POST['moneymin']}" : "";

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users $levelmin_clause$levelmax_clause$id_clause$name_cl  ause$location_clause$online_clause$daysmin_clause$  daysmax_clause$moneymin_clause",$c);
print "
<table width='75%' cellspacing='1' class='table'><tr><th><h3>Prisoner <span class='highlight'>Search</span> Results</h2></th></tr></table>";

print"<table width='75%'><tr><td colspan='5'>";print mysql_num_rows($q)." Users found.

</td></tr><tr colspan=1 class='table'><th>User</th><th>Level</th><th>Money</th><th>Mug</th><th>Attack</th></tr>";

print "<tr><td><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['userid']}'>";

print" {$r['username']}";

print"</a></td><td>{$r['level']}</td><td>\${$r['money']}</td><td><a href="http://mug.php?ID={$r[" target="_blank">[Mug]</a></td><td><a href="http://attack.php?ID={$r[" target="_blank">[Attack]</a></td></tr>";
print "</table>";

$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM <span class='highlight'>search</span> WHERE userid = %d ", $ir['userid']);

$q1 = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($q1) > 0)

$updatesearch = sprintf
   "UPDATE `search` SET `id` = '%s', `moneymin` = '%d', `daysmax` = '%s', `daysmin` = '%s', `levelmin` = '%d', `levelmax` = '%d', `location` = '%d', name = '%s', `online` = '%s' WHERE `userid` = ('%u')",

   $_POST['daysmin'] ,



$insertsearch = sprintf
   "INSERT INTO `search` values ('' , '%u' , '%u' , '%s' , '%s' , '%u' , '%u' , '%s' , '%u' , '%s', '%s' )",

   $_POST['daysmin'] ,




else if($_POST['clear'])
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM <span class='highlight'>search</span> WHERE userid = %d ", $ir['userid']);

$q1 = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($q1) > 0)

$deletesearch = sprintf
   "DELETE FROM `search` WHERE `userid` = ('%u')",



print"last <span class='highlight'>Search</span> has been Deleted";
print"You have no searches saved to delete... Stupid!!";



im getting this error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ']' in /home/getty/public_html/searchdo.php on line 56

line 56

print"</a></td><td>{$r['level']}</td><td>\${$r['money']}</td><td><a href='mug.php?ID={$r['>[Mug]</a></td><td><a href='attack.php?ID={$r['>[Attack]</a></td></tr>";


any help would be great

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peace of cake


print"</a></td><td>{$r['level']}</td><td>\${$r['money']}</td><td><a href='mug.php?ID={$r['>[Mug]</a></td><td><a href='attack.php?ID={$r['>[Attack]</a></td></tr>";

and replace with

print"</a></td><td>{$r['level']}</td><td>\${$r['money']}</td><td><a href='mug.php?ID={$r['userid']}'>[Mug]</a></td><td><a href='attack.php?ID={$r['userid']}'>[Attack]</a></td></tr>";

hope it works

Edited by prototype
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Why is your script so convoluted? There's no need to apply a filter to every variable individually, you can use a loop.



Replace line 56 with:


print '</a></td>
  <td>' . $r['level'] . '</td>
  <td>' . $r['money'] . '</td>
  <td><a href="mug.php?ID=' . $r['userid'] . '">[Mug]</a></td>
  <td><a href="attack.php?ID= ' .$r['userid'] . '">[Attack]</a></td>

Edited by Spudinski
pfft... typo
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its not my script i got it off here but last comment was in 2010 and when i tried to reply there it wouldnt let me so i posted it here

ok spudinski your way gives me this error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/getty/public_html/searchdo.php on line 57


<td> . $r['level'] . '</td>


and prototype thanks :) worked fine

just got a error with the stupid sql file now :(

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Query was SELECT * FROM users WHERE level >= 1 AND level <= 500 ause AND location LIKE('1')$ daysmax_clause AND money > 1000

i got the mod from here but i couldnt reply there for some reason


in the sql bit it doesnt say anything like ALTER TABLE users ADD etc

Edited by Newbie
posted wrong link fixed now
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i dunno illusions when i go onto my search.php everything works fine when i try to search say anyone with 1000 or more in london and hit search i get that error people on the other post said they added it to there game and it worked fine but that was like 2010

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The code highlighter is bugging up again, notice the variables within the query, $somcl ause


alright after your comment i was confused so i went back and checked my searchdo.php and found what your talking about (well atleast i think i have)


$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users $levelmin_clause$levelmax_clause$id_clause$name_clause$location_clause$online_cl ause$daysmin_clause$  daysmax_clause$moneymin_clause",$c);


i changed to

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users $levelmin_clause$levelmax_clause$id_clause$name_clause$location_clause$online_clause$daysmin_clause$ daysmax_clause$moneymin_clause",$c);

now i get this error lol


Query was SELECT * FROM users WHERE level >= 1 AND level <= 500 AND location LIKE('1') AND daysold >= 1$ daysmax_clause AND money > 50


that was me searching for users with 1 days or older and $50 or more

Edited by Newbie
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