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Upcoming army styled text based web game


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In the next month or two I am going to be setting up my own text based web game that will be army styled, the game will run off mccodes 2.5 redux and I will be hiring graphics designer to do me a full game template and any other graphics work that will need doing on the site and I will also be hiring a coder to code the full game for me. My budget for the graphics designer will be around $300 and my budget for the coder will be around $400. Bost graphics designer and coder must be able to show me some of the work they have done and be able to secure all the codes are interested add my msn which is [email protected] or email me at that adress for more information :)

Thanks, razor

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@SRB, like I stated above $400 would only be a starting budget, I will be able to pay more and the things I will be looking for would be the site securing and a few mods adding, I'd also like all the bugs fixed too and the coding cleaned up and make to look better.

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Excuse me? More developers for v2?

Maybe the fact that I can work across system makes me biased... oh wait, all PHP developers should be able to work across systems. If somebody can only work with a certain version of mc code - save your time giving them your money. They clearly do not understand what they are doing, if this is the case.

Working with other systems has nothing to do with it. There are more people on this forum with knowledge of current v2 bugs rather the 2.5. Why? Because 2.5 has yet to be posted around the internet (as fair as I am aware...). That's all it is. More people have worked with the structure.

well it may be a much bigger jump, and probably easy due to support/documentation, it's like jumping from SMF -> VB for a forum site. You may be able to work with it, but it's going to take time to understand where every function is found... How many people on this site could create a small mod for v2 without looking at the source? You, for example, were away for what 2 years? You came back, and started offering support almost instantly.

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