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Desktop Customization?


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I've always had an interest in making windows look a bit better and I've always wondered if anyone else has looked into it as well? Or if everyone uses the plain old default windows systems.

My desktop currently looks like this (auto hidden taskbar and the image is slightly compressed by the upload site).


​This is the main monitor out of my multi-display setup.

Full setup:


Simple enough background found on Google. Clock is using Rainmeter and the Elegence theme and finally I'm using RocketDock with a simple skin and icons found on the web.

Post your desktops! Would love to see what everyone is working with.


Edited by Dave Macaulay
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Just for you, I cleaned up my desktop(somewhat). Generally I have crap everywhere.

I also slapped on Lady Gaga showing her ass (usually just use a plain grayish gradient background). ;)

Yeah I couldn't work with multiple screens, I get distracted enough with just the one...



Edited by Djkanna
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Just for you, I cleaned up my desktop(somewhat). Generally I have crap everywhere.

I also slapped on Lady Gaga showing her ass (usually just use a plain grayish gradient background). ;)

Yeah I couldn't work with multiple screens, I get distracted enough with just the one...


Why thank you Dj ;) Pretty standard setup! Well.. I have 4 screens in front of me and a 5th behind me. It's confusing when I want to change something but using it is fine but you do end up focusing on one screen 90% of the time.

It is helpful for video editing having the monitors and such on different screens but it's still pretty useless!

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Yep standard Win7 setup, though I've used RocketDock in the past (and the one that makes everything look as if it was a Mac (no idea why I used it but I did)) but in the end always revert back to the standard, it grows on you I guess. :P

I now use Dexpot that allows me to switch between multiple instances of my Desktop (good for having development/social seperate and being able to switch back and forth)


@Djk: Lady Gaga is a dude, eewww....


Edited by Djkanna
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Well mine seems boring now :/


If I had the money I would get multiple screens, but I cant.

Sometimes I have a few more files/folders on the right side, but I'm pretty organised, programs on the left, files/folders on the right.

Dave, I do like your desktop alot, Guessing you couldn't just save it and share it, as it seems complected.

Edited by Danny696
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Just for you, I cleaned up my desktop(somewhat). Generally I have crap everywhere.

I also slapped Lady Gaga her ass. ;)



@Djk: Lady Gaga is a dude, eewww....

Whoah :P i like that photo of lady gaga xD even if he 'was' a male... ehmm nice... :D:D:D:D

anyway.. i didnt clean up my desktop cuz always when i play a game it changes back into a mess-.-" idk why but i like 3D desktops so yeh.. maybe a bug but idc.


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