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gang contest


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Ok, a simple question for that. I'm now guessing its not your code, and you only sold it to try and make a bit of money.

wrong is my code and i did make make it every mod i ever post someone has some **** to say well wont post any more mods on here as i says just ban my account

[quote name=Given location and time of year, it is probably safe to assume we have a drunk loose on the boards.

A temp ban should suffice until around the 10th of January when the standard Scottish hangover from the new year party has ended =D [/quote]

wrong not been drinking just the forum you post screen shots but dont no what it does look at the screen shot you will see wot it does

wot info do you need to to see how a contest woks ? erm its a contest mean your work there way to the top to be number one to win a prize well cba with the forum

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wrong is my code and i did make make it every mod i ever post someone has some **** to say well wont post any more mods on here as i says just ban my account

Or just don't login so if you ever wish to return you may? Don't swear in your posts; I removed that post, and the quotes of it.


wrong not been drinking just the forum you post screen shots but dont no what it does look at the screen shot you will see wot it does

wot info do you need to to see how a contest woks ? erm its a contest mean your work there way to the top to be number one to win a prize well cba with the forum

Sorry, but I am unsure of what it does from the screenshots. Seems like an attack ladder for gangs where you go to war with the one above you, and if you win you gain their rank?

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I think proper spelling will not hurt you at all. You might need to press a few more keys on your keyboard though...

When you are trying to sell a mod, whether it's just for some quick money or for a load of cash, you should put some effort in it. Now you're just saying "here are 5 screenshots, I want $3 for it". Give some additional information, try to make people warm for your mod. Honestly, this mod might be fantastic for all I know, but all I can see is a few screenshots.. I wouldn't buy it just based on that.

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A bit of constructive criticism here. If you are using this in your own game, then you should use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. There's nothing worse than seeing typos and inconsistent typing. In the main menu it reads


hour stats



Crime Jobs

fight list


then in your mod it's like

You Have Stoped The Gang Contest Warrior

Proper spelling is worth so much in gaming, believe it or not. Some people think it's fine to overlook it, but you restrict your game to English speakers only then, as those from a non-English speaking background won't be able to understand some of the words or phrases if they are spelt incorrectly.

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  • 8 years later...

Now, I'm not going to defend the guy but he should have been more clear on this.. what he was trying to say or sell or what have you, this mod has been used elsewhere that I play at.. Here is a screenshot of what the mod does he should have written it better I agree, now players with permissions can reset this mod to start over, it gives everyone else an idea of how much activity goes into where and who does what basically but its a good mod to have. and I don't believe he is the one who created it by how he went off like that. I think he's just trying to make a fast  buck.



Edited by Kitty65
Fixing Image and othehr typoes
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