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Basic Secure Crime Game Engine


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Here are some images of our game engine which is currently a work in progress...














The template will be redesigned and it has been coded from scratch, here is a snippet of the code we use, its pretty secure.

function send_app(){
  global $ir, $h, $db;
echo '<p>You have to set a gang to view! <br/><a href="index.php?p=gangs">Back</a></p>';
  $gangid = abs(@intval($_GET['id']));
  $q = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `gangid` = %d", $gangid)) or die(mysql_error());
  if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) {
echo '<p>There is no such gang! <br/><a href="index.php?p=gangs">Back</a></p>';
  $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
  if($ir['gang'] == $r['gangid']){
echo '<p>You are already in this gang! <br/><a href="index.php?p=gangs">Back</a></p>';
  }else if($ir['gang'] > 0){
echo '<p>You cannot apply while you are in another gang! <br/><a href="index.php?p=gangs">Back</a></p>';
  }else if($ir['level'] < $r['gangmin']){
echo '<p>You are not of a high enough level to apply to this gang! <br/><a href="index.php?p=gangs">Back</a></p>';
  if(isset($_POST['apptext']) && $_POST['apptext'] != ""){
$apptext = $db->clean($_POST['apptext']);
mysql_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO gangapps (appid, appgang, appuser, apptext) VALUES ('NULL', '%d', '%d', '%s')", $r['gangid'], $ir['userid'], $apptext));
echo '<p>Your application has been submitted and awaiting acception! <br/><a href="index.php?p=gangs">Back</a></p>';
  echo '<p>Please enter your application and why you should be allowed to join the gang.</p>
  <form method="post">
  <p><textarea name="apptext"></textarea><br/>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit"></p></form>';
Edited by Reiss82
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Please look at my last post before commenting... Its not mccodes, every single line of the code has been written from scratch, and as its an unfinished base right now the styling will be changed for the finished version. There are still quite a few things to make but i will keep this thread and the pictures updated

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No matter what it is. The design and game looks clean and advanced.

Anyway, isnt $ir and $h from mccodes?

Granted they are used. But, it's only a variable name.... Not complete evidence that this is McCodes.

The style looks like McCodes, but, doesn't mean the actual source code is. It could be a style that the author(s) have adopted as it is quite basic, or something that the author(s) like.

Possibly, to stop confusion or people pointing fingers at a so called 'copycat', the author(s) could get someone to review the source to validate that it is not McCodes.

Another thing,

$h could mean header, as it is the header/footer class

$r could mean result

Just some variables names which have been used, which, like stated before, doesn't mean it is McCodes. It could just be a practice thing to use.

$ir could mean my (I) result

Edited by sniko
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I think he will recode the whole of the MCCODES ENGINE. Sorry for caps. There are no demos because people will find out easily if it is a mccodes engine or different.

Gameplay may be similar, as that is the 'genre' of engine that has been created... To find out whether or not it is in fact McCodes, you need to view the source code.

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Have only seen Mccodes source once for about 2 minutes, And all i can say is... It is the worst code i have come across in around 6 years, However you can't jump to conclusions when a person/group of people decide to create their own engine by stating that it is based of the Mccodes source.

He has supplied a code, and yes whilst it has simular variables does NOT mean it is Mccodes.

I Suggest you praise the creator(s) for making a nice looking framework, And if just if, it is proven that this is based from Mccodes you cannot fault the guy for wanting to re-code it due to the fact it's such a poor base.

However it is wrong if it is based of the Mccodes source.

Until it's released and you see the actual full source please people, Don't you think it would be nice if you didn't make wild accusations.

On another note: Reiss82 nice looking framework, Look forward to seeing it released in the future, Wish you the best of luck!

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If you sell it though, someone will have to verify the differences otherwise there could be a lawsuit.

Heres a screenshot of SoulRaider's code. I'm taking the side that it looks similar, and needs investigating. Notice how there is little similarities in this code?


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Well I knew I saw some of these exact screenshots somewhere else, if your gonna steal some elses code have the decency to change around the threads





Edited by JohnGato
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Uhmm... Rogue Vampires is a big game, Does it prove he stole codes? No!, Does it prove he followed and implemented features which are on another game? Yes! does it matter, if i recall didn't Mccodes themselves copy features for their code from another game?!


Well when you take the exact same forum and dont even change the Topics on it then you have a problem..... he said it was all original code if that was so how come the threads and topics are the exact same

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