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$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] alternative/vulnerability

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and a example of my forms...

	$_GET['var'] = ( isset($_GET['var']) && is_string($_GET['var']) && ctype_alnum($_GET['var']) ) ? $_GET['var'] : 0 ;
 if ( !empty($_GET['var']) ) {
# Do something...
 } else {
  echo '
<form action="'.build_link(index, true).'" method="get">
<input type="text" name="var" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />

Some people on here are still making the mistake i simply posted this since no one else with the "common knowledge" did...

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I'd never take something like that into production, simply because I want to know what the user did.

Also, many, many... scripts isn't compatible with that - each should filter it's own input.

Also, on the forms tip that everyone seems to use as well: you can leave out the action attribute, it's treated the same as an empty attribute.

<form method="post">
   <input type="text" ...>
   <input type="submit ...>
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True, false would be more wise.

Actually, a regular expession would do a lot better.


$_GET['variable'] = (!ereg('[^0-9A-Za-z]', $_GET['variable'])) ? $_GET['variable'] : false;

I'm really not good with regular expressions, but to my knowledge it will only accept letters and numbers.

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I do have to admit FALSE would be better but using ereg wouldn't


$_GET['variable'] = ( isset($_GET['variable']) && is_string($_GET['variable']) &&!preg_match('[^0-9A-Za-z]', $_GET['variable']) ) ? $_GET['variable'] : false;

Would be a hell of a lot more reliable.

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I prefer the singe expression, it would validate correctly.

This is because;

isset(val) - will return true if any data is found

is_string(val) - will also return true

Whereas a single ereg check would do exactly the same, and check integers(ID's etc.).

By my knowledge extracting data from the GET global returns a string, and things like ID's returns an integer. So in theory, your sample might be invalid.

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$_GET['var'] = ( isset($_GET['var']) && is_string($_GET['var']) && ctype_alnum($_GET['var']) ) ? $_GET['var'] : 0 ;

As for using is_string() & ctype_alnum here you only really need to use one, ctype_alnum only if you want to use A-Za-z for validation and is_string only checks to see if its a string, but using both to gether is point less here as ctype_alnum will already check to see if its a string. Quotes from the manual are below.


Checks if all of the characters in the provided string, text, are alphanumeric. In the standard C locale letters are just [A-Za-z].


Finds whether the type given variable is string.
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By my knowledge extracting data from the GET global returns a string, and things like ID's returns an integer. So in theory, your sample might be invalid.

Your right, it does return a string on post/get/cookie, unless they have been changed by editing the view source, or the uri.


<input type="text" name="user" />

Can be changed to something like

<input type="text" name="user[]" />

Thats why is_string is used or (string)

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var_dump is such a useful function.

It even checks my if statements. :)

if ((empty($int) || $int > 5) && !empty($_POST['number'])) { ...  }

// debug
var_dump((empty($int) || $int > 5) && !empty($_POST['number']));
// output: bool


But, to conclude: I think the moral lesson one learns here is not to use PHP_SELF, and if you have to, use a regular expression to validate it.

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