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Posted (edited)

EDIT: I know it's not for lite, it's for ALL MCCodes versions. Don't patronize me.

Ever wanted a way to get your players more active, whilst having them enjoying be there?

Well this modification let's you do just that, a great Question and Answer games around!

For the players:

  • A countdown timer to get them really going.
  • Advanced listing of the questions as well as answers after the questions.

For the admins:

  • Flexibility to add you own questions and answers.
  • Viewing the current questions.
  • Configure the amount of questions to be asked.
  • Configure difficulty of the game. (4 Modes)
  • Configure the amount of time allowed per question.


But yea, as they say, I picture tells allot more than words, so here are some screen shots.

Main Screen


Busy Playing


Admin Main


Creating Questions



Second Screen (For starting a game or viewing results)


Running out of time..


Finished Game


Results Page


Viewing Questions


Viewing Raw Question and Answers Array


The script uses itself as the database for questions and answers.

It uses no MySQL database whatsoever, so you will be able to play it on your own even.

There is about ~30 questions with their answers already in there, they are beyond stupid, so feel free to change them.


Just copy the php code into a file called guesswho.php, and then just put a html link to it somewhere.

See attachment

The html link

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Edited by Spudinski
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Guess Who!

I've Tried to convert it and I've also removed all the white spaces so if you try to edit it on cPanel with code editor it won't come out as &nbcs; or something like that.

Create A File Called guesswho.php

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If I Converted It Wrong Please Edit!


Re: Guess Who!


Thank you Ammo, but the script does detect what version you have, and makes changes based on that.

I got the idea from Isomerizer *thanks*.

Sounds funny that you got the idea from isomerizer. But i was the first to actualy come up with the idea. I made a mod using the file_exist("config.php") and stuff so....


Re: Guess Who!

The goal of this thread is for any possible problems that may occur, or if someone wants to say something productive about the modification, so lets keep it that way. (:

Guest Anonymous

Re: Guess Who!

Nice mod spud, anything that keeps people on the site is ideal. And making it easy to extend or change the Q&A's means people that play multiple games hopefully won't see the same stuff.

As for originality, well the concept itself I vaguely remember seeing on mainframes on the 70's, so nobody can really claim "true" ownership of the idea.

  • 2 years later...

Before the forum change the attachment was actually there.

Even so, I updated to post to include the attachment.

Ps. I think this is the only addon I've ever released for free. :P

  • 1 year later...

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