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Think it will happen?

i dont..reason being over 6million people in the uk have downloaded illegal songs over the internet

say they all had broadband at a rough price of $20 a month

20 x 3,000,000 = 6,000,000 and its monthly so 6,000,000 x 12 = 720,000,000

so internet companies would loose millions a year if this happened....and lots of customers..so i reckon they would not inforce this...

Why dont they just crack down on the sharing websites like limewire e.c.t

What do you lot think?


Re: Illegal downloading

20 x 3,000,000 = 60,000,000 and its monthly so 60,000,000 x 12 = 720,000,000

so that's the price of broaband, now this is the price of downloaded material on the internet (software, songs, movies, whatever)

5 x 5,000,000 = 25,000,000 and its monthly so 25,000,000 x 12 = 300,000,000

now that is only if the average price is 2pound (or dollar or whatever) AND IF each person only downloads one thing ... now we'll multiply that by let's say 10?

300,000,000 x 10 = 3,000,000,000

3,000,000,000 - 720,000,000 = 2,280,000,000 of profits that are GONE due to internet users, and trust me, that "5" as average isn't a lot.

so there will come some sort of third party that will manage it, keep an eye on those things. And yes that is possible. You would probably think, who's all going to monitor those internet subscribers? Well in the Netherlands, maybe other countries as well, they use something like "Fair use policy" People who don't download a lot will not be monitored actually, other who have gigs and gigs of data transfer each month, will be monitored more closely and perhaps get caught if they are doing illegal business... I think something like that will happen.


Re: Illegal downloading

yeh i see..only reason i didn;t add those varibles was because i was thinking more of the internet companies seeing as those are the people that will have to enforce this and ip ban the certain abusers..


Re: Illegal downloading

yeh true....all i say is why dont the record companies invest is something pirate proof so it cannot be stolen or downloaded...not sure if its possible or not as i havent looked into it..


Re: Illegal downloading


so there will come some sort of third party that will manage it, keep an eye on those things

I haven't said ISP, or record companies would do something ... just things will change, and i wouldn't be surprised if a 3rd party (gov-related) shows up :P

PS: was my math really that great? xD

Guest Anonymous

Re: Illegal downloading

Doubt it will happen the govoment is to lazy twice as much work for them. :lol:

  • 1 month later...

Re: Illegal downloading

First of all you would have to consider the definition of the term. Illegal Downloading means that I/you copied files from another computer or file system with out authorization from the owner. Therefore making it theft.

Now on the other side of this, you have web sites providing a distribution service. If I login to a site that offers music downloads, free or fee based, I have every right to use that service and download every file they offer with out having to worry about legal repercussions.

Now if that web site is providing copyright protected material with out proper authorization or licenses from the producer or owner of such works, then they (not I) are in violation of the copyright laws.

Now this does not mean I have the right to reproduce and redistribute the works I have downloaded. If I did, then I would be in violation of the law.

Now if you want to talk about these php and html script files and modifications posted on CE, a whole different set of regulations come into play. But I won’t discuss them here and point out how ignorant people are when they learn the truth about Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Regulations and how stupid they are for arguing over who did or didn’t write what. By the way, “Free” in FOSS does not mean “with out cost or fee”, it means; free to modify, edit, reproduce and redistribute edited works. Now keep in mind Copyright laws still apply to the “Original Works” but not edited/modified works.

You should also keep in mind that copyright infringement is not the governments problem to deal with, it is a civil matter which the original inventor/creator/producer has to deal with.


Re: Illegal downloading

Well what ive been hearing roomours about is that the government is starting to attach viruses to music and movies and programs from torrents and file sharing programs such as limewire. But ive never have any problems ;)

  • 6 months later...

Re: Illegal downloading

Ooo the government is helping the 'hackers' now by inserting virus's which someone will exploit then the government will have a problem. And ISP's dont care tbh must be something like 90% of all internet users do it. and if one ISP cuts it of everyone will switch (Well the 90%) so the ISP's wont.

  • 3 months later...

Re: Illegal downloading

You can't crack down on things like Limewire and uTorrent as it isn't the companies responsibility it is the users.. Thats why it is called "PEER 2 Peer"..

Also I somewhat doubt that ISP's will give a shit. Also, atleast 40% of of illegal downloaders (Leechers) can hide their tracks within 5 minutes.

Anyway, legally you have a right to download software if it is a paid version. Using a keygen is illegal, but downloading the software isn't. I claimed over ?400 from AOL after they shut me down for a week because they accused me of downloading Call of Duty 4.. Which I had done, but I own the disc and have bought the box etc in real life so they had no right to do it and then I claimed ?400 ;D


Re: Illegal downloading

I think they are taking the wrong approach. The illegal content will always be there so people can always get the content. If they were to punish the providers (torrent, limewire etc..) then people will not be committing an offense..

It's like leaving your house unlocked to then get robbed, who is to blame?


Re: Illegal downloading

I guess thats true.. but they can't punish the providers because like I said uTorrent and Limewire, Azureuz/Vuze, etc aren't the ones giving out the content, it's merely a search engine to find the torrents and to download them..

The torrents themselves are hosted by real people (Peers/Seeds)..

Kind of like, Google = website (Torrent) search

Google then finds the website (Torrent)

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