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Simple Library to Add, Read, Edit and delete books.
create php file library.php

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You'll need to create the Directory images/library/ in your File Manager, Upload the image attached that i've used for no cover image.
Please note that this is the VERY first Version and Revision, I'll update this with changes i made.



Here is a Screenshot


Edited by peterisgb
  • Like 3

Amazing work, Will this work like knowledge base??
or it will give benefit to players like Torn City?

and i think u might use user level instead of user id to check for admin permision

59 minutes ago, ags_cs4 said:

Amazing work, Will this work like knowledge base??
or it will give benefit to players like Torn City?

and i think u might use user level instead of user id to check for admin permision

Well i went for just me for safety, and there isn't any benifit to the user as of yet (if there ever will be i dunno), As to like Torn, I've never played it or been on it so i couldn't say.

8 hours ago, peterisgb said:

Well i went for just me for safety, and there isn't any benifit to the user as of yet (if there ever will be i dunno), As to like Torn, I've never played it or been on it so i couldn't say.

oh, well it give some stat: int, labor, or even limited time boost

if you wanted something likenewspapers than that good tho i will say some thing need to change
content and pages need to be used as TEXT or LONGTEXT instead of VARCHAR(255)

and i think there is adiffrent idea to do the pages by using `substr($content, 0, 500)`

you can limit each page to have like 500 but i ihave even better idea than that as that will break the works and sentences

you can have this `[page]` in the content and when you want new page you can use it to break the text
so you will use `$PageContent = explode('[page]', $content)`and that will give you paged content for example page #3 `$PageContent[2]` and to check if page exist you can use `isset($PageContent[$_GET['page]])`

PS: small idea im using on my newsPaper mod 😄 

And i just wanted to know if its gonna work like knowledge base
if so the paging system is little out of place and cumbersome

here some example of my KB




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