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Voting Script Help


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Hi, I'm trying to get this voting script to work but I keep getting the following error

A critical error has occurred, and page execution has stopped. Below are the details:
1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

Action taken: Attempted to execute query: INSERT INTO votes values (1,1)





require "globals.php";

$_GET['ID'] = abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE userid=$userid AND site='{$_GET['ID']}'");
if(mysqli_num_rows($q) > 0)
print "You have already voted on this site today!";
$blak=$db->query("SELECT * FROM votingsites WHERE id={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
if(mysqli_num_rows($blak) == 0)
print"<center>This voting site does not exist!</center>";
if($r['rewardtype'] == 1)
$db->query("INSERT INTO votes values ($userid,$id)");
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved $muneh!");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$reward WHERE userid=$userid");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 2)
$db->query("INSERT INTO votes values ($userid,$id)");
if($reward > 1)
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved $reward crystals!");
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved $reward crystal!");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+$reward WHERE userid=$userid");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 3)
$juk=$db->query("SELECT * FROM items WHERE itmid=$reward");
$db->query("INSERT INTO votes values ($userid,$id)");
$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory values ('',$reward,$userid,1)");
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved a/an {$item['itmname']}!");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 4)
$db->query("INSERT INTO votes values ($userid,$id)");
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved $reward energy!");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET energy=energy+$reward WHERE userid=$userid");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 5)
$db->query("INSERT INTO votes values ($userid,$id)");
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved $reward brave!");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET brave=brave+$reward WHERE userid=$userid");
if($r['rewardtype'] == 6)
$db->query("INSERT INTO votes values ($userid,$id)");
event_add($userid,"Thank you for voting! You have receieved $reward will!");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET will=will+$reward WHERE userid=$userid");
print"<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url={$r['url']}' />";



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7 hours ago, urbanmafia said:

thats to do with my mysql table, the data you are trying to insert dont match the amount of columns in the database. could you post the `votes` table from your database

I fixed it, thank you for pointing me in the right direction

There was a extra table called "list" in the votes table that didnt need to be there. Ty again.

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