johnnyh62 Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 (edited) When installing some mods such as Mining Mod v2 i get the error below when i visit the mod link. A critical error has occurred, and page execution has stopped. Below are the details: PHP Warning: mysql_result(): Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 15 (2) Action taken: Line executed: /home/u837966832/public_html/class/class_db_mysql.php:175 Any ideas on how to fix this guys? (McCodesv2) --------- The entire class_db_mysql is below, if i need to make any changes to it do let me know: <?php if (!defined('MONO_ON')) { exit; } if (!function_exists('error_critical')) { // Umm... die('<h1>Error</h1>' . 'Error handler not present'); } if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) { // dl doesn't work anymore, crash error_critical('Database connection failed', 'MySQL extension not present but required', 'N/A', debug_backtrace(true)); } class database { var $host; var $user; var $pass; var $database; var $persistent = 0; var $last_query; var $result; var $connection_id; var $num_queries = 0; var $start_time; function configure($host, $user, $pass, $database, $persistent = 0) { $this->host = $host; $this->user = $user; $this->pass = $pass; $this->database = $database; $this->persistent = $persistent; return 1; //Success. } function connect() { if (!$this->host) { $this->host = "localhost"; } if (!$this->user) { $this->user = "root"; } if ($this->persistent) { $conn = mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass); } else { $conn = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, true); } if ($conn === false) { error_critical('Database connection failed', mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error(), 'Attempted to connect to database on ' . $this->host, debug_backtrace(true)); } // @overridecharset mysql $this->connection_id = $conn; if (!mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->connection_id)) { error_critical('Database connection failed', mysql_errno($conn) . ': ' . mysql_error($conn), 'Attempted to select database: ' . $this->database, debug_backtrace(true)); } return $this->connection_id; } function disconnect() { if ($this->connection_id) { mysql_close($this->connection_id); $this->connection_id = 0; return 1; } else { return 0; } } function change_db($database) { if (!mysql_select_db($database, $this->connection_id)) { error_critical('Database change failed', mysql_errno($this->connection_id) . ': ' . mysql_error($this->connection_id), 'Attempted to select database: ' . $database, debug_backtrace(true)); } $this->database = $database; } function query($query) { $this->last_query = $query; $this->num_queries++; $this->result = mysql_query($this->last_query, $this->connection_id); if ($this->result === false) { error_critical('Query failed', mysql_errno($this->connection_id) . ': ' . mysql_error($this->connection_id), 'Attempted to execute query: ' . nl2br($this->last_query), debug_backtrace(true)); } return $this->result; } function fetch_row($result = 0) { if (!$result) { $result = $this->result; } return mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } function num_rows($result = 0) { if (!$result) { $result = $this->result; } return mysql_num_rows($result); } function insert_id() { return mysql_insert_id($this->connection_id); } function fetch_single($result = 0) { if (!$result) { $result = $this->result; } return mysql_result($result, 0, 0); } function easy_insert($table, $data) { $query = "INSERT INTO `$table` ("; $i = 0; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $i++; if ($i > 1) { $query .= ", "; } $query .= $k; } $query .= ") VALUES("; $i = 0; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $i++; if ($i > 1) { $query .= ", "; } $query .= "'" . $this->escape($v) . "'"; } $query .= ")"; return $this->query($query); } function escape($text) { return mysql_real_escape_string($text, $this->connection_id); } function affected_rows() { return mysql_affected_rows($this->connection_id); } function free_result($result) { return mysql_free_result($result); } } Edited January 31, 2017 by johnnyh62 Quote
Samurai Legend Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 Post the script where you found the error. Quote
johnnyh62 Posted January 31, 2017 Author Posted January 31, 2017 Post the script where you found the error. Mine.php is below: <?php /** Mining Mod by TheMasterGeneral Cost: FREE Use: Allows users to mine up flakes and gems, which can be used to create items*. *=Does not include crafting mod. If you want to use a crafting mod, I use Sniko's crafting mod along side this. SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Mining` ( `userid` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Userid', `m_level` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Mining Level', `mEXP` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Mining Exp', `mNEXP` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Exp needed to level', `m_power` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'User''s mining power.', `m_Mpower` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'User''s MAX mining power.', `m_mopower` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'How much more power can one buy? (In 10 power sets)', PRIMARY KEY (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; */ $macropage = 'mine.php'; require_once('globals.php'); require('mine_globals.php'); echo" <h3>Dangerous Mines</h3> <hr />"; if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $_GET['action'] = ''; } switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'mine': mine1(); break; case 'mine2': mine2(); break; case 'mine3': mine3(); break; case 'buyp': minepb(); break; case 'mine4': mine4(); break; case 'mine5': mine5(); break; case 'mine6': mine6(); break; default: mine_home(); break; } function minepb() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; require('mine_globals.php'); echo" <h3>Dangerous Mines</h3> <hr />"; // if ($level <= 10) //If mining level is 1-10, 100 is the cost to add more power. { $cost = 10; } if ($level <= 20 && $level >= 10) //If mining level is 10-20, 1000 is the cost to add more power. { $cost = 100; } if ($level <= 30 && $level >= 20) //If mining level is 20-30, 5000 is the cost to add more power. { $cost = 1000; } if ($level <= 75 && $level >= 30) //If mining level is 75-30, 2000 is the cost to add more power. { $cost = 2000; } if ($level <= 125 && $level >= 75) //If mining level is 125-75, 5000 is the cost to add more power. { $cost = 5000; } if(!isset($_POST['amount'])) { print "<form action='mine.php?action=buyp' method='post'> You can currently buy $mopower sets of 10 mining power. How many do you wish to buy? Each set will cost you $cost IQ. <br><input type='text' name='amount' /><br> <input type='submit' value='Buy Power (No Prompt, so be sure!)' /> </form>"; } else { //Secure the ID input. $_GET['amount'] = (isset($_GET['amount']) && is_numeric($_GET['amount'])) ? abs(intval($_GET['amount'])) : ''; if ($_POST['amount'] > $mopower) { echo 'You do not have that many sets available to you. Try again.'; exit; } //Fix: Checks the input for negative values //To prevent users from inputting negative //values and give themselves labor //at the cost of losing mining power. if ($_POST['amount'] < 0) { echo 'Stop trying to abuse a game bug. You can be placed in Federal Jail for that.'; exit; } if ($_POST['amount'] == 0) { echo 'Input must be a number larger than zero.'; exit; } if ($laber < $cost) { echo "You do not have enough IQ to add {$_POST['amount']} sets of mining power."; exit; } $poweradd = (10*$_POST['amount']); $subtractlaber = ($cost*$_POST['amount']); $db->query("UPDATE `userstats` SET `IQ` = `IQ` - {$subtractlaber} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_Mpower` = `m_Mpower` + {$poweradd}, `m_mopower` = `m_mopower` - {$_POST['amount']} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); echo "You have purchased {$_POST['amount']} sets of mining power for $subtractlaber IQ."; } } function mine_home() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; require('mine_globals.php'); echo " This here be the ye'old mining shack. The mining hole is out back. Feel free to use it if ye got the right gear. There's six mining locations. You've gotta have the minimum level to mine there AND be within the same location. You also gotta make sure you've got the right gear! You will be able to purchase more mining power as well! You can mine up gems, rocks, and of course, <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!<br> <hr /> You have $power / $maxpower mining power.<br> <img src='yellowbar.png' width='$mpower' height='10' /><img src='redbar.png' width='$mpower2' height='10' /><br /> You currently have $miexp % experience.<br> <img src='yellowbar.png' width='$miexp' height='10' /><img src='redbar.png' width='$miexp2' height='10' /><br /> You are level $level in mining.<br> <br> <br> <br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine'>Cornrye - Level 1</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine2'>Falconworth - Level 10</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine3'>Rome - Level 20</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine4'>Timberwolf - Level 40</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine5'>Tel Yaga - Level 75</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine6'>Dion - Level 125</a>]<br> <br> <br> [<a href='mine.php?action=buyp'>Buy Mining Power</a>]<br> "; } function mine6() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 9) { echo"You are not in Dion!"; exit; } //if ($level > 124) //{ //echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> //<a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; //exit; //} if ($level < 125) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 100) { die( "You need 100 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if(!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. { print "You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining."; exit; } if($laber < 50000) { print "You need 50000 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!"; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(250, 290); $expgain = (2.5*$flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); //Replace 68 with your <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font> item ID. } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(60, 80); $expgain = (2.25*$rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Infirmary if (($chance >=51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime=(int) rand(550,750); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime=(int) rand(550,800); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo "You gained nothing by mining."; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (2000); echo "While mining away, you chip away a <font color=silver>Medium Sized Emerald</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!"; item_add($userid, 149, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); //Replace 70 with your Broken Basic Pickaxe item ID. item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(120, 200); $expgain = (3.5*$gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(150, 250); $expgain = (3*$sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 100 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine6'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine5() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 6) { echo"You are not in Timberwolf!"; exit; } if ($level > 124) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 75) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 50) { die( "You need 50 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if(!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. { print "You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining."; exit; } if($laber < 10000) { print "You need 1000 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!"; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(220, 260); $expgain = (2*$flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); //Replace 68 with your <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font> item ID. } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(40, 56); $expgain = (1.75*$rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Infirmary if (($chance >=51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime=(int) rand(300,550); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime=(int) rand(330,550); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo "You gained nothing by mining."; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (1500); echo "While mining away, you chip away a <font color=silver>Medium Sized Diamond</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!"; item_add($userid, 148, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); //Replace 70 with your Broken Basic Pickaxe item ID. item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(60, 160); $expgain = (2.75*$gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(110, 230); $expgain = (2.5*$sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 50 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine5'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine1() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 1) { echo"You are not in Cornrye!"; exit; } if ($level > 9) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($power < 10) { die( "You need 10 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if(!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. { print "You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining."; exit; } if($laber < 10) { print "You need 10 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!"; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(20, 120); $expgain = (0.5*$flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); //Replace 68 with your <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font> item ID. } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(2, 10); $expgain = (0.3*$rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Infirmary if (($chance >=51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime=(int) rand(30,120); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime=(int) rand(30,180); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo "You gained nothing by mining."; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (35); echo "While mining away, you chip away a <font color=blue>Small Sapphire</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!"; item_add($userid, $sapphireitem, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); //Replace 70 with your Broken Basic Pickaxe item ID. item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(5, 50); $expgain = (1*$gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(15, 75); $expgain = (0.75*$sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 10 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine2() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 4) { echo"You are not in Falconworth!"; exit; } if ($level > 19) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 10) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 20) { die( "You need 20 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if(!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. { print "You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining."; exit; } if($laber < 100) { print "You need 100 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!"; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(40, 140); $expgain = (0.75*$flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); //Replace 68 with your <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font> item ID. } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(5, 12); $expgain = (0.5*$rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Infirmary if (($chance >=51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime=(int) rand(50,150); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime=(int) rand(50,200); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo "You gained nothing by mining."; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (150); echo "While mining away, you chip away a <font color=silver>Small Diamond</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!"; item_add($userid, $diamonditem, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); //Replace 70 with your Broken Basic Pickaxe item ID. item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(10, 55); $expgain = (1.25*$gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(25, 85); $expgain = (1*$sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 20 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine2'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine3() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 5) { echo"You are not in Rome!"; exit; } if ($level > 39) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 20) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 20) { die( "You need 20 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if(!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. { print "You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining."; exit; } if($laber < 500) { print "You need 500 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!"; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(60, 160); $expgain = (1*$flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); //Replace 68 with your <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font> item ID. } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(8, 16); $expgain = (0.75*$rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Infirmary if (($chance >=51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime=(int) rand(75,175); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime=(int) rand(75,225); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo "You gained nothing by mining."; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (500); echo "While mining away, you chip away a <font color=green>Emerald</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!"; item_add($userid, $emeralditem, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); //Replace 70 with your Broken Basic Pickaxe item ID. item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(10, 55); $expgain = (1.5*$gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(25, 85); $expgain = (1.25*$sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 20 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine3'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine4() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 6) { echo"You are not in Timberwolf!"; exit; } if ($level > 74) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 40) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 50) { die( "You need 50 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if(!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. { print "You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining."; exit; } if($laber < 1000) { print "You need 1000 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!"; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(80, 180); $expgain = (1.5*$flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); //Replace 68 with your <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font> item ID. } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(20, 36); $expgain = (1.25*$rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Infirmary if (($chance >=51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime=(int) rand(200,300); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime=(int) rand(225,325); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo "You gained nothing by mining."; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (1000); echo "While mining away, you chip away a <font color=blue>Medium Sized Sapphire</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!"; item_add($userid, 147, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); //Replace 70 with your Broken Basic Pickaxe item ID. item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(30, 85); $expgain = (2.25*$gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(55, 115); $expgain = (2*$sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); //Replace 7 with your Rock item ID. } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 50 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine4'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } Here's mine_globals.php <?php require_once('globals.php'); //Call upon database for mining values. //Item ID's can be altered. They are //located at the bottom of this file. $q = $db->query( "SELECT `m_power` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $power = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `m_Mpower` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $maxpower = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `m_mopower` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $mopower = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `m_level` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $level = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `mEXP` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $exp = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `mNEXP` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $nexp = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `IQ` FROM `userstats` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $laber = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); // $q = $db->query( "SELECT `location` FROM `users` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $place = $db->fetch_single($q); $db->free_result($q); //End DB. //Status bars. //Mining power bar $mpower = min((int) ($power / $maxpower * 100), 100); //Mining Bar Not Used $mpower2 = 100 - $mpower; //Mining bar used7 //End Mining bar //Start experience bar $miexp = min((int) ($exp / $nexp * 100), 100); $miexp2 = 100 - $miexp; //End experience bar //End Status Bars //Experience gained? if ($nexp <= $exp) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_level` = `m_level` + 1 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = 0 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mNEXP` = (`mNEXP`*1.25)+50 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_mopower` = `m_mopower` + 1 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } if ($ir['hospital'] > 0) { die( "Mining is for those who are healthy! You are in the infirmary, thus, you are not healthy."); } if ($ir['jail'] > 0) { die( "Mining is for the good warrior. You're in the dungeon, so thus, you are not a good warrior."); } //Edit below for items. $pick = 3; //Mining pickaxe value. $silverflakesid = 9; //Silver flakes ID $copperflakeid = 10; //Copper Flakes ID $goldflakeid = 11; //Gold Flakes ID $rocksid = 12; //Rocks item id $sapphireitem = 13; //Small Sapphire item id $bpick = 14; //Broken pickaxe item id $diamonditem = 15; //Small diamond item id. $emeralditem = 16; //Small emerald item. Quote
TheMasterGeneral Posted January 31, 2017 Posted January 31, 2017 He messaged me on Skype. I *think* we've got it squared away. 1 Quote
rednspirited Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 im having the same issue when i try running the mine A critical error has occurred, and this page cannot be displayed. Please try again later. the code all checks good when i check not sure what ive done wrong. Quote
Magictallguy Posted August 16, 2019 Posted August 16, 2019 On 8/14/2019 at 10:59 PM, rednspirited said: im having the same issue when i try running the mine A critical error has occurred, and this page cannot be displayed. Please try again later. the code all checks good when i check not sure what ive done wrong. This was a support request from around 2 years ago.You're likely missing the SQL, which is why you're encountering that error Spotted the SQL in OP's post, disregard Quote
Magictallguy Posted August 17, 2019 Posted August 17, 2019 Have you edited mine_globals.php to configure your corresponding item IDs? Quote
rednspirited Posted August 17, 2019 Posted August 17, 2019 Yes I did that too got past that point. now in the first city  when i click on southford i get  when i click on any other city im not in i get the message and yes i have a pick axe  Quote
Magictallguy Posted August 17, 2019 Posted August 17, 2019 In your error class (in, uh.., /lib, I think), there's a line like  define('DEBUG', false); Change that false to true and attempt to access the mines again. Note that all users will be able to see the error messages if encountered. Quote
rednspirited Posted August 18, 2019 Posted August 18, 2019 ok here is what i get global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1,130); require('mine_globals.php'); $query=$db->query("SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` where `inv_itemid` = 60 && `inv_userid` = $userid"); //Replace 60 with your Basic Mining Pickaxe item ID. $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); if ($place != 27) { echo"You are not in Southford!"; exit; } this is the code area  I did notice that I didnt change the 60 went through and did that but still get the same message Went and checked the inventory SQL and all is good there Quote
Magictallguy Posted August 18, 2019 Posted August 18, 2019 Change $i=mysqli_fetch_array($query); to $i = $db->fetch_row($query); Â mine_globals.php <?php require_once 'globals.php'; //Call upon database for mining values. //Item ID's can be altered. They are //located at the bottom of this file. $q = $db->query("SELECT `m_power`, `m_Mpower`, `m_mopower`, `m_level`, `mEXP`, `mNEXP` FROM `Mining` WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $row = $db->fetch_row($q); $power = $row['m_power']; $maxpower = $row['m_Mpower']; $mopower = $row['m_mopower']; $level = $row['m_level']; $exp = $row['mEXP']; $nexp = $row['mNEXP']; $laber = $ir['IQ']; $place = $ir['location']; $db->free_result($q); //End DB. //Status bars. //Mining power bar $mpower = min((int) ($power / $maxpower * 100), 100); //Mining Bar Not Used $mpower2 = 100 - $mpower; //Mining bar used7 //End Mining bar //Start experience bar $miexp = min((int) ($exp / $nexp * 100), 100); $miexp2 = 100 - $miexp; //End experience bar //End Status Bars //Experience gained? if ($nexp <= $exp) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_level` = `m_level` + 1, `mEXP` = 0, `mNEXP` = (`mNEXP`*1.25)+50, `m_mopower` = `m_mopower` + 1 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } if ($ir['hospital'] > 0) { die('Mining is for those who are healthy! You are in the infirmary, thus, you are not healthy.'); } if ($ir['jail'] > 0) { die("Mining is for the good warrior. You're in the dungeon, so thus, you are not a good warrior."); } //Edit below for items. $pick = 3; //Mining pickaxe value. $silverflakesid = 9; //Silver flakes ID $copperflakeid = 10; //Copper Flakes ID $goldflakeid = 11; //Gold Flakes ID $rocksid = 12; //Rocks item id $sapphireitem = 13; //Small Sapphire item id $bpick = 14; //Broken pickaxe item id $diamonditem = 15; //Small diamond item id. $emeralditem = 16; //Small emerald item. mine.php <?php /* Mining Mod by TheMasterGeneral Cost: FREE Use: Allows users to mine up flakes and gems, which can be used to create items*. *=Does not include crafting mod. If you want to use a crafting mod, I use Sniko's crafting mod along side this. SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Mining` ( `userid` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Userid', `m_level` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Mining Level', `mEXP` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Mining Exp', `mNEXP` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Exp needed to level', `m_power` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'User''s mining power.', `m_Mpower` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'User''s MAX mining power.', `m_mopower` bigint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'How much more power can one buy? (In 10 power sets)', PRIMARY KEY (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; */ $macropage = 'mine.php'; require_once 'globals.php'; require 'mine_globals.php'; echo '<h3>Dangerous Mines</h3><hr />'; if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $_GET['action'] = ''; } switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'mine': mine1(); break; case 'mine2': mine2(); break; case 'mine3': mine3(); break; case 'buyp': minepb(); break; case 'mine4': mine4(); break; case 'mine5': mine5(); break; case 'mine6': mine6(); break; default: mine_home(); break; } function minepb() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; require 'mine_globals.php'; echo '<h3>Dangerous Mines</h3><hr />'; if ($level <= 10) { //If mining level is 1-10, 100 is the cost to add more power. $cost = 10; } if ($level <= 20 && $level >= 10) { //If mining level is 10-20, 1000 is the cost to add more power. $cost = 100; } if ($level <= 30 && $level >= 20) { //If mining level is 20-30, 5000 is the cost to add more power. $cost = 1000; } if ($level <= 75 && $level >= 30) { //If mining level is 75-30, 2000 is the cost to add more power. $cost = 2000; } if ($level <= 125 && $level >= 75) { //If mining level is 125-75, 5000 is the cost to add more power. $cost = 5000; } if (!isset($_POST['amount'])) { echo "<form action='mine.php?action=buyp' method='post'> You can currently buy $mopower sets of 10 mining power. How many do you wish to buy? Each set will cost you $cost IQ. <br><input type='text' name='amount' /><br> <input type='submit' value='Buy Power (No Prompt, so be sure!)' /> </form>"; } else { //Secure the ID input. $_GET['amount'] = (isset($_GET['amount']) && is_numeric($_GET['amount'])) ? abs(intval($_GET['amount'])) : ''; if ($_POST['amount'] > $mopower) { echo 'You do not have that many sets available to you. Try again.'; exit; } //Fix: Checks the input for negative values //To prevent users from inputting negative //values and give themselves labor //at the cost of losing mining power. if ($_POST['amount'] < 0) { echo 'Stop trying to abuse a game bug. You can be placed in Federal Jail for that.'; exit; } if (0 == $_POST['amount']) { echo 'Input must be a number larger than zero.'; exit; } if ($laber < $cost) { echo "You do not have enough IQ to add {$_POST['amount']} sets of mining power."; exit; } $poweradd = (10 * $_POST['amount']); $subtractlaber = ($cost * $_POST['amount']); $db->query("UPDATE `userstats` SET `IQ` = `IQ` - {$subtractlaber} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_Mpower` = `m_Mpower` + {$poweradd}, `m_mopower` = `m_mopower` - {$_POST['amount']} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); echo "You have purchased {$_POST['amount']} sets of mining power for $subtractlaber IQ."; } } function mine_home() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; require 'mine_globals.php'; echo " This here be the ye'old mining shack. The mining hole is out back. Feel free to use it if ye got the right gear. There's six mining locations. You've gotta have the minimum level to mine there AND be within the same location. You also gotta make sure you've got the right gear! You will be able to purchase more mining power as well! You can mine up gems, rocks, and of course, <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!<br> <hr /> You have $power / $maxpower mining power.<br> <img src='yellowbar.png' width='$mpower' height='10' /><img src='redbar.png' width='$mpower2' height='10' /><br /> You currently have $miexp % experience.<br> <img src='yellowbar.png' width='$miexp' height='10' /><img src='redbar.png' width='$miexp2' height='10' /><br /> You are level $level in mining.<br> <br> <br> <br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine'>Cornrye - Level 1</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine2'>Falconworth - Level 10</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine3'>Rome - Level 20</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine4'>Timberwolf - Level 40</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine5'>Tel Yaga - Level 75</a>]<br> [<a href='mine.php?action=mine6'>Dion - Level 125</a>]<br> <br> <br> [<a href='mine.php?action=buyp'>Buy Mining Power</a>]<br> "; } function mine6() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1, 130); require 'mine_globals.php'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid` = '.$pick." && `inv_userid` = $userid"); $i = $db->fetch_row($query); if (9 != $place) { echo 'You are not in Dion!'; exit; } //if ($level > 124) //{ //echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> //<a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; //exit; //} if ($level < 125) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 100) { die("You need 100 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) { echo 'You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining.'; exit; } if ($laber < 50000) { echo 'You need 50000 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!'; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(250, 290); $expgain = (2.5 * $flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(60, 80); $expgain = (2.25 * $rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); } //Infirmary if (($chance >= 51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime = (int) rand(550, 750); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime = (int) rand(550, 800); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo 'You gained nothing by mining.'; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (2000); echo 'While mining away, you chip away a <font color=silver>Medium Sized Emerald</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!'; item_add($userid, 149, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(120, 200); $expgain = (3.5 * $gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(150, 250); $expgain = (3 * $sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 100 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine6'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine5() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1, 130); require 'mine_globals.php'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid` = '.$pick." && `inv_userid` = $userid"); $i = $db->fetch_row($query); if (6 != $place) { echo'You are not in Timberwolf!'; exit; } if ($level > 124) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 75) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 50) { die("You need 50 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) { echo 'You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining.'; exit; } if ($laber < 10000) { echo 'You need 1000 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!'; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(220, 260); $expgain = (2 * $flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(40, 56); $expgain = (1.75 * $rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); } //Infirmary if (($chance >= 51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime = (int) rand(300, 550); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime = (int) rand(330, 550); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo 'You gained nothing by mining.'; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (1500); echo 'While mining away, you chip away a <font color=silver>Medium Sized Diamond</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!'; item_add($userid, 148, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(60, 160); $expgain = (2.75 * $gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(110, 230); $expgain = (2.5 * $sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 50 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine5'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine1() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1, 130); require 'mine_globals.php'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid` = '.$pick." && `inv_userid` = $userid"); $i = $db->fetch_row($query); if (1 != $place) { echo'You are not in Cornrye!'; exit; } if ($level > 9) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($power < 10) { die("You need 10 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) { echo 'You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining.'; exit; } if ($laber < 10) { echo 'You need 10 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!'; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(20, 120); $expgain = (0.5 * $flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(2, 10); $expgain = (0.3 * $rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); } //Infirmary if (($chance >= 51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime = (int) rand(30, 120); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime = (int) rand(30, 180); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo 'You gained nothing by mining.'; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (35); echo 'While mining away, you chip away a <font color=blue>Small Sapphire</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!'; item_add($userid, $sapphireitem, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(5, 50); $expgain = (1 * $gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(15, 75); $expgain = (0.75 * $sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 10 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine2() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1, 130); require 'mine_globals.php'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid` = '.$pick." && `inv_userid` = $userid"); $i = $db->fetch_row($query); if (4 != $place) { echo'You are not in Falconworth!'; exit; } if ($level > 19) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 10) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 20) { die("You need 20 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) { echo 'You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining.'; exit; } if ($laber < 100) { echo 'You need 100 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!'; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(40, 140); $expgain = (0.75 * $flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(5, 12); $expgain = (0.5 * $rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); } //Infirmary if (($chance >= 51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime = (int) rand(50, 150); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime = (int) rand(50, 200); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo 'You gained nothing by mining.'; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (150); echo 'While mining away, you chip away a <font color=silver>Small Diamond</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!'; item_add($userid, $diamonditem, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(10, 55); $expgain = (1.25 * $gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(25, 85); $expgain = (1 * $sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 20 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine2'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine3() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1, 130); require 'mine_globals.php'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid` = '.$pick." && `inv_userid` = $userid"); $i = $db->fetch_row($query); if (5 != $place) { echo'You are not in Rome!'; exit; } if ($level > 39) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 20) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 20) { die("You need 20 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) { echo 'You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining.'; exit; } if ($laber < 500) { echo 'You need 500 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!'; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(60, 160); $expgain = (1 * $flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(8, 16); $expgain = (0.75 * $rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); } //Infirmary if (($chance >= 51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime = (int) rand(75, 175); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime = (int) rand(75, 225); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo 'You gained nothing by mining.'; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (500); echo 'While mining away, you chip away a <font color=green>Emerald</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!'; item_add($userid, $emeralditem, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(10, 55); $expgain = (1.5 * $gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(25, 85); $expgain = (1.25 * $sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 20 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine3'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } function mine4() { global $db, $ir, $c, $userid, $h; $chance = rand(1, 130); require 'mine_globals.php'; $query = $db->query('SELECT `inv_itemid` FROM `inventory` WHERE `inv_itemid` = '.$pick." && `inv_userid` = $userid"); $i = $db->fetch_row($query); if (6 != $place) { echo'You are not in Timberwolf!'; exit; } if ($level > 74) { echo "This mine is way too easy for you. Leave it to the kiddies.<br> <a href='mine.php'>Back</a>"; exit; } if ($level < 40) { die('Your mining level is too low for this mine.'); } if ($power < 50) { die("You need 50 mining power to mine here. You have $power."); } if (!$i['inv_itemid'] == $pick) { echo 'You need a basic pickaxe before you can even consider mining.'; exit; } if ($laber < 1000) { echo 'You need 1000 IQ to mine here! Come back when you have it!'; exit; } //Copper Flakes if ($chance <= 35) { $flakes = rand(80, 180); $expgain = (1.5 * $flakes); echo "While mining away, you have uncovered {$flakes} <font color=brown>Copper Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $copperflakeid, $flakes); } //Rocks if (($chance >= 36) && ($chance <= 50)) { $rocks = rand(20, 36); $expgain = (1.25 * $rocks); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$rocks} rock(s)!"; item_add($userid, $rocksid, $rocks); } //Infirmary if (($chance >= 51) && ($chance <= 55)) { $hosptime = (int) rand(200, 300); echo "You collapse a column holding the mineshaft up and caused a cave-in. You are later found under the rubble, barely breathing. You have been escorted to the infirmary for {$hosptime} minutes."; $reasonhosp = 'Mining Cave In'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `hospital`=$hosptime,`hospreason`='$reasonhosp',`hp`=1 WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Dungeon if (($chance >= 56) && ($chance <= 60)) { $jailtime = (int) rand(225, 325); echo "While mining, a swarm of bugs overcrowd you. In attempt to get rid of them, you rip off your clothing and run into the nearest source of water. A guard sees you and escorts you into the dungeon for {$jailtime} minutes on the account of indecency exposure."; $reasonjail = 'Indecency Exposure'; $db->query("UPDATE users SET `jail` = $jailtime, `jail_reason` = '$reasonjail' WHERE userid=$userid", $c); } //Failed if (($chance >= 61) && ($chance <= 90)) { echo 'You gained nothing by mining.'; } //Gem if (($chance >= 91) && ($chance <= 93)) { $expgain = (1000); echo 'While mining away, you chip away a <font color=blue>Medium Sized Sapphire</font>. Hold on this, you can use this in crafting!'; item_add($userid, 147, 1); //Replace 71 with your Small Sapphire item id. } //Break if (($chance >= 94) && ($chance <= 95)) { echo "While mining away, you struck a tough rock and broke your pickaxe. You're going to need to fix that before you can mine again."; item_add($userid, $bpick, 1); item_remove($userid, $pick, 1); } //Gold Flakes if (($chance >= 96) && ($chance <= 110)) { $gflake = rand(30, 85); $expgain = (2.25 * $gflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$gflake} <font color=yellow>Gold Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $goldflakeid, $gflake); } //Silver Flakes if (($chance >= 111) && ($chance <= 130)) { $sflake = rand(55, 115); $expgain = (2 * $sflake); echo "While mining away, you have managed to break away {$sflake} <font color=silver>Silver Flakes</font>!"; item_add($userid, $silverflakesid, $sflake); } //All done. Run this! if ($expgain) { $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `mEXP` = `mEXP` + {$expgain} WHERE `userid` = $userid"); } $db->query("UPDATE `Mining` SET `m_power` = `m_power` - 50 WHERE `userid` = $userid"); die("<hr /> <a href='mine.php?action=mine4'>Mine Again</a><br /> <a href='mine.php'>>Back</a>"); } Â 1 Quote
rednspirited Posted August 19, 2019 Posted August 19, 2019 that works but how do you gain back power? i cant find that any where, should i add in to a crons files? 1 Quote
Magictallguy Posted August 20, 2019 Posted August 20, 2019 That would seem to fit the logic - not a clue what the crons are, I didn't make this mod Quote
rednspirited Posted August 20, 2019 Posted August 20, 2019 understand that :) but i can work in my own thanks think a percent gain every 5 mins would work :)Â 1 Quote
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