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Count down timer


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Okay so I have this at the moment, and you have to refresh the page while in hospital/jail or whatever to see how long you have left, what I want is to make it so it's a live count down, so the player doesn't have to refresh the page to see how long they have left.

Any help what so ever would be greatly appreciated


function getgmt() {
      return date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     function gmtime() {
              return strtotime(getgmt());
              function sqltounix($s) {
                  return mktime(substr($s, 11, 2), substr($s, 14, 2), substr($s, 17, 2), substr($s, 5, 2),
                  substr($s, 8, 2), substr($s, 0, 4));
                 function gettimeleft($tl) {
                 if($tl <= time()) { $release = "0 Seconds"; }
                 $mins = floor(($tl - time()) / 60);
                 $hours = floor($mins / 60);
                 $mins -= $hours * 60;
                 $days = floor($hours / 24);
                 $hours -= $days * 24;
                 $months = floor($days / 31);
                 $days -= $months * 31;
                 $weeks = floor($days / 7);
                 $days -= $weeks * 7;
                 $timeleft = ($tl - time());
                 $secs = round($timeleft%60);
                             if ($months > 0)//MONTHS
                                 $release .= " $months Month" . ($months > 1 ? "s" : "");
                             if ($weeks > 0)//WEEKS
                             if ($months > 0)
                                 $release .= ",";
                                 $release .= " $weeks Week" . ($weeks > 1 ? "s" : "");
                             if ($days > 0)//DAYS
                             if ($months > 0 ||$weeks > 0)
                                 $release .= ",";
                                 $release .= " $days Day" . ($days > 1 ? "s" : "");
                             if ($hours > 0)//HOURS
                             if ($months > 0 ||$weeks > 0 || $days > 0)
                                 $release .= ",";
                                 $release .= " $hours Hour" . ($hours > 1 ? "s" : "");
                             if ($mins > 0)//MINUTES
                             if ($months > 0 ||$weeks > 0 || $days > 0 || $hours > 0)
                                 $release .= ",";
                                 $release .= " $mins Minute" . ($mins > 1 ? "s" : "");
                             if($secs > 0)//SECONDS
                                 if($release != "")
                                   $release .= " and";
                                 $release .= " $secs Second" . ($secs > 1 ? "s" : "");
                      return $release;
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Where it says

var count = <?=$time['timeleft']?>;

you need to change the $time['timeleft'] with users jail or hosp time.


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
 		var count = <?=$time['timeleft']?>;
	var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will  run it every 1 second
	function timer() {
   			count = count - 1;
   			if (count == -1) {
   			var seconds = count % 60;
   			var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
   			var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
   			minutes %= 60;
   			hours %= 60;
   			document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left";

then to show it just

<span id='clock'></span>

you can see a js fiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/hm2rz6a0/

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Where it says
var count = <?=$time['timeleft']?>;

you need to change the $time['timeleft'] with users jail or hosp time.


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
 		var count = <?=$time['timeleft']?>;
	var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will  run it every 1 second
	function timer() {
   			count = count - 1;
   			if (count == -1) {
   			var seconds = count % 60;
   			var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
   			var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
   			minutes %= 60;
   			hours %= 60;
   			document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left";

then to show it just

<span id='clock'></span>

you can see a js fiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/hm2rz6a0/

Thank you, I'd kind of like go keep the $gettimeleft method as there's a few things that I need to change that in aha!

Just want the jquery live count down lol

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Where it says
var count = <?=$time['timeleft']?>;

you need to change the $time['timeleft'] with users jail or hosp time.


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
 		var count = <?=$time['timeleft']?>;
	var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will  run it every 1 second
	function timer() {
   			count = count - 1;
   			if (count == -1) {
   			var seconds = count % 60;
   			var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
   			var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
   			minutes %= 60;
   			hours %= 60;
   			document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left";

then to show it just

<span id='clock'></span>

you can see a js fiddle here https://jsfiddle.net/hm2rz6a0/

Do it like this?

echo "<center><main>City Bank</main><hr width = '80%'>";
$q_ry  = array();
$q_ry  = "SELECT *
           FROM `bank_accounts`
           WHERE `a_playerid` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "'";
$myacc = array();
$myacc = mysql_query($q_ry);
if (mysql_num_rows($myacc)) {
   $ma = array();
   $ma = mysql_fetch_array($myacc);
   if (($ma['a_time'] - time()) <= '0') {
       if (!$_GET['step']) {
           echo "Your investment time is now over, You have " . money_alter($ma['a_ammount']) . " to withdraw.<br/>
               Would you like to withdraw it now?<br/>
               ><a href='bank.php?step=1'>Yes</a>";
       } else {
           $q_ry = array();
           $q_ry = "UPDATE `members`
                  SET `wallet` = `wallet` + '" . mysql_real_escape_string($ma['a_ammount']) . "'
                  WHERE `playerid` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "'";
           stock_remove(2, 1);
           $q_ry = array();
           $q_ry = "DELETE FROM `bank_accounts`
                  WHERE `a_playerid` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "'";
           echo "You have withdrawn " . money_alter($ma['a_ammount']) . " from the bank, You may now start a new investment!";
           echo "<script language=javascript>var origm = " . $pl['wallet'] . "; var newm = origm + " . $ma['a_ammount'] . "; timer = setInterval('addCash();', 100);</script>";
   } else {
       echo "<b>You have an investment running for another <span id='clock'></span></b><br/><br/>

          At the end of this investment you will recieve " . money_alter($ma['a_ammount']) . "<br/>
          You will then be able to start a new investment, Interest rates may vary each time you invest.";
       echo "<hr width = '80%'>><a href='city.php'>Back</a><hr width = '80%'>";
} else {
   $q_ry  = array();
   $q_ry  = "SELECT `my_interest`
              FROM `members_extra`
              WHERE `playerid` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "'";
   $extra = array();
   $extra = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
   if (!$_POST['submit']) {
       echo "<b>Please choose from a investment period that best suits you.</b>
           <br/><b><u>NOTE:</u></b> The longer you invest for the more you will gain at the end of the period.<br/>
           The maximum investment is 2 billion!<br/><br/>
           <table width = '80%' class='rounded'><tr><td align = 'center'>
           <table width = '80%' border='0'><tr><td align='center' width='50%'>
           <table width = '100%' class='rounded'><tr><td align = 'left'>
           <form action='bank.php' method='post'>
           <select name = 'period'>
           <option value='1wk'>One Week(" . (0.96 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.1)) . "% Profit)</option>
           <option value='2wk'>Two Weeks(" . (2.21 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.3)) . "% Profit)</option>
           <option value='1mt'>One Month(" . (4.08 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.9)) . "% Profit)</option>
           <option value='2mt'>Two Months(" . (10.56 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.20)) . "% Profit)</option>
           <option value='3mt'>Three Months(" . (15.36 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.35)) . "% Profit)</option>
           <td align='center'>
           <table width = '100%' class='rounded'><tr><td align = 'left' width='50%'>
           <input type='text' name='amount' value='" . $pl['wallet'] . "'>
           <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Invest'>
   } else {
       $_POST['amount'] = abs(@intval($_POST['amount']));
       if (!in_array($_POST['period'], array(
       ))) {
           echo "Error, Invalid time period!<br/>
               <hr width = '80%'>><a href='city.php'>Back</a><hr width = '80%'>";
       } else if (!$_POST['amount'] || $_POST['amount'] > 2000000000) {
           echo "Error, Either you dfidnt select an amount to invest or you entered more than 2 billion!<br/>
               <hr width = '80%'>><a href='city.php'>Back</a><hr width = '80%'>";
       } else {
           $q_ry  = array();
           $q_ry  = "SELECT *
           FROM `bank_accounts`
           WHERE `a_playerid` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "'";
           $myacc = array();
           $myacc = mysql_query($q_ry);
           if (mysql_num_rows($myacc)) {
               echo "Error, You already have an investment running!<br/>
               <hr width = '80%'>><a href='city.php'>Back</a><hr width = '80%'>";
           } else {
               if ($_POST['amount'] > $pl['wallet']) {
                   echo "Sorry, You dont have enough money for this investment!<br/>
               <hr width = '80%'>><a href='city.php'>Back</a><hr width = '80%'>";
               } else {
                   $week  = 86400 * 7;
                   $month = 86400 * 31;
                   if ($_POST['period'] == "1wk") {
                       $newbal  = $_POST['amount'] + ($_POST['amount'] / 100 * (0.96 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.1)));
                       $newtime = time() + $week;
                   if ($_POST['period'] == "2wk") {
                       $newbal  = $_POST['amount'] + ($_POST['amount'] / 100 * (2.21 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.3)));
                       $newtime = time() + ($week * 2);
                   if ($_POST['period'] == "1mt") {
                       $newbal  = $_POST['amount'] + ($_POST['amount'] / 100 * (4.08 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.9)));
                       $newtime = time() + $month;
                   if ($_POST['period'] == "2mt") {
                       $newbal  = $_POST['amount'] + ($_POST['amount'] / 100 * (10.56 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.20)));
                       $newtime = time() + ($month * 2);
                   if ($_POST['period'] == "3mt") {
                       $newbal  = $_POST['amount'] + ($_POST['amount'] / 100 * (15.36 + ($extra['my_interest'] * 0.35)));
                       $newtime = time() + ($month * 3);
                   if (!$_POST['confirm']) {
                       $intime = array(
                           '1wk' => '1 week',
                           '2wk' => '2 weeks',
                           '1mt' => '1 month',
                           '2mt' => '2 months',
                           '3mt' => '3 months'
                       echo "<form action = 'bank.php' method = 'post'>
                 Are you sure you wish to invest " . money_alter($_POST['amount']) . "
                 for " . $intime[$_POST['period']] . ".
                 At the end of this investment you will get " . money_alter($newbal) . "?<br/>
                 <input type = 'hidden' name = 'amount' value = '" . $_POST['amount'] . "'>
                 <input type = 'hidden' name = 'period' value = '" . $_POST['period'] . "'>
                 <input type = 'hidden' name = 'submit' value = 'Invest'>
                 <input type = 'submit' name = 'confirm' value = 'Invest'></form>";
                   } else {
                       $q_ry = array();
                       $q_ry = "INSERT INTO `bank_accounts`
                  VALUES ('NULL',
                          '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "',
                          '" . mysql_real_escape_string($newbal) . "',
                          '" . mysql_real_escape_string($newtime) . "')";
                       $q_ry = array();
                       $q_ry = "UPDATE `members`
                  SET `wallet` = `wallet` - '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['amount']) . "'
                  WHERE `playerid` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['playerid']) . "'";
                       $profit = $newbal - $_POST['amount'];
                       p_stats_add('tot_invest', $_POST['amount'], $_SESSION['playerid']);
                       p_stats_add('tot_profit', $profit, $_SESSION['playerid']);
                       echo "You have started an investment.<br/>
               It will take another " . gettimeleft($newtime) . " before you can withdraw it.<br/>
               At the end of this time you will recieve " . money_alter($newbal) . "<br/>
               You will then be able to start a new investment.";
                       echo "<script language=javascript>var origm = " . $pl['wallet'] . "; var newm = origm - " . $_POST['amount'] . "; timer = setInterval('minCash();', 100);</script>";
                       stock_credit(2, 1);
echo "<hr width = '80%'>><a href='city.php'>Back</a><hr width = '80%'>";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var count = <?= $time['a_time'] ?>;

var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second

function timer() {

count = count - 1;

if (count == -1) {




var seconds = count % 60;

var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);

var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);

minutes %= 60;

hours %= 60;

document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left";


Edited by -BRAIDZ-
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Re-explain the problems/issues you're having in detail.
  • What do you need?
  • What have you done?
  • What doesn't work?

Check this here, https://jsfiddle.net/4hcLtn7s/ it's counting down, but it's saying 26 hours instead of 1 day 1 hour.

It will be set from a database entry (unix_timestamp)I'm pretty sure

Edited by -BRAIDZ-
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Pretty simple concept. My version supports multiple timers on a single page, also.

Probably not the nicest way, as it's writing to the DOM in 2 places (to update the data attribute and to display the time left), but hey. Free code is free code.



  • Grab the timestamp
  • Format the data attributes (the date difference as a string)
  • Create the div
  • Javascript calculations



$intCurrentTime = time();

$arrTimes = array(
 1449652661, //45 seconds ago
 1449652106, //10 minutes ago
 1449649106  //1 hour ago

$objCurrentTime = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone("Europe/London"));

foreach($arrTimes as $intTimestamp) {
  $objOldTime = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone("Europe/London"));
  $objDifference = $objCurrentTime->diff($objOldTime);

  echo "<div class=\"time_diff\" data-timestamp=\"". $intTimestamp ."\" data-time_str=\"". $objDifference->format("%yy %mm %dd %hh %im %ss") . "\"></div> <br />";


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
	setInterval( function() {
		$(".time_diff").each( function() {	
			var strTime = $(this).data('time_str');
			var intTimestamp = $(this).data('timestamp');
			var arrLabel = [];	
			var arrDateDiff = strTime.match(/^(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w$/);
			var intYear = arrDateDiff[1];
			var intMonth = arrDateDiff[2];
			var intDays = arrDateDiff[3];
			var intHours = arrDateDiff[4]
			var intMinutes = arrDateDiff[5];
			var intSeconds = arrDateDiff[6];

			intSeconds = intSeconds - 1;

			if( intSeconds <= 0 ) {
				intSeconds = 0;
				if( intMinutes > 0) {
					intSeconds = 60;

			if( intMinutes <= 0 ) {
				intMinutes = 0;
				if( intHours > 0 ) {
					intMinutes = 59;

			if( intHours <= 0 ) {
				intHours = 0;
				if( intDays > 0 ) {
					intHours = 60;

			if( intDays <= 0 ) {
				intDays = 0;
				if( intMonth > 0 ) {
					intDays = 30; //roughly. shhhh

			if( intMonth <= 0 ) {
				intMonth = 0;
				if( intYear > 0 ) {
					intYear = 1;

			if( intSeconds > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intSeconds + " seconds ");
			if( intMinutes > 0 ) { 
				arrLabel.push(intMinutes + " minutes");
			if( intHours > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intHours + " hours");
			if( intDays > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intDays + " days");
			if( intMonth > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intMonth + " months");
			if( intYear > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intYear + " years");


			$(this).html(arrLabel.join(" "));
			$(this).data("time_str", intYear + 'y ' + intMonth + 'm ' + intDays + 'd ' + intHours + 'h ' + intMinutes + 'm ' + intSeconds + 's');
	}, 1000);
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Pretty simple concept. My version supports multiple timers on a single page, also.

Probably not the nicest way, as it's writing to the DOM in 2 places (to update the data attribute and to display the time left), but hey. Free code is free code.



  • Grab the timestamp
  • Format the data attributes (the date difference as a string)
  • Create the div
  • Javascript calculations



$intCurrentTime = time();

$arrTimes = array(
 1449652661, //45 seconds ago
 1449652106, //10 minutes ago
 1449649106  //1 hour ago

$objCurrentTime = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone("Europe/London"));

foreach($arrTimes as $intTimestamp) {
  $objOldTime = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone("Europe/London"));
  $objDifference = $objCurrentTime->diff($objOldTime);

  echo "<div class=\"time_diff\" data-timestamp=\"". $intTimestamp ."\" data-time_str=\"". $objDifference->format("%yy %mm %dd %hh %im %ss") . "\"></div> <br />";


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
	setInterval( function() {
		$(".time_diff").each( function() {	
			var strTime = $(this).data('time_str');
			var intTimestamp = $(this).data('timestamp');
			var arrLabel = [];	
			var arrDateDiff = strTime.match(/^(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w\s(\d{1,2})\w$/);
			var intYear = arrDateDiff[1];
			var intMonth = arrDateDiff[2];
			var intDays = arrDateDiff[3];
			var intHours = arrDateDiff[4]
			var intMinutes = arrDateDiff[5];
			var intSeconds = arrDateDiff[6];

			intSeconds = intSeconds - 1;

			if( intSeconds <= 0 ) {
				intSeconds = 0;
				if( intMinutes > 0) {
					intSeconds = 60;

			if( intMinutes <= 0 ) {
				intMinutes = 0;
				if( intHours > 0 ) {
					intMinutes = 59;

			if( intHours <= 0 ) {
				intHours = 0;
				if( intDays > 0 ) {
					intHours = 60;

			if( intDays <= 0 ) {
				intDays = 0;
				if( intMonth > 0 ) {
					intDays = 30; //roughly. shhhh

			if( intMonth <= 0 ) {
				intMonth = 0;
				if( intYear > 0 ) {
					intYear = 1;

			if( intSeconds > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intSeconds + " seconds ");
			if( intMinutes > 0 ) { 
				arrLabel.push(intMinutes + " minutes");
			if( intHours > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intHours + " hours");
			if( intDays > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intDays + " days");
			if( intMonth > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intMonth + " months");
			if( intYear > 0 ) {
				arrLabel.push(intYear + " years");


			$(this).html(arrLabel.join(" "));
			$(this).data("time_str", intYear + 'y ' + intMonth + 'm ' + intDays + 'd ' + intHours + 'h ' + intMinutes + 'm ' + intSeconds + 's');
	}, 1000);

Thanks, still doesn't explain what the problem is with my code I already have posted here.

Maybe just a few problems within the maths side of things?

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Figured it out

var count = <?= $time['a_time'] ?>;
var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
count = count - now;
var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second
function timer() {
 count = count - 1;
 if(count == -1) {
 var seconds = count % 60;
 var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
 var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
 var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
 minutes %= 60;
 hours %= 24;
 document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = days + "days " + hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left";
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Figured it out
var count = <?= $time['a_time'] ?>;
var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
count = count - now;
var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second
function timer() {
 count = count - 1;
 if(count == -1) {
 var seconds = count % 60;
 var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60);
 var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
 var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
 minutes %= 60;
 hours %= 24;
 document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = days + "days " + hours + "hours " + minutes + "minutes and " + seconds + " seconds left";

This won't allow for multiple clocks on the same page. But nice!

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Okay now I'm having trouble getting the live counter to work on profile.php for federal jail time, thought I'd try that first to see if it work.

Here's the code.

Line 295 onwards I believe you're looking at..


$_GET['XID'] = abs(intval($_GET['XID']));
if (!$_GET['XID']) {
   echo "<center>Error, Invalid ID!
          <hr width = '75%'>
          ><a href='javascript:history.back()'>Back</a>
          <hr width = '75%'>";
} else {
   $q_ry = "SELECT m.playerid,m.playername,m.am_i_staff,m.my_duties,m.my_level,m.my_rank,m.my_property,
               FROM members m
               INNER JOIN members_extra AS me
               ON m.playerid = me.playerid
               INNER JOIN members_personal AS mp
               ON m.playerid = mp.playerid
               WHERE m.playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
   $who  = mysql_query($q_ry);
   if (!mysql_num_rows($who)) {
       echo "<center>Error, Invalid ID!
               <hr width = '75%'>
               ><a href='javascript:history.back()'>Back</a>
               <hr width = '75%'>";
   } else {
       $me = mysql_fetch_array($who);
       echo "<center>
                        <font size='4' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
                              Profile for " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "
                              <hr width='750px'>";
       $q_ry = "SELECT *
                     FROM profile_skins 
                     WHERE ps_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $pros = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (mysql_num_rows($pros)) {
           $ps = mysql_fetch_array($pros);
           if ($ps['ps_bgimage'] || $ps['ps_bgcolor']) {
               $style = "style = 'background: ";
               if ($ps['ps_bgcolor']) {
                   $style .= $ps['ps_bgcolor'];
                   if (!$ps['ps_bgimage']) {
                       $style .= ";";
               if ($ps['ps_bgimage']) {
                   $bgimagecheck = array();
                   $bgimagecheck = $ps['ps_bgimage'];
                   $bgimage      = array();
                   $bgimage      = getimagesize($bgimagecheck);
                   if ($bgimage) {
                       $style .= " url(\"" . $bgimagecheck . "\") no-repeat center top;";
                   } else {
                       $style .= ";";
               $style .= "'";
           if ($ps['ps_sigbgcolor'] != '') {
               $sigcolor = "bgcolor = '" . $ps['ps_sigbgcolor'] . "'";
           } else {
               $sigcolor = "";
           $table = $style;
           $font  = $ps['ps_fontcolor'];
       } else {
           $sigcolor = "bgcolor = '#DFDFDF'";
           $table    = "";
           $font     = "black";
       echo "<table width = '750px' " . $table . ">
                                       <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                          <font color = 'white'><b><u>Information</b></u></font>

       if ($me['laston'] >= time() - 15 * 60) {
           $onstatus = "online";
       } else {
           $onstatus = "offline";
       echo "<img src='images/" . $onstatus . ".png' title='" . $onstatus . "'/> ";
       echo "<img src='images/" . $me['my_gender'] . ".gif'> ";

       if ($me['my_dondays']) {
           echo "<img src='images/donator.gif' alt = 'Donator: " . $me['my_dondays'] . " days' title = 'Donator: " . $me['my_dondays'] . " days'> ";
       if ($me['vipday']) {
           echo "<img src='images/vip.jpg' alt = 'VIP: " . $me['vipday'] . " days' title = 'VIP: " . $me['vipday'] . " days'> ";
       if ($me['am_i_staff'] > '1') {
           echo "<img src='images/staff.png'> ";
       echo " <br><font color = '" . $font . "'><b>Name:</b> " . user_name($_GET['XID']) . " ";
       echo "<br><b>Online:</b> ";
       if ($onstatus == 'online') {
           echo "<font color=#009900>Online</font>";
       } else {
           echo "Offline";
       $sttus = array(
           '<b><font color=#660099>Helper</font></b>',
           '<b><font color=#0085A3>Moderator</font></b>',
           '<b><font color=#006633>Secretary</font></b>',
           '<b><font color=#AA0000>Admin</font></b>'
       $ranks = array(
           'Absolute beginner',
           'Below Average',
           'Above Average',
           'Highly competent',
           'Highly distinguished',
       echo "<br><b>Status:</b> " . $sttus[$me['am_i_staff']] . "
                  <br><b>Duties:</b> " . $me['my_duties'] . "
                  <br><b>Gender:</b> ";
       if ($me['my_gender'] == 'Male') {
           echo "Male";
       } else {
           echo "Female";
       echo "<br><b>Age:</b> " . $me['my_daysold'] . " days
                  <br><b>Level:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=level'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . $me['my_level'] . "</font></a>
                  <br><b>Rank:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=rank'><font color = '" . $font . "'>#" . $me['my_rank'] . " " . $ranks[($me['my_rank'] - 1)] . "</font></a>
                  <br><b>Faction:</b> ";
       if ($me['my_faction']) {
           $q_ry  = "SELECT fac_id,fac_name 
                        FROM faction_s 
                        WHERE fac_id = " . $me['my_faction'] . " ";
           $fname = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $fn    = mysql_fetch_array($fname);

           echo "<a href='view_faction.php?XID=" . $fn['fac_id'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($fn['fac_name']) . "</font></a>";
       } else {
           echo "N/A";
       echo "<br><b>Property:</b> ";

       $q_ry    = "SELECT p_id,house_name 
                     FROM members_properties
                     LEFT JOIN properties p 
                     ON mp.p_property = p.house_id 
                     WHERE mp.p_id = " . $me['my_property'] . " ";
       $myhouse = mysql_query($q_ry);
       $h       = mysql_fetch_array($myhouse);
       echo "<a href='viewproperties.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($h['house_name']) . "</font></a>
                    [<a href='viewproperties.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>View all</font></a>]
                  <br><b>Job:</b> ";
       if ($me['my_job']) {
           $q_ry  = "SELECT job_NAME
                        FROM system_jobs
                        WHERE job_ID = " . $me['my_job'] . " ";
           $myjob = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $myj   = mysql_fetch_array($myjob);
           echo "<a href='job.php'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($myj['job_NAME']) . "</font></a>";
       } else if ($me['my_comp']) {
           $q_ry  = "SELECT c_owner,c_name
                        FROM members_companies
                        WHERE c_id = " . $me['my_comp'] . " ";
           $myjob = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $myj   = mysql_fetch_array($myjob);
           if ($_GET['XID'] == $myj['c_owner']) {
               echo "Director";
           } else {
               echo "Employee";
           echo " (<a href='companies.php?action=view&XID=" . $me['my_comp'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($myj['c_name']) . "</font></a>)";
       } else {
           echo "None";
       echo "<br><b>Life:</b> " . $me['my_life'] . " / " . $me['my_maxlife'] . "
                        <br><b>Marital Status: </b>";
       if (!$me['my_partner']) {
           echo "Single";
       } else {
           $q_ry    = "SELECT playername 
                              FROM members
                              WHERE playerid = " . $me['my_partner'] . " ";
           $partner = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $pnr     = mysql_fetch_array($partner);
           echo " Married to <a href='profile.php?XID=" . $me['my_partner'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($pnr['playername']) . "</font></a> (" . number_format($me['my_partner_days']) . " days)";
       echo "<br><b>Married:</b> " . $me['my_married_times'] . " times
                        <br><b>Friends:</b> ";
       $q_ry = "SELECT mf_id
                                 FROM members_friends
                                 WHERE mf_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       echo mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($q_ry));
       echo "<br><b>Enemies:</b> ";
       $q_ry = "SELECT me_id
                                 FROM members_enemies
                                 WHERE me_enemy = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       echo mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($q_ry));
       echo "<br><b>Posts:</b> " . $me['my_forumposts'] . " (" . $me['my_forumscore'] . " score)
                              <br><b>Last action:</b> ";
       if ($me['laston'] != '0') {
           $la   = (time() - $me['laston']);
           $unit = "Seconds";
           if ($la >= 60) {
               $la   = (int) ($la / 60);
               $unit = "Minutes";
           if ($la >= 60) {
               $la   = (int) ($la / 60);
               $unit = "Hours";
               if ($la >= 24) {
                   $la   = (int) ($la / 24);
                   $unit = "Days";
           echo "<b>$la $unit ago</b>";
       } else {
           echo "<b>Never</b>";

       echo "<br><b>Signed Up:</b> " . date('F j Y', $me['signup_time']) . " at " . date('g:i:s a', $me['signup_time']) . "
                         <br><b>Last Login:</b> " . date('F j Y', $me['last_login_time']) . " at " . date('g:i:s a', $me['last_login_time']) . "
                         <br><b>Referrals:</b> ";
       $q_ry = array();
       $q_ry = "SELECT ref_id
                                  FROM referals_accepted
                                  WHERE ref_referer = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       echo mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($q_ry));
       echo "<br><br>";
       if ($me['my_jail'] > time()) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>In jail for " . gettimeleft($me['my_jail']) . "<br/>Reason: " . $me['jail_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_hosp'] > time()) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>In hospital for " . gettimeleft($me['my_hosp']) . "<br/>Reason: " . $me['hosp_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_traveltime'] > time() || $me['my_city'] > '0') {
           if ($me['my_city'] > '0') {
               $q_ry                 = "SELECT city_name
                              FROM other_cities
                              WHERE city_id = " . $me['my_city'] . " ";
               $citname              = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
               $citname['city_name'] = explode(":", $citname['city_name']);
               $citname['city_name'] = $citname['city_name'][0];
           } else {
               $citname['city_name'] = "Mafia Town";
           if ($me['my_traveltime'] > time()) {
               echo "<font color = 'green'><b>Currently traveling to " . $citname['city_name'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
           } else {
               echo "<font color = 'green'><b>Currently in " . $citname['city_name'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_mailban']) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>Mail banned for " . $me['my_mailban'] . " day(s).<br/>Reason: " . $me['mban_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_forumban']) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>Forum banned for " . $me['my_forumban'] . " day(s).<br/>Reason: " . $me['fban_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";

       $q_ry  = "SELECT *
                            FROM fed_jailed
                            WHERE fj_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $infed = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (mysql_num_rows($infed)) {
<script type="text/javascript">
var count = <?= $time['fj_time'] ?>; 
var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); 
count = count - now; 
var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second 
function timer()
count = count - 1; 
if(count == -1) 
  var seconds = count % 60; 
  var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60); 
  var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); 
  var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);   
  minutes %= 60; 
  hours %= 24; document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = days + " days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes and " + seconds + " seconds";
           $if = mysql_fetch_array($infed);
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b><small>In federal jail for <span id='clock' style='background:#adadad;'></span> <br/>
                            Reason: " . $if['fj_reason'] . "</small></b></font><br/><br/>";
       echo "</font>
                            <font color = 'white'><b><u>Criminal Statistics</b></u></font>
                               <font color = '" . $font . "'>
                                     <b>Offences:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=offences'>";
       echo "<font color = '" . $font . "'>" . number_format($me['my_crimesdone']) . "</font></a>
                           <br><b>Busted:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=busts'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . number_format($me['my_timesbusted']) . " people</font></a>
                           <br><b>Jailed:</b> " . number_format($me['my_timesjailed']) . " times
                                       <font color = 'white'><b><u>Personal Information</b></u></font>
                                    <font color = '" . $font . "'>";
       $q_ry  = "SELECT *
                            FROM members_profile_info
                            WHERE mp_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $persi = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (!mysql_num_rows($persi)) {
           echo "<br><b>" . htmlentities($me['playername']) . " does not wish to share this information.</b>";
       } else {
           $pi = mysql_fetch_array($persi);
           echo "<br><b>Real name:</b> " . htmlentities($pi['mp_name']) . "
                         <br><b>Country:</b> " . htmlentities($pi['mp_country']) . "
                         <br><b>City:</b> " . htmlentities($pi['mp_city']) . "
                         <br><b>Age:</b> " . ($pi['mp_age']) . "
                         <br><b>MSN:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_msn']) . "
                         <br><b>AIM:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_aim']) . "
                         <br><b>ICQ:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_icq']) . "
                         <br><b>Yahoo:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_yahoo']) . "";

       echo "</td>
                           <td align=left valign=top>
                              <font color = 'white'><b><u>Profile Image:</u></b></font><br/>
<img src='images/flags/bigflags/" . $me['my_country'] . ".png' title = 'This Player Citizens Of " . $me['my_country'] . "'> ";
       $q_ry   = "SELECT t_team
                            FROM member_turfs
                            WHERE t_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . "
                            LIMIT 1";
       $inteam = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (mysql_num_rows($inteam)) {
           $myc = array();
           $myc = mysql_fetch_array($inteam);
           $myc = $myc['t_team'];
           echo "<br/><a href = 'turfwars.php'><img src = 'images/team-" . $myc . ".png' border = '0'></a>";
       $q_ry = "SELECT i_image 
                            FROM member_images 
                            WHERE i_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " 
                            AND i_profile = 1";
       $im   = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (!mysql_num_rows($im)) {
           echo "<br/>
                            <img src='images/blank_man.jpg' alt = 'No images' title = 'No images' width = '200px' border = '0'>";
       } else {
           $mi       = mysql_fetch_array($im);
           $imgcheck = "images/uploads/id" . $_GET['XID'] . "/" . $mi['i_image'] . "";
           $size     = getimagesize($imgcheck);
           if ($size) {
               echo "<br/>
                               <a href=userimages.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "><img src = '" . $imgcheck . "' width = '200px' height = '200' border = '0' onmouseover=\"zxcZoom(this,'" . $imgcheck . "',400,'',3,'C');\" onmouseout=\"javascript:zxcZoom(this);\"></a>";
           } else {
               // error
               echo "<br/>
                                  <font color = 'red'><br/><b>Error while loading image</b></font>.";
       $q_ry = "SELECT i_id 
                                  FROM member_images 
                                  WHERE i_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $cnt  = mysql_query($q_ry);
       $no   = mysql_num_rows($cnt);
<style type="text/css">
#alt_text {
background: url('images/profiles/alt_text_bg.png') no-repeat center top;
width: 205px;
height: 25px;
line-height: 25px;
margin: 0 0 5px 0;
color: black;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 5px 0;
.drop_into_page {
display: none;

       <img src = '/images/profiles/attack-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/mail-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/cash-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/trade-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/bounty-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/stall-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/display-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/stats-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/player-report-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       echo "<br/>
                                     <font color = '" . $font . "'>[</font><a href='userimages.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . $no . " uploaded images</font></a><font color = '" . $font . "'>]</font>
                                              <div id='alt_text'>Choose an option.</div>
                                                 <table width = '220px'>
                                                       <td align = 'left'>
                                                          <a href='attack.php?PID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.attack.src='images/profiles/attack-h.gif';altText('Attack " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/attack.gif' name = 'attack' border='0'>
       echo "<span class = 'openPopup1' rel = 'popup' id = '1'
                               onmouseover=\"document.mail.src='images/profiles/mail-h.gif';this.style.cursor='pointer';altText('Message " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                               <img src='images/profiles/mail.gif' name = 'mail' border='0'>
       echo "<a href='sendcash.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.cash.src='images/profiles/cash-h.gif';altText('Send " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . " cash');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/cash.gif' name = 'cash' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='trade.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.trade.src='images/profiles/trade-h.gif';altText('Initiate a trade with " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/trade.gif' name = 'trade' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='newspaper.php?page=place&XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.bounty.src='images/profiles/bounty-h.gif';altText('Place a bounty on " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/bounty.gif' name = 'bounty' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='stats.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.stats.src='images/profiles/stats-h.gif';altText('View the stats of " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/stats.gif' name = 'stats' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='player_report.php' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.reports.src='images/profiles/player-report-h.gif';altText('Report " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . " To Staff');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/player-report.gif' name = 'reports' border='0'>

       if ($me['display_case'] == 'yes') {
           echo "<a href='display.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.display.src='images/profiles/display-h.gif';altText('View " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "\'s display case');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/display.gif' name = 'display' border='0'>
       if ($me['shop_status'] == 'open' || $_GET['XID'] == $_SESSION['playerid'] && $me['shop_status'] != 'none') {
           echo "<a href='stall.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.stall.src='images/profiles/stall-h.gif';altText('View " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "\'s stall');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/stall.gif' name = 'stall' border='0'>
       if ($pl['am_i_staff'] >= '3') {
           echo "<br/>
                                       <font color = '" . $font . "'>[</font><a href='s-t_a-f_f-_-o-n_l-y/mail_bans.php?action=manage&XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>Mail ban</font></a><font color = '" . $font . "'>]</font>
                                                <font color = '" . $font . "'>[</font><a href='s-t_a-f_f-_-o-n_l-y/forum_bans.php?action=manage&XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>Forum ban</font></a><font color = '" . $font . "'>]</font>";

           $cl = 0;
           while ($fd = mysql_fetch_array($frnd)) {
               echo "<tr>
                                                 <td align = 'left' width = '20%'>
                                                    <div id = 'down" . $fd['pc_id'] . "'>
                                                    <table cellspacing = '3' border = '0'>
                                                          <td align = 'center' valign = 'top' rowspan = '2'>
                                                             <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $fd['pc_playerid'] . "'>" . profile_image($fd['pc_playerid'], 40) . "</a>
                                                          <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                                             <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $fd['pc_playerid'] . "'><font color = '$font'>" . user_name($fd['pc_playerid']) . "</font></a>
                                                          <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                                             <font color = '" . $font . "'>" . stripslashes($pbbc->post_bbcode_parse(htmlentities($fd['pc_message']))) . "<br/>
                                                             " . date('F j Y', $fd['pc_time']) . " - " . date('g:i:s a', $fd['pc_time']) . "</font>";
               if ($fd['pc_playerid'] == $_SESSION['playerid'] || $fd['pc_to'] == $_SESSION['playerid']) {
                   echo "<font color = '" . $font . "'> - <a onClick = 'deleteRow(\"c\", " . $fd['pc_id'] . ",\"\")' style = 'cursor:pointer;'><font color = '" . $font . "'>Delete</font></a></font>";
               echo "</td>
                                                 <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>";
               $q_ry = "SELECT *
                                                          FROM profile_replies
                                                          WHERE pr_comment = " . $fd['pc_id'] . "
                                                          ORDER BY pr_time ASC";
               $reps = mysql_query($q_ry);
               if (!mysql_num_rows($reps)) {
                   echo "<div id = 'c" . $fd['pc_id'] . "'>";

                   if (mysql_num_rows($friendofmine) || $_SESSION['playerid'] == $_GET['XID']) {
                       echo "<table>
                                                                <form name = 'com" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' method = 'post'>
                                                                   <textarea name = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' style = 'width:300px;height:18px;' onKeyUp = 'EnterSub(event, " . $fd['pc_id'] . ")' onClick = 'this.value=\"\"'>Write a comment...</textarea><br/>
                                                                   <input type = 'button' name = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' value = 'Reply' onClick = 'PostReply(" . $fd['pc_id'] . ")'>
                   echo "<hr></div>";
               } else {
                   echo "<div id = 'c" . $fd['pc_id'] . "'><table border = 0' width = '100%'>";
                   $i = 0;
                   while ($rs = mysql_fetch_array($reps)) {
                       if ($i % 2) {
                           $color = "#e3e3e3";
                       } else {
                           $color = "#D8D8D8";
                       echo "<tr>
                                                                <td width = '40px'>
                                                                   <td align = 'left' valign = 'top' bgcolor = $color>
                                                                            <td align = 'center' width = '40px'>
                                                                               <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $rs['pr_playerid'] . "'>" . profile_image($rs['pr_playerid'], 30) . "</a>
                                                                               <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                                                                  <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $rs['pr_playerid'] . "'>" . user_name($rs['pr_playerid']) . "</a>: 
                                                                                  " . stripslashes($pbbc->post_bbcode_parse(htmlentities($rs['pr_reply']))) . "<br/>
                                                                                  " . date('F j Y', $fd['pc_time']) . " - " . date('g:i:s a', $rs['pr_time']);
                       if ($rs['pr_playerid'] == $_SESSION['playerid'] || $fd['pc_to'] == $_SESSION['playerid']) {
                           echo " - <a onClick = 'deleteRow(\"r\", " . $fd['pc_id'] . ", " . $rs['pr_id'] . ")' style = 'cursor:pointer;'>Delete</a>";
                       echo "</td>
                   if (mysql_num_rows($friendofmine) || $_SESSION['playerid'] == $_GET['XID']) {
                       echo "<tr>
                                                                <form name = 'com" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' method = 'post'>
                                                                   <textarea name = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' style = 'width:300px;height:18px;' onKeyUp = 'EnterSub(event, " . $fd['pc_id'] . ")' onClick = 'this.value=\"\"'>Write a comment...</textarea><br/>
                                                                   <input type = 'button' name = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' value = 'Reply' onClick = 'PostReply(" . $fd['pc_id'] . ")'>
                   echo "</table><hr></div>";
               echo "</td>
       echo "</table>
                                           <td colspan = '2'>
                                           <hr width = '100%'>
                                                 <table width = '100%'>
                                                    <tr align = 'center' bgcolor = '#999999'>
                                                       <td align = 'center'>
                                                          <b>Profile signature</b>
                                                    <tr " . $sigcolor . ">
                                                       <td align=center>";
       $sig = array();
       $sig = !$me['my_sig_nature'] ? "None" : stripslashes($bbc->bbcode_parse(htmlentities($me['my_sig_nature'])));
       echo $sig;
       echo "</td>
                                                       <hr width = '100%'>
                                                             <table width = '100%'>
                                                                <tr align = 'center' bgcolor = '#999999'>
                                                                   <td align = 'center'>
                                                                <tr bgcolor = '#DFDFDF'>
                                                                   <td align = 'center'>";
       $q_ry  = "SELECT ma.*,a.*
                                                                               FROM members_awards ma
                                                                               LEFT JOIN awards a
                                                                               ON ma.ma_award = a.a_id
                                                                               WHERE ma.ma_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . "
                                                                               ORDER BY a.a_id ASC";
       $myaws = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (!mysql_num_rows($myaws)) {
           echo "<b>This user has no awards.</b>";
       } else {
           while ($aw = mysql_fetch_array($myaws)) {
               $q_ry = "SELECT ac_alt
                                                                                                 FROM award_checks
                                                                                                 WHERE ac_number = " . $aw['ma_tier'] . "
                                                                                                 AND ac_award_id = " . $aw['a_id'] . " ";
               $alt  = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
               echo "<img src = 'awards-png.php?XID=" . $aw['a_id'] . "&tier=" . $aw['ma_tier'] . "' border = '1'
                                                                                              alt = '" . $aw['a_name'] . ": " . $alt['ac_alt'] . "' title = '" . $aw['a_name'] . ": " . $alt['ac_alt'] . "'> ";
       echo "</td>
                                                                               <hr width = '750px'>";
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function altText(text)
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                         <div class = 'popUp' id = 'popup1'>
echo round_table('450');
                         <table width = '430px' border = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
                         <tr bgcolor = '#999999'><td colspan=2 align = 'right'><span id = '1' rel = 'closepopup'>X</span><center><b>Send a message</b></center></td></tr>
                         <form name = 'popform1' method = 'post' id = 'popform1'><tr>
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                         <input type = 'hidden' name = 'to' id = 'to' size = '5' maxlength = '10' value = '<?= $_GET['XID'] ?>'> 
                         <td width=25% bgcolor=#E3E3E3><b>Subject:</b></td>
                         <td bgcolor=#E3E3E3 align = 'left'><input type = 'text' name = 'subject' id = 'subject' size = '50' maxlength = '50' value=''>
                         <i><font size=2>(Example. Hello)</font></i></td>
                         </tr><tr><td bgcolor = '#E3E3E3' colspan = '2' align = 'center'>

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echo end_round();
Edited by -BRAIDZ-
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Okay now I'm having trouble getting the live counter to work on profile.php for federal jail time, thought I'd try that first to see if it work.

Here's the code.

Line 295 onwards I believe you're looking at..


$_GET['XID'] = abs(intval($_GET['XID']));
if (!$_GET['XID']) {
   echo "<center>Error, Invalid ID!
          <hr width = '75%'>
          ><a href='javascript:history.back()'>Back</a>
          <hr width = '75%'>";
} else {
   $q_ry = "SELECT m.playerid,m.playername,m.am_i_staff,m.my_duties,m.my_level,m.my_rank,m.my_property,
               FROM members m
               INNER JOIN members_extra AS me
               ON m.playerid = me.playerid
               INNER JOIN members_personal AS mp
               ON m.playerid = mp.playerid
               WHERE m.playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
   $who  = mysql_query($q_ry);
   if (!mysql_num_rows($who)) {
       echo "<center>Error, Invalid ID!
               <hr width = '75%'>
               ><a href='javascript:history.back()'>Back</a>
               <hr width = '75%'>";
   } else {
       $me = mysql_fetch_array($who);
       echo "<center>
                        <font size='4' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
                              Profile for " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "
                              <hr width='750px'>";
       $q_ry = "SELECT *
                     FROM profile_skins 
                     WHERE ps_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $pros = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (mysql_num_rows($pros)) {
           $ps = mysql_fetch_array($pros);
           if ($ps['ps_bgimage'] || $ps['ps_bgcolor']) {
               $style = "style = 'background: ";
               if ($ps['ps_bgcolor']) {
                   $style .= $ps['ps_bgcolor'];
                   if (!$ps['ps_bgimage']) {
                       $style .= ";";
               if ($ps['ps_bgimage']) {
                   $bgimagecheck = array();
                   $bgimagecheck = $ps['ps_bgimage'];
                   $bgimage      = array();
                   $bgimage      = getimagesize($bgimagecheck);
                   if ($bgimage) {
                       $style .= " url(\"" . $bgimagecheck . "\") no-repeat center top;";
                   } else {
                       $style .= ";";
               $style .= "'";
           if ($ps['ps_sigbgcolor'] != '') {
               $sigcolor = "bgcolor = '" . $ps['ps_sigbgcolor'] . "'";
           } else {
               $sigcolor = "";
           $table = $style;
           $font  = $ps['ps_fontcolor'];
       } else {
           $sigcolor = "bgcolor = '#DFDFDF'";
           $table    = "";
           $font     = "black";
       echo "<table width = '750px' " . $table . ">
                                       <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                          <font color = 'white'><b><u>Information</b></u></font>

       if ($me['laston'] >= time() - 15 * 60) {
           $onstatus = "online";
       } else {
           $onstatus = "offline";
       echo "<img src='images/" . $onstatus . ".png' title='" . $onstatus . "'/> ";
       echo "<img src='images/" . $me['my_gender'] . ".gif'> ";

       if ($me['my_dondays']) {
           echo "<img src='images/donator.gif' alt = 'Donator: " . $me['my_dondays'] . " days' title = 'Donator: " . $me['my_dondays'] . " days'> ";
       if ($me['vipday']) {
           echo "<img src='images/vip.jpg' alt = 'VIP: " . $me['vipday'] . " days' title = 'VIP: " . $me['vipday'] . " days'> ";
       if ($me['am_i_staff'] > '1') {
           echo "<img src='images/staff.png'> ";
       echo " <br><font color = '" . $font . "'><b>Name:</b> " . user_name($_GET['XID']) . " ";
       echo "<br><b>Online:</b> ";
       if ($onstatus == 'online') {
           echo "<font color=#009900>Online</font>";
       } else {
           echo "Offline";
       $sttus = array(
           '<b><font color=#660099>Helper</font></b>',
           '<b><font color=#0085A3>Moderator</font></b>',
           '<b><font color=#006633>Secretary</font></b>',
           '<b><font color=#AA0000>Admin</font></b>'
       $ranks = array(
           'Absolute beginner',
           'Below Average',
           'Above Average',
           'Highly competent',
           'Highly distinguished',
       echo "<br><b>Status:</b> " . $sttus[$me['am_i_staff']] . "
                  <br><b>Duties:</b> " . $me['my_duties'] . "
                  <br><b>Gender:</b> ";
       if ($me['my_gender'] == 'Male') {
           echo "Male";
       } else {
           echo "Female";
       echo "<br><b>Age:</b> " . $me['my_daysold'] . " days
                  <br><b>Level:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=level'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . $me['my_level'] . "</font></a>
                  <br><b>Rank:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=rank'><font color = '" . $font . "'>#" . $me['my_rank'] . " " . $ranks[($me['my_rank'] - 1)] . "</font></a>
                  <br><b>Faction:</b> ";
       if ($me['my_faction']) {
           $q_ry  = "SELECT fac_id,fac_name 
                        FROM faction_s 
                        WHERE fac_id = " . $me['my_faction'] . " ";
           $fname = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $fn    = mysql_fetch_array($fname);

           echo "<a href='view_faction.php?XID=" . $fn['fac_id'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($fn['fac_name']) . "</font></a>";
       } else {
           echo "N/A";
       echo "<br><b>Property:</b> ";

       $q_ry    = "SELECT p_id,house_name 
                     FROM members_properties
                     LEFT JOIN properties p 
                     ON mp.p_property = p.house_id 
                     WHERE mp.p_id = " . $me['my_property'] . " ";
       $myhouse = mysql_query($q_ry);
       $h       = mysql_fetch_array($myhouse);
       echo "<a href='viewproperties.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($h['house_name']) . "</font></a>
                    [<a href='viewproperties.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>View all</font></a>]
                  <br><b>Job:</b> ";
       if ($me['my_job']) {
           $q_ry  = "SELECT job_NAME
                        FROM system_jobs
                        WHERE job_ID = " . $me['my_job'] . " ";
           $myjob = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $myj   = mysql_fetch_array($myjob);
           echo "<a href='job.php'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($myj['job_NAME']) . "</font></a>";
       } else if ($me['my_comp']) {
           $q_ry  = "SELECT c_owner,c_name
                        FROM members_companies
                        WHERE c_id = " . $me['my_comp'] . " ";
           $myjob = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $myj   = mysql_fetch_array($myjob);
           if ($_GET['XID'] == $myj['c_owner']) {
               echo "Director";
           } else {
               echo "Employee";
           echo " (<a href='companies.php?action=view&XID=" . $me['my_comp'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($myj['c_name']) . "</font></a>)";
       } else {
           echo "None";
       echo "<br><b>Life:</b> " . $me['my_life'] . " / " . $me['my_maxlife'] . "
                        <br><b>Marital Status: </b>";
       if (!$me['my_partner']) {
           echo "Single";
       } else {
           $q_ry    = "SELECT playername 
                              FROM members
                              WHERE playerid = " . $me['my_partner'] . " ";
           $partner = mysql_query($q_ry);
           $pnr     = mysql_fetch_array($partner);
           echo " Married to <a href='profile.php?XID=" . $me['my_partner'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . htmlentities($pnr['playername']) . "</font></a> (" . number_format($me['my_partner_days']) . " days)";
       echo "<br><b>Married:</b> " . $me['my_married_times'] . " times
                        <br><b>Friends:</b> ";
       $q_ry = "SELECT mf_id
                                 FROM members_friends
                                 WHERE mf_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       echo mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($q_ry));
       echo "<br><b>Enemies:</b> ";
       $q_ry = "SELECT me_id
                                 FROM members_enemies
                                 WHERE me_enemy = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       echo mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($q_ry));
       echo "<br><b>Posts:</b> " . $me['my_forumposts'] . " (" . $me['my_forumscore'] . " score)
                              <br><b>Last action:</b> ";
       if ($me['laston'] != '0') {
           $la   = (time() - $me['laston']);
           $unit = "Seconds";
           if ($la >= 60) {
               $la   = (int) ($la / 60);
               $unit = "Minutes";
           if ($la >= 60) {
               $la   = (int) ($la / 60);
               $unit = "Hours";
               if ($la >= 24) {
                   $la   = (int) ($la / 24);
                   $unit = "Days";
           echo "<b>$la $unit ago</b>";
       } else {
           echo "<b>Never</b>";

       echo "<br><b>Signed Up:</b> " . date('F j Y', $me['signup_time']) . " at " . date('g:i:s a', $me['signup_time']) . "
                         <br><b>Last Login:</b> " . date('F j Y', $me['last_login_time']) . " at " . date('g:i:s a', $me['last_login_time']) . "
                         <br><b>Referrals:</b> ";
       $q_ry = array();
       $q_ry = "SELECT ref_id
                                  FROM referals_accepted
                                  WHERE ref_referer = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       echo mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($q_ry));
       echo "<br><br>";
       if ($me['my_jail'] > time()) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>In jail for " . gettimeleft($me['my_jail']) . "<br/>Reason: " . $me['jail_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_hosp'] > time()) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>In hospital for " . gettimeleft($me['my_hosp']) . "<br/>Reason: " . $me['hosp_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_traveltime'] > time() || $me['my_city'] > '0') {
           if ($me['my_city'] > '0') {
               $q_ry                 = "SELECT city_name
                              FROM other_cities
                              WHERE city_id = " . $me['my_city'] . " ";
               $citname              = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
               $citname['city_name'] = explode(":", $citname['city_name']);
               $citname['city_name'] = $citname['city_name'][0];
           } else {
               $citname['city_name'] = "Mafia Town";
           if ($me['my_traveltime'] > time()) {
               echo "<font color = 'green'><b>Currently traveling to " . $citname['city_name'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
           } else {
               echo "<font color = 'green'><b>Currently in " . $citname['city_name'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_mailban']) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>Mail banned for " . $me['my_mailban'] . " day(s).<br/>Reason: " . $me['mban_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";
       if ($me['my_forumban']) {
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b>Forum banned for " . $me['my_forumban'] . " day(s).<br/>Reason: " . $me['fban_reason'] . "</b></font><br/><br/>";

       $q_ry  = "SELECT *
                            FROM fed_jailed
                            WHERE fj_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $infed = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (mysql_num_rows($infed)) {
<script type="text/javascript">
var count = <?= $time['fj_time'] ?>; 
var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); 
count = count - now; 
var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second 
function timer()
count = count - 1; 
if(count == -1) 
  var seconds = count % 60; 
  var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60); 
  var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); 
  var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);   
  minutes %= 60; 
  hours %= 24; document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = days + " days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes and " + seconds + " seconds";
           $if = mysql_fetch_array($infed);
           echo "<font color = 'red'><b><small>In federal jail for <span id='clock' style='background:#adadad;'></span> <br/>
                            Reason: " . $if['fj_reason'] . "</small></b></font><br/><br/>";
       echo "</font>
                            <font color = 'white'><b><u>Criminal Statistics</b></u></font>
                               <font color = '" . $font . "'>
                                     <b>Offences:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=offences'>";
       echo "<font color = '" . $font . "'>" . number_format($me['my_crimesdone']) . "</font></a>
                           <br><b>Busted:</b> <a href='newspaper.php?page=hof&type=busts'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . number_format($me['my_timesbusted']) . " people</font></a>
                           <br><b>Jailed:</b> " . number_format($me['my_timesjailed']) . " times
                                       <font color = 'white'><b><u>Personal Information</b></u></font>
                                    <font color = '" . $font . "'>";
       $q_ry  = "SELECT *
                            FROM members_profile_info
                            WHERE mp_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $persi = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (!mysql_num_rows($persi)) {
           echo "<br><b>" . htmlentities($me['playername']) . " does not wish to share this information.</b>";
       } else {
           $pi = mysql_fetch_array($persi);
           echo "<br><b>Real name:</b> " . htmlentities($pi['mp_name']) . "
                         <br><b>Country:</b> " . htmlentities($pi['mp_country']) . "
                         <br><b>City:</b> " . htmlentities($pi['mp_city']) . "
                         <br><b>Age:</b> " . ($pi['mp_age']) . "
                         <br><b>MSN:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_msn']) . "
                         <br><b>AIM:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_aim']) . "
                         <br><b>ICQ:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_icq']) . "
                         <br><b>Yahoo:</b> " . stripslashes($pi['mp_yahoo']) . "";

       echo "</td>
                           <td align=left valign=top>
                              <font color = 'white'><b><u>Profile Image:</u></b></font><br/>
<img src='images/flags/bigflags/" . $me['my_country'] . ".png' title = 'This Player Citizens Of " . $me['my_country'] . "'> ";
       $q_ry   = "SELECT t_team
                            FROM member_turfs
                            WHERE t_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . "
                            LIMIT 1";
       $inteam = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (mysql_num_rows($inteam)) {
           $myc = array();
           $myc = mysql_fetch_array($inteam);
           $myc = $myc['t_team'];
           echo "<br/><a href = 'turfwars.php'><img src = 'images/team-" . $myc . ".png' border = '0'></a>";
       $q_ry = "SELECT i_image 
                            FROM member_images 
                            WHERE i_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " 
                            AND i_profile = 1";
       $im   = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (!mysql_num_rows($im)) {
           echo "<br/>
                            <img src='images/blank_man.jpg' alt = 'No images' title = 'No images' width = '200px' border = '0'>";
       } else {
           $mi       = mysql_fetch_array($im);
           $imgcheck = "images/uploads/id" . $_GET['XID'] . "/" . $mi['i_image'] . "";
           $size     = getimagesize($imgcheck);
           if ($size) {
               echo "<br/>
                               <a href=userimages.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "><img src = '" . $imgcheck . "' width = '200px' height = '200' border = '0' onmouseover=\"zxcZoom(this,'" . $imgcheck . "',400,'',3,'C');\" onmouseout=\"javascript:zxcZoom(this);\"></a>";
           } else {
               // error
               echo "<br/>
                                  <font color = 'red'><br/><b>Error while loading image</b></font>.";
       $q_ry = "SELECT i_id 
                                  FROM member_images 
                                  WHERE i_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . " ";
       $cnt  = mysql_query($q_ry);
       $no   = mysql_num_rows($cnt);
<style type="text/css">
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height: 25px;
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color: black;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 5px 0;
.drop_into_page {
display: none;

       <img src = '/images/profiles/attack-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/mail-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/cash-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/trade-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/bounty-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/stall-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/display-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/stats-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       <img src = '/images/profiles/player-report-h.gif' class = 'drop_into_page'>
       echo "<br/>
                                     <font color = '" . $font . "'>[</font><a href='userimages.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>" . $no . " uploaded images</font></a><font color = '" . $font . "'>]</font>
                                              <div id='alt_text'>Choose an option.</div>
                                                 <table width = '220px'>
                                                       <td align = 'left'>
                                                          <a href='attack.php?PID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.attack.src='images/profiles/attack-h.gif';altText('Attack " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/attack.gif' name = 'attack' border='0'>
       echo "<span class = 'openPopup1' rel = 'popup' id = '1'
                               onmouseover=\"document.mail.src='images/profiles/mail-h.gif';this.style.cursor='pointer';altText('Message " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                               <img src='images/profiles/mail.gif' name = 'mail' border='0'>
       echo "<a href='sendcash.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.cash.src='images/profiles/cash-h.gif';altText('Send " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . " cash');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/cash.gif' name = 'cash' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='trade.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.trade.src='images/profiles/trade-h.gif';altText('Initiate a trade with " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/trade.gif' name = 'trade' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='newspaper.php?page=place&XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.bounty.src='images/profiles/bounty-h.gif';altText('Place a bounty on " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/bounty.gif' name = 'bounty' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='stats.php?XID=" . $_GET['XID'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.stats.src='images/profiles/stats-h.gif';altText('View the stats of " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/stats.gif' name = 'stats' border='0'>
                                                          <a href='player_report.php' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.reports.src='images/profiles/player-report-h.gif';altText('Report " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . " To Staff');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/player-report.gif' name = 'reports' border='0'>

       if ($me['display_case'] == 'yes') {
           echo "<a href='display.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.display.src='images/profiles/display-h.gif';altText('View " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "\'s display case');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/display.gif' name = 'display' border='0'>
       if ($me['shop_status'] == 'open' || $_GET['XID'] == $_SESSION['playerid'] && $me['shop_status'] != 'none') {
           echo "<a href='stall.php?XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "' 
                                                          onmouseover=\"document.stall.src='images/profiles/stall-h.gif';altText('View " . htmlentities($me['playername']) . "\'s stall');\" 
                                                             <img src='images/profiles/stall.gif' name = 'stall' border='0'>
       if ($pl['am_i_staff'] >= '3') {
           echo "<br/>
                                       <font color = '" . $font . "'>[</font><a href='s-t_a-f_f-_-o-n_l-y/mail_bans.php?action=manage&XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>Mail ban</font></a><font color = '" . $font . "'>]</font>
                                                <font color = '" . $font . "'>[</font><a href='s-t_a-f_f-_-o-n_l-y/forum_bans.php?action=manage&XID=" . $me['playerid'] . "'><font color = '" . $font . "'>Forum ban</font></a><font color = '" . $font . "'>]</font>";

           $cl = 0;
           while ($fd = mysql_fetch_array($frnd)) {
               echo "<tr>
                                                 <td align = 'left' width = '20%'>
                                                    <div id = 'down" . $fd['pc_id'] . "'>
                                                    <table cellspacing = '3' border = '0'>
                                                          <td align = 'center' valign = 'top' rowspan = '2'>
                                                             <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $fd['pc_playerid'] . "'>" . profile_image($fd['pc_playerid'], 40) . "</a>
                                                          <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                                             <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $fd['pc_playerid'] . "'><font color = '$font'>" . user_name($fd['pc_playerid']) . "</font></a>
                                                          <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                                             <font color = '" . $font . "'>" . stripslashes($pbbc->post_bbcode_parse(htmlentities($fd['pc_message']))) . "<br/>
                                                             " . date('F j Y', $fd['pc_time']) . " - " . date('g:i:s a', $fd['pc_time']) . "</font>";
               if ($fd['pc_playerid'] == $_SESSION['playerid'] || $fd['pc_to'] == $_SESSION['playerid']) {
                   echo "<font color = '" . $font . "'> - <a onClick = 'deleteRow(\"c\", " . $fd['pc_id'] . ",\"\")' style = 'cursor:pointer;'><font color = '" . $font . "'>Delete</font></a></font>";
               echo "</td>
                                                 <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>";
               $q_ry = "SELECT *
                                                          FROM profile_replies
                                                          WHERE pr_comment = " . $fd['pc_id'] . "
                                                          ORDER BY pr_time ASC";
               $reps = mysql_query($q_ry);
               if (!mysql_num_rows($reps)) {
                   echo "<div id = 'c" . $fd['pc_id'] . "'>";

                   if (mysql_num_rows($friendofmine) || $_SESSION['playerid'] == $_GET['XID']) {
                       echo "<table>
                                                                <form name = 'com" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' method = 'post'>
                                                                   <textarea name = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' style = 'width:300px;height:18px;' onKeyUp = 'EnterSub(event, " . $fd['pc_id'] . ")' onClick = 'this.value=\"\"'>Write a comment...</textarea><br/>
                                                                   <input type = 'button' name = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' value = 'Reply' onClick = 'PostReply(" . $fd['pc_id'] . ")'>
                   echo "<hr></div>";
               } else {
                   echo "<div id = 'c" . $fd['pc_id'] . "'><table border = 0' width = '100%'>";
                   $i = 0;
                   while ($rs = mysql_fetch_array($reps)) {
                       if ($i % 2) {
                           $color = "#e3e3e3";
                       } else {
                           $color = "#D8D8D8";
                       echo "<tr>
                                                                <td width = '40px'>
                                                                   <td align = 'left' valign = 'top' bgcolor = $color>
                                                                            <td align = 'center' width = '40px'>
                                                                               <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $rs['pr_playerid'] . "'>" . profile_image($rs['pr_playerid'], 30) . "</a>
                                                                               <td align = 'left' valign = 'top'>
                                                                                  <a href = 'profile.php?XID=" . $rs['pr_playerid'] . "'>" . user_name($rs['pr_playerid']) . "</a>: 
                                                                                  " . stripslashes($pbbc->post_bbcode_parse(htmlentities($rs['pr_reply']))) . "<br/>
                                                                                  " . date('F j Y', $fd['pc_time']) . " - " . date('g:i:s a', $rs['pr_time']);
                       if ($rs['pr_playerid'] == $_SESSION['playerid'] || $fd['pc_to'] == $_SESSION['playerid']) {
                           echo " - <a onClick = 'deleteRow(\"r\", " . $fd['pc_id'] . ", " . $rs['pr_id'] . ")' style = 'cursor:pointer;'>Delete</a>";
                       echo "</td>
                   if (mysql_num_rows($friendofmine) || $_SESSION['playerid'] == $_GET['XID']) {
                       echo "<tr>
                                                                <form name = 'com" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' method = 'post'>
                                                                   <textarea name = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'comment" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' style = 'width:300px;height:18px;' onKeyUp = 'EnterSub(event, " . $fd['pc_id'] . ")' onClick = 'this.value=\"\"'>Write a comment...</textarea><br/>
                                                                   <input type = 'button' name = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' id = 'sub" . $fd['pc_id'] . "' value = 'Reply' onClick = 'PostReply(" . $fd['pc_id'] . ")'>
                   echo "</table><hr></div>";
               echo "</td>
       echo "</table>
                                           <td colspan = '2'>
                                           <hr width = '100%'>
                                                 <table width = '100%'>
                                                    <tr align = 'center' bgcolor = '#999999'>
                                                       <td align = 'center'>
                                                          <b>Profile signature</b>
                                                    <tr " . $sigcolor . ">
                                                       <td align=center>";
       $sig = array();
       $sig = !$me['my_sig_nature'] ? "None" : stripslashes($bbc->bbcode_parse(htmlentities($me['my_sig_nature'])));
       echo $sig;
       echo "</td>
                                                       <hr width = '100%'>
                                                             <table width = '100%'>
                                                                <tr align = 'center' bgcolor = '#999999'>
                                                                   <td align = 'center'>
                                                                <tr bgcolor = '#DFDFDF'>
                                                                   <td align = 'center'>";
       $q_ry  = "SELECT ma.*,a.*
                                                                               FROM members_awards ma
                                                                               LEFT JOIN awards a
                                                                               ON ma.ma_award = a.a_id
                                                                               WHERE ma.ma_playerid = " . $_GET['XID'] . "
                                                                               ORDER BY a.a_id ASC";
       $myaws = mysql_query($q_ry);
       if (!mysql_num_rows($myaws)) {
           echo "<b>This user has no awards.</b>";
       } else {
           while ($aw = mysql_fetch_array($myaws)) {
               $q_ry = "SELECT ac_alt
                                                                                                 FROM award_checks
                                                                                                 WHERE ac_number = " . $aw['ma_tier'] . "
                                                                                                 AND ac_award_id = " . $aw['a_id'] . " ";
               $alt  = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($q_ry));
               echo "<img src = 'awards-png.php?XID=" . $aw['a_id'] . "&tier=" . $aw['ma_tier'] . "' border = '1'
                                                                                              alt = '" . $aw['a_name'] . ": " . $alt['ac_alt'] . "' title = '" . $aw['a_name'] . ": " . $alt['ac_alt'] . "'> ";
       echo "</td>
                                                                               <hr width = '750px'>";
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echo round_table('450');
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                         <td width=25% bgcolor=#E3E3E3><b>Subject:</b></td>
                         <td bgcolor=#E3E3E3 align = 'left'><input type = 'text' name = 'subject' id = 'subject' size = '50' maxlength = '50' value=''>
                         <i><font size=2>(Example. Hello)</font></i></td>
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echo end_round();


<script type="text/javascript">
var count = <?= $infed['fj_time'] ?>; 
var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); 
count = count - now; 
var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second 
function timer()
count = count - 1; 
if(count == -1) 
  var seconds = count % 60; 
  var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60); 
  var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); 
  var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);   
  minutes %= 60; 
  hours %= 24; document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = days + " days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes and " + seconds + " seconds";


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<script type="text/javascript">
var count = <?= $infed['fj_time'] ?>; 
var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); 
count = count - now; 
var counter = setInterval(timer, 1000); //1000 will* run it every 1 second 
function timer()
count = count - 1; 
if(count == -1) 
  var seconds = count % 60; 
  var minutes = Math.floor(count / 60); 
  var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60); 
  var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);   
  minutes %= 60; 
  hours %= 24; document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = days + " days " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes and " + seconds + " seconds";


Nope nothing I'll have to put the original code in a pastebin and post it might be easier there, I want to change all my timers like this..

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