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Does anyone here use vagrant? The reason I ask is because I am looking for a decent box that comes with a LAMP stack. Now before people say why use LAMP, why not LEMP? Well, because it's vagrant and what I am working on is using Apache.

My whole problem is that I am not good at all with Ruby, bash, .sh, etc and can't have too much configuring around otherwise I will break it and have to start over again much like I have been doing. I suck at starting up webhosts which is the bottom line here

I have gone to PuPHPet and configured a nice little vagrant box there but I can't get MySQL connection settings to work no matter what I try. I can connect remotely using Sequal Pro and a ssh connection but I can't connect with my local site that is using codeigniter. I have no clue what I am doing wrong, he'll I can't even get it to connect with a hostname to get to the dev site like using my-site.dev I have to connect with the IP address haha.

Any my help is greatly appreciated

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I'm not sure if I completely understand you however you're are having connection issues with your code, so how're you connecting? What is your host? Do you need to specify a port? When I tried connecting to a server which was setup using Ubuntu I was using MySQL workbench where I would specify the port however in the code if i specified the port it wouldn't connect not sure why. I suggest you speak with Nick in WsIRC.

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I am using Codeigniter's db class and I have tried almost every combo imaginable to connect.

I have tried:

localhost with the following:

username: root

password: root

username: vagrant

password: vagrant

username: root

password: root

username: vagrant

password: vagrant

private ip

username: root

password: root

username: vagrant

password: vagrant

I can connect remotely using:

ssh user: vagrant

ssh pass: vagrant

mysql user: root

mysql pass: root

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so you want to access your MySQL server remotely from a different machine? if so there are two options.

1) You can open a ssh tunnel from you local PC to the remote server to forward the mysql port (usualy 3306)

2) You can edit the my.cnf file and edit the bind address from to then alter the MySQL user privileges to allow connections from any host (% i think)

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