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Hey, I have been trying to figure out how to put a limit on the gang creations.

I want it were only 8 gangs can be created in the game.

Here is the file

include 'header.php';

if($_POST['create'] != ""){ // if they are wanting to start a new gang
$error .= ($user_class->money < 25000) ? "<div>You don't have enough money to start a gang. You need at least ".'$25,000</div>' : $error;
$error .= ($user_class->gang != 0) ? "<div>You have to leave your gang to start a new gang.</div>" : "";
$error .= (strlen($_POST['name']) < 3) ? "<div>Your Unit Name has to be at least 3 characters long.</div>" : "";
$error .= (strlen($_POST['name']) > 21) ? "<div>Your Unit Name can only be a max of 20 characters long.</div>" : "";
$error .= (strlen($_POST['tag']) < 1) ? "<div>Your Unit Name has to be at least 1 character long.</div>" : "";
$error .= (strlen($_POST['tag']) > 4) ? "<div>Your Unit Tag can only be a max of 4 characters long.</div>" : "";
       $error = ($user_class->rmdays < 0) ? "You need to be a Respected Marine to make a Unit." : $error;
//check if name is taken yet
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `name`='".$_POST['name']."'");
$exist = mysql_num_rows($check);
$error .= ($exist > 0) ? "<div>The Unit Name you chose is already taken.</div>" : "";
//check if tag is taken yet
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `tag`='".$_POST['tag']."'");
$exist = mysql_num_rows($check);
$error .= ($exist > 0) ? "<div>The tag you chose is already taken.</div>" : "";

if($error == ""){ // if there are no errors, make the gang
	$result= mysql_query("INSERT INTO `gangs` (name, tag, leader, level)"."VALUES ('".$_POST['name']."', '".$_POST['tag']."', '$user_class->id', '1')");

	$newmoney = $user_class->money - 25000; //deduct the cost of the money
       $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs` WHERE `leader` = '".$user_class->id."'");
	$worked = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	$gangid = $worked['id'];

	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `grpgusers` SET `gangappliedto` = '0', `rankname` = 'Capo Crimini/Capo', `stat` = '1',`edit` = '2', `vault` = '2', `members` = '2', `ghouse` = '2', `ranks` = '2', `invite` = '2', `gang` = '$gangid', `rank` = '1', `money` = '".$newmoney."' WHERE `id`='".$_SESSION['id']."'");
	$user_class = new User($_SESSION['id']);
	echo Message("You have successfully created a unit!");
   } else {
   	echo Message($error);

if ($user_class->gang == 0) {
<tr><td class="contenthead">Create Unit</td></tr>
<tr><td class="contentcontent">
	<form method='post'>
	Well, it looks like you haven't join or created a unit yet.<br><br>
	To create a unit it costs $25,000. If you don't have enough, or would like to join someone elses unit, check out the <a href="gang_list.php">Unit List</a> for other gangs to join.<br><br>
	<table width='100%'>

			<td width='15%'>Unit Name:</td>
			<td width='35%'><input type='text' name='name' value='' maxlength='20' size='16'></td>
			<td width='15%'>Unit Tag</td>
			<td width='35%'><input type='text' name='tag' value='' maxlength='4' size='4'></td>
			<td colspan='4' align='center'><input type='submit' name='create' value='Create'></td>


include 'footer.php';

Thanks to all who help me on this.

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What exactly have you tried?

I think something like this will work:

//checks if there arent too many gangs already
$max_amount_of_gangs = 5;
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs`");
$exist = mysql_num_rows($check);
$error .= ($exist >= $max_amount_of_gangs) ? "<div>There are too many gangs already.</div>" : ""
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Just a question but why would you want to limit this? Isn't this a bit too restrictive? Stops your new users from being able to make a new gang. That would make me not wanna play.

Trust me once I am done with this project I can guaranteed you will change your words :)

- - - Updated - - -


What exactly have you tried?

I think something like this will work:

//checks if there arent too many gangs already
$max_amount_of_gangs = 5;
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gangs`");
$exist = mysql_num_rows($check);
$error .= ($exist >= $max_amount_of_gangs) ? "<div>There are too many gangs already.</div>" : ""

Nothing lol

I was getting my info from this article



But thanks yours worked perfectly

Edited by MNG
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