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Function to calculate days between two dates?

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Heres what I got so far:

I am not sure if its correct or not either... According to that site, my days should be correct:

My hours can change by changing dates but my minutes never change...

$current_date_stamp = time();
$cruise_date_stamp = mktime($_REQUEST['hour'], $_REQUEST['min'], 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $_REQUEST['day'], $_REQUEST['YYYY']);
$cruise_date = date("F j, Y", $cruise_date_stamp);
$date_diff = $cruise_date_stamp - $current_date_stamp;
$days = floor($date_diff/(60*60*24));  
$hours = floor($date_diff/(60*60*24*60));
$mins = floor($date_diff/(60*60*24*60*60));

echo "Cruise Date Stamps: " . $cruise_date_stamp;
echo "<BR>Current Date Stamp: " . $current_date_stamp;
echo "<BR>Stamp Difference: " . $date_diff;
echo "<br>Cruise Date: " .  $cruise_date;
echo "<br># of days: " . $days;
echo "<br># of hours: " . $hours;
echo "<br># of minutes: " . $mins . "<BR>";
Posted (edited)

Assuming you mean you want to find the exact time between 2 dates. This is what i made up.


[noparse]function timeDiff($ts1,$ts2)
$ts1=(int) $ts1;
$ts2=(int) $ts2;
$time=(float) ($time-($years*364.25*24*60*60));
$time=(float) ($time-($days*24*60*60));
$time=(float) ($time-($hours*60*60));
$time=(float) ($time-($minutes*60));
$seconds=(float) $time;

$return=$years>0 ? $years.'y' : '';
$return.=$days>0 ? (empty($return) ? '' : ' ').$days.'d' : '';
$return.=$hours>0 ? (empty($return) ? '' : ' ').$hours.'h' : '';
$return.=$minutes>0 ? (empty($return) ? '' : ' ').$minutes.'m' : '';
$return.=$seconds>0 ? (empty($return) ? '' : ' ').$seconds.'s' : '';
$return=empty($return) ? 'NOW!' : $return;

return $return;
Edited by bluegman991

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